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Catherine/Shootout In Valhalla

{{Title|Shootout in Valhalla

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Template:Level Infobox Template:Article Quote Shootout in Valhalla is the fourth chapter of Spartan Ops' third episode, Catherine.[1]


Picking up from the previous chapter, Spartan Jared Miller informs Commander Palmer that a large Covenant force is closing in on Crimsons location. Automated-defense turrets retrieved from Mountain Squad's crashed Pelican are activated by the Spartans throughout the canyon in order to shore up their defenses. As several large Covenant drop pods and Phantom dropships arrive, carrying an assortment of Covenant Storm units, Palmer requests from Miller a proper assessment of all enemy forces in the area. Miller immediately responds by saying they are considerable amounts of Covenant headed towards the Spartans location. Palmer contacts Robert Dalton, asking if her "emergency dispatch" is ready for departure. Dalton acknowledges and says it is leaving the UNSC Infinity.

The situation turns grim as more Phantom dropships arrive, including one carrying a Wraith. Fireteam Crimson do their best to defend the area by keeping close to their turrets, making use of captured Covenant equipment, and using a variety of UNSC weaponry provided from the crashed Pelican. Palmer then informs the team that her "emergency dispatch" has arrived. A lull in the fighting has her bring in four Pelican transports, each ferrying a Mantis Armored Defense System. As Crimson make use of the powered exoskeletons, multiple waves of Banshee fighters, supported by Phantom gunships, arrive in an attempt to re-take the canyon. As the fighting continues, Dalton comes online and informs Palmer that a Covenant cruiser has been spotted within the vicinity. Miller confirms the report, saying it is closing in on Crimsons location.

Commander Palmer then orders a Pelican for Crimson's extraction. Dalton, however, tells her that it would be a suicide mission up against the Covenant cruiser. As more Covenant reinforcements arrive, Miller tells Palmer an idea of his to assist Crimson. Crimson continues to defend their position as the Covenant relentlessly send in waves of reinforcements at them. As the Covenant cruiser comes within range of the canyon, Palmer has a UNSC support vessel fire at the unsuspecting ship. The cruiser is destroyed in a series of explosions as it falls apart towards Requiems surface. Crimson clears out the remaining Covenant, and a Pelican is sent for their extraction. As they wait, Miller receives solid information relating to Parg Vol's where-abouts. Palmer, enthusiastic, has Crimson depart for Parg Vol's location instead of returning to the Infinity to hunt the Sangheili down.


  • Miller (COM): "Heavy Covenant forces headed toward Crimson's position, Commander Palmer."
  • Miller (COM): "Marines have retrieved turrets from the Pelican and deployed them. They just need to be brought online."

A Covenant drop pod arrives and drop off troops in the middle of the canyon.

  • Palmer (COM): "Crimson! Get those turrets activated. Now!"


{Cutscene} Three Pelicans approach Two Giants.


or, if the player has activated the RvB Easter egg:

  • Simmons (COM): "Hold tight, ground forces. We are inbound for reinforcements. Don't want to say exactly what, but you'll like 'em."
  • Simmons (COM): "What? Grif! You ruined the surprise! You have flair for the dramatic!"
  • Grif (COM): "They're in battle, idiot! How dramatic do you want to get?"

The Pelicans drop off the Mantises.


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