Noble Actual
- "Commander, sir." - When first meeting Carter.
- "Got it, sir." - After Carter tells Six to leave "that lone wolf stuff" behind.
Winter Contingency
- "Found something." - After Six finds a small card on a corpse in the Visegrad Relay.
ONI: Sword Base
- "I aim to please." - After Jorge compliments the Spartan for finishing the mission.
- "Shield strength, too." - When Jorge and Six tell Dr. Halsey that the armor configuration and shield strength of the Elites at the Visegrad Relay matched those of Zealot-class Elites.
- "Transmitting visual." - After finding a massive Covenant landing zone.
Tip of the Spear
- "Incoming!" - Warning Kat of a missile.
- "On my way." - After Kat asks Six for help after their Warthog crashes.
Long Night of Solace
- "Go ahead, Colonel." - After being hailed over comms by Colonel Holland.
- "Understood, Colonel." - After being given orders.
- "We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out." - Reassuring Holland after he mentions he's stuck his neck out for Noble Team.
- "We have visual. Target confirmed." - After making visual contact with the Covenant corvette.
- "Yes, sir." - After being given new orders to get the fireteam to the bridge.
- "And the good news?" - After Jorge tells Six that the only way off the corvette is gravity.
- "That's a one-way trip." - After Jorge tells Six that the timer on the bomb is broken and must be activated manually.
- "This is Six. Go ahead, Noble Two." - After the civilian transport is away.
- "He didn't make it." - After Kat mentions she got nothing from Noble Five.
- "The last transport is away." - Kat asks what the situation is at Starport Exit.
New Alexandria
- "Sorry I came alone." - After making contact with Carter.
The Package
- "Affirmative." - After being asked if in position to begin a torch and burn op.
- "Yes." - After being handed The Package and Halsey asks if Six has it.
- "I have it." - After Halsey asks to please say the words confirming Six had The Package.
The Pillar of Autumn
- "Sir, you-" - After Carter says he has to get Six and the Package off the Pelican.
- "Done." - After being told to get the Package to the Autumn.
- "Not just me, Sir." - After Keyes tells Six that Halsey said Six could be trusted.
- "Negative. I have the gun. Good luck, sir." - After being asked to board the Pelican after Emile is impaled.
Firefight Voice
- "Yes, sir." - When previewing Six's voice in the Armory
- "Awww." - When stuck with a grenade.