Halo 2
Awarded after hitting and killing an opponent with a vehicle.
Halo 3

The Splatter (or Roadkill in Halo 2) Medal is awarded and achieved for hitting and killing an opponent with any kind of vehicle. It is available in all Multiplayer gametypes where a vehicle is available, and has a Bungie difficulty rating of 1 out of 10. The medal can also be achieved in It is represented by in Halo 2 and the Halo 3 Beta a five-pointed star with a tire in the center. In Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach it is represented by a diamond with a yellow street sign, showing a person split in half at the waist.

This medal is accompanied with the message, "You splattered (player)". It is also possible to splatter a player with an object by launching it with an explosive, or using a Gravity Hammer. You can also splatter someone by launching a large object using a Man Cannon.


  • The Halo 3 medal also resembles the "Bob-B-Q" medal from Marathon: Durandal.
  • An altered version of this medal can be seen on Sandbox.
  • This sign first appeared in the series as the Zanzibar Sign Easter Egg on October 31st, though the emblem's design has been a symbol of Bungie for far longer.
  • Earning this medal in a Halo 2 Vista multiplayer game unlocks the Roadkill achievement.
  • Earning this medal with the Mongoose in Halo 3 unlocks the Mongoose Mowdown achievement, if playing on a ranked free for all playlist.
  • Earning this medal five times in a Halo: Reach multiplayer matchmaking game on an Anniversary map unlocks the License to Kill achievement.
  • Although one can not easily gain this medal with a Forklift unless their opponent is sprinting or charging, using the forklift as a projectile will earn one this medal, even if no one is driving it.


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