The following is a list of quotes said by Pete Stacker.

Halo: Combat Evolved

The Silent Cartographer

  • "Go, go, go! Pile out people, let's move!" - To Marines, moving out from a Pelican's troop bay on a beach that locates on the same island as Installation 04's Cartographer.
  • "Hey, I didn't know you made house calls, Foehammer!" - To Carol Rawley after killing all the Covenant forces in the beach.
  • "Second Squad! Ready to roll, soon as everybody's topside!" - When the Chief is finding a way though the locked door that blocks the way to the Cartographer.
  • "Dammit! Okay, people, we got company comin', let's set the table. Engage enemy forces on sight!" - After Foehammer informed Second Squad about Covenant air forces approaching.
  • "Negative! They're closin' in too fast, negative!" - When Cortana suggested to engage the enemy inside the structure.
  • "Chief! You gotta find the Cartographer! We'll keep 'em busy as long as we can!" - to John-117, last scripted line said in Halo: Combat Evolved.

Gameplay Quotes

  • "Bet they know all about God now!" Said when killing off a group of Covenant.
  • "Well, damn! You monkeys almost looked like soldiers out there!" - Whenever his squad clears an area of enemies.
  • "Well, that's one way to save ammo!" - If you run over a lot of Covenant with a Warthog.
  • "It always pays to make sure." - Shooting a dead Covenant body.
  • "Fall back!" - When Marines are getting quickly killed (note that even though he gives the order to fall back, no one falls back, not even him).
  • "He's an idiot, about to become a dead idiot."
  • "Oh!" - When getting hit.
  • "Oh! Ahhh that burns!" - Under fire.
  • "Oh! I'm hit!" - Under fire.
  • "Huhhh! Damit!" - Under fire.
  • "I would have been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence!" - Taunting enemies. This line is shared with Johnson, and referenced in a Halo 3 skull.
  • "You are gonna die!" - After becoming severely injured and extremely angry.
  • "You are dead! Damn dead!" - As above.
  • "Show me what you got!" - As above.
  • "Who wants a piece of me!?" - As above
  • "You got insurance on this thing?" - When you drive a Warthog badly.
  • "Rock n' roll, let's get ready people!" - When sighting a far-off enemy.
  • "Break out the butter, because you are about to get fried!" - Engaging enemies on a Warthog gun.
  • "Pedal the metal!" - When he gets in the Warthog.
  • "That's another...Anyone gonna help me here?" - After he kills an enemy by himself, with no aid.
  • "Wow, theres no stopping me now!" - After killing an enemy.
  • "EW! Just like a big zit!" - After an Infection Form explodes.
  • "Get me an angle!"
  • "Want some more?" - After he kills an enemy.
  • "Got to have an angle!"
  • "Damn!" - When seeing a large number of enemies.
  • "Get me a damn angle!"
  • "Where, where?" - Resonding to Marine's alerts.
  • "Nice and smooth now!" - When he rides in a Warthog over uneven terrain.
  • "Anybody see em?" - looking for the enemy.
  • "Stay on target" - When shooting an enemy from a Warthog.
  • "There it is!" - Usually another Marine will then say "I got him!".
  • "Line them up, people!" - After killing multiple enemies.
  • "Alright! Pick em up, lay em down marines!" - Engaging the enemy.
  • "Keep it up people!" - When one of his sqaud takes an enemy out.
  • "Everybody out, lets go go go!" - After getting out of a Warthog.
  • "Hey!" - If you shoot near him while he is idle.
  • "Go go go go go!" - After getting out of a Warthog.
  • "Aaaa!" -If you shoot near him while he is idle.
  • "What the...?" -If you shoot near him while he is idle.
  • "Wow!" -If you shoot near him while he is idle.
  • "Huhhh!" -If you shoot near him while he is idle.
  • "Hey, try aiming now!" - If you shoot at him.
  • "Watch it!" - If you or another marine shoot him.
  • "Watch your fire!" - If you or another marine shoot him.
  • "You cant touch this!" - After killing an enemy.
  • "Firing!" - Engaging the enemy.
  • "Covering fire!" - Engaging the enemy.
  • "Game on" - After getting in a Warthog.
  • Alright, lets go!" - After getting in a Warthog.
  • "Its showtime!" - After getting in a Warthog.
  • "Pile out people, lets move!" - After getting out of a Warthog.
  • "Kick some ass!" - After getting out of a Warthog
  • "Floor it!" - After getting in a Warthog.
  • "Go, kick ass!" - After getting out of a Warthog.
  • "Lets roll!" - After getting in a Warthog.
  • "I'm on fire!" - After killing a large number of enemies.
  • "You like that?!" - After killing an enemy.
  • "Here comes more" - After seeing more enemies.
  • "Oh, that will teach them..." - After killing multiple enemies.
  • "Let God sort them out!" - After killing multiple enemies.
  • "Oh, crap!" - After seeing enemies in the distance.
  • "Keep it steady!"
  • "Dance sucker"
  • "Damn I look good" - after getting a kill.
  • "Get out of the way!" - If the player stands in his way.
  • "I can't get a clear shot!" - If the player stands in his way.
  • "You are in my way boy!" - If the player stands in his way.
  • "Move, get your head down" - If the player stands in his way.
  • "AAA, that burns" - After getting shot with a plasma weapon.
  • "Over there!" - When he spots an enemy.
  • Eat it!" - When shooting at an enemy.
  • "Trigger fingers down boys!"
  • "Come on" - Waiting to kill another enemy that is hiding.
  • "Boy, that all you got?!"
  • "Need some?!"
  • "Who else"
  • "How about some of this?!"
  • "Wear your glasses, boy!"
  • "What is wrong with you?"
  • "What is your problem?!"
  • "Point that thing somewhere else!"
  • "Hey, careful!"
  • "What the hell?!"
  • "Hey, its me!"
  • "Check your targets, Marines!"
  • "Hey, try aiming that weapon!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Real good you jackass!"
  • "My men are not the enemy!" - If you start team killing.
  • "I'd love it if you'd stop killing my men!" - as above.
  • "A favor! Don't kill my men!"
  • "Would you mind not killing my men?!"
  • "Are you nuts?"
  • "Oh, he lost it"
  • "Whats wrong with you?"
  • "What the hell..."
  • "Oh, that's enough of that!"
  • "Take down his shields first"
  • "Dance, sucker"
  • "Get EEM, he is CRAZEE!"
  • "Kill that armored freak"
  • "He's gone rampant, take him down!"
  • "We're through with you, boy!"
  • "Get him, men!"
  • "Die traitor!"
  • "Take him out, marines!"
  • "Bust him up good!"
  • "That's enough of that, you are dead meat!"
  • "Oh, that's enough, you are dead!"
  • "Get him! Traitor."
  • "Jackass." - When you are killed for team-killing.
  • "Oh, Captain's not gonna like this one..." - As above.
  • "Cortana?!! Cortana, can you hear me in there?!" - If the Chief is killed.
  • "Somebody call Keyes, tell him what happened..."
  • "Alright, start digging a hole, someone start digging a hole."
  • "Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!"
  • "We are bulled over!"
  • "This sucks with a capital K!"
  • "Oh, now what?"
  • "Oh, thats just great! Now what?"
  • "We are done for!"
  • "Somebody get Cortana out of his head"
  • "I dont believe it...I dont believe it!"
  • "Well, thats it!"
  • "Its over"
  • "Great! Now what?"
  • "This aint bad, this is real BAD!"
  • "Woooh...Damn it"
  • "Oh, that...thats it!"
  • "It is over!" - When throwing a grenade.
  • "Frag, out!" - Throwing a grenade
  • "Grenade! It's live!! It's live!" - If the Chief or a marine throws a grenade.
  • "Grenade! Get the hell outta there!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Haaa!....What the...?"
  • "What the?...Hey!"
  • "Wow!"
  • "Whats that?" - After a Grunt throws a grenade.
  • "Work your mark marine!" - Engaging the enemy.
  • "Get the lead out! Marines!" - Engaging the enemy.
  • "Sorry." - After shooting an ally.
  • "Follow me marine." - looking for the enemy.
  • "Pick your targets marines!" - Engaging the enemy.

Halo 2


  • "We're operational ma'am. Barely. Our pilots didn't make it. - To Cortana, who asks about his status.
  • "Chief! Glad you could make it. Crash site's on the other side of this hotel, Chief. Covenant are crawling all over it. Follow me." - When the player has reached area.
  • "Stay outta sight." - In the Hotel Zanzibar corridor, after seeing a few shots of Plasma bolts impacting the end of the hallway.



Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack Bonus Video: Another Day at the Beach

  • "You heard the man, boys. It's time for some hazard pay!" - To Marines onboard his Pelican, over the city of Mombasa.
  • "Grab their tags and ammo." - After reports of the deaths of the Pelican pilot and Private O'Brian.
  • "Agreed. We'll find better cover in those buildings. Butkis, you take point." - To Private Butkis, who recommends to leave the crash site.
  • "Damn, where is he? Anybody see him?" - To the team, after being ambushed by an Elite.
  • "Cook the bastard." - To Private Butkis, who's holding a charged Plasma Pistol, referring to the Minor Elite who took Lance Corporal Jones as hostage.

Gameplay Quotes

  • "Chief I know you saw me standin' there!"- When shot at. (He says the same in Halo 3.)
  • "You can't be that bad on purpose, Chief". - When you shoot him.
  • "Well, I'd be pretty angry too if my face looked like a squid!" -said whenever an Elite roars at him.
  • "How do I look like, Marine?" - Said after a Marine asks how Stacker is doing.
  • "Split Chin Bastard!" - to an elite
  • "Where the hell did you learn to drive?" - When the Chief drives a Warthog badly with Stacker on board. (He says this exact line in Halo CE as well.)
  • "Heh, and my mom thought I was gonna be a doctor."
  • "If we survive, remind me to kick your ass!"
  • "Ewww! Big green's gonna get ya!"
  • "Keep it up and you might be on my good side." - When the Chief scores a lot of kills.
  • "You got two hands, you used them before, use them now!" - When the Chief misses a lot of shots.
  • "Hey, you made that look easy!" - When the Chief kills an enemy with a headshot.
  • "I'll pretend... that was an accident, Chief." - When you shoot him.
  • "That's what I call a team effort, let's get ready, people!" - When two or more Marines kill an enemy.
  • "That is why you got the I in Chief." - When the Master Chief clears the area of enemies.
  • "You do not have the right to wear the beret!" - When the Chief misses a lot of shots.
  • "Hey, if you suck, it's your own damn fault." - said after a Marine complains of kill stealing
  • "Hey, anyone got earplugs?" - While climbing into the Warthog Gunner seat (he says the same in Halo 3).
  • "I can't hold a grudge against you." - If you kill too many Marines and you stop.
  • "That'll be one dollar for the first minute, ten cents after that." - When given a bad weapon.
  • "Man, I could make a mess with this!" - If given a power weapon.
  • "Don't cry, you're gonna make me feel bad." - After killing an enemy.
  • "Man, you're shooting like you got a cheat code!" - If you shoot bullets and miss your targets a lot.
  • "Next time I need a taxi you're the man to call, Chief!" - Outskirts after you jump something in the Warthog and land safely.
  • "These Marines look up to you, Chief." - If you kill a Marine.
  • "How are you still alive?" - After the Chief misses a lot of shots or kills an ally and injures him.
  • "Alright, I admit it,That Hurt!" - when shot. (Also said in Halo 3)
  • "Does the word training mean anything to you?" - When you shoot him.
  • "Ew! You make my mother-in-law look pretty!" - When attacking an Elite.
  • "Suck it, split-lip!" - Taunting an Elite.
  • "Uh, leave the cursing to the professionals, son." - Said after a Marine shouts "Stupid alien!"
  • " owe me big time." - If given a bad weapon.
  • "You are lucky that breathing is an involuntary reflex." - If the Chief becomes injured.
  • "You are VERY lucky breathin' is an involuntary action!" When the Chief kills many enemies by himself without grenades.
  • "Hey! Mr. Spaghetti!" - Seeing an Elite.
  • "Boy, he's so ugly when he cries the tears roll down the back of his ears!" - Upon seeing a Elite.
  • "That's fine and all, but you still owe me twenty bucks." When give Stacker a power weapon. (Also said in Halo 3)
  • "Come on out here so I can Smoke ya!"
  • "Oh, We got a Ghost inbound!"
  • "Alright, this is it, people! Let's rough 'em up!" - When faced with multiple enemies and vehicles, and allied with a group of Marines.
  • "Careful, she's a kicker!" - When getting off a warthog turret.
  • "Well, if you think you can do better..." - When ordered off a warthog turret after multiple kills. (Also said in Halo 3)
  • "Well, too bad!" - Said after a marine shouts "I got shotgun!" as he gets into the shotgun seat before the other Marine.
  • "Let the pretty lady in!"- Stacker "You trying to get slapped or kissed?"- Female Marine
  • "Does the name Bozo mean anything to you?"- when you shoot him.
  • "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I kill you." as per above.
  • "Hey, cow chunky!"
  • "Hostile! And I mean it!"
  • "Hot potato!" when throwing a Grenade.
  • "Holy shit, that was fun, but DAMN!" When the barrel rolls over an ally.
  • "NOW WHAT WAS SO HARD ABOUT THAT?!" When the team quickly dispatches multiple enemies.
  • "Calamari!" After he, a Marine, or the Master Chief kills an Elite
  • "EHHHHHHHH Calamariiiiiii!" To an elite
  • "I hope you ain't all talk marine." - when a marine taunts the enemy.


Halo 3

Some of these quotes may also belong to Sergeant Reynolds.

Crow's Nest

  • "Get those turrets up! Watch your fields of fire!" - To Marines in Crow's Nest, defending the op-center.
  • "Quiet. Cut the chatter." - After a short conversation between two Marines.
  • "Calm before the storm, Marines. Enjoy it." - When the Marine respond the previous quote with "What is it, Sergeant?".
  • "Point of entry, best assessment?" - After a vigorous shake in the cave area he is stationed in.
  • "Agreed. Master Chief, get there." - After a Marine suggested the Hangar.
    • Co-op Change: "Agreed. Chief, Arbiter. Get there."
  • "Drones! A whole swarm! Take 'em down!! Short, controlled bursts!!" - Outside op-center, which Drones attempted to assault at.
  • "If I try to hook up a timer, it might just go off by itself." - Said in front of the Unidentified UNSC bomb, only if Sergeant Reynolds is the Sergeant commanding the Marines in the cave area.
  • "You did the best you could, sir. Let's get the survivors up to the hangar. There's an elevator just outside the barracks." - To the Master Chief and Arbiter, after rescuing Marines captured in the Barracks. Only in Co-op as Arbiter will say this line in Campaign Solo.

Tsavo Highway

  • "I repeat: My convoy's been hit. I've got wounded...(Static) We're on the Tsavo Highway about...(Static) East of Voi. Someone, anyone, please, respond!" - By COM, while the Chief leads a team of Marines away from the destroyed Crow's Nest by driving a Warthog.
  • "We were en route to Voi, Chief. Banshees jumped us, started strafing. Pretty much ruined our day." - To John-117, who saved him just in time.
  • "Marines in Voi really needed my supplies, Chief. But I'm pretty sure they'll be plenty happy to see you." - In a Warthog with the Master Chief, riding into the tunnel blocked by a Covenant Anti-vehicle barrier.
  • "Take down that barrier, Chief. Power Supply should be inside the tunnel." - If the player stalls at the Barrier.
  • "Chief, the barrier only works against vehicles. You should be able to walk right through." - If the player continues to wait around the Barrier.

The Storm

  • "Ready when you are, Chief. Open the door, take point; we'll cover you with the .50!" - Outside a factory in Voi.
  • "Chief, open the door; we can roll on through!" - When blocked by another door inside the factory.
  • "Gotta get around ‘em, Chief! Look for gaps in their armor!" - If the player is taking too much time attempting to defeat the Mgalekgolo in the factory.

The Ark

  • "Hey... how's ninety millimeters of tungsten strike ya?" - Taunting the Covenant while leading a group of Scorpion Tanks on Installation 00's surface.
  • "All armor, form up on the lower doorway. Chief, get upstairs; have your robot pick that lock!" - To John-117, outside a Forerunner wall.
  • "Yeah, well... you're also our ticket through this wall. So if you don't mind...?" - To 343 Guilty Spark, who frowns at the nickname "robot".
  • "We'll go along Chief, you take the upper floor. Make sure we have a path through the wall!" - If the player waits around outside the wall.
  • "All armor, form up! Hit 'em where it hurts!" - Commanding the tanks, after going through the wall.
  • "First line clear! Move up!" - When the two Wraith's are destroyed.
  • "Second line clear! Push forward!" - When the next two Wraiths accompanied by Ghosts are eliminated as well.
  • "Bravo, flank and cover! I want everybody supportin' the Chief; he'll take it down!" - Outside the Scarab-guarded Cartographer.
  • "Take out the legs Chief" - If the player stalls in the Scarab fight.
  • "TAKE, OUT, THE LEGS! Climb on board!" - If the player continues to stall.
  • "The back plating looks vulnerable, light that sucker up!"- If the player continues to stall after the previous quote.
  • "Hit it in the KNEES Chief!"- In frustration, after the previous quote and the player still doesn't disable the Scarab.

The Covenant

  • "Pile out! Go go go! Alright, up the beach! Take out that Wraith!" - Near the first Barrier Tower, after his Pelican's wingman was shot down by an AA Wraith.
  • "Hornets inbound!" - Outside the Ark's Citadel.


Gameplay Quotes

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Halo: Reach



  • "Copy, Dispatch. What's the status of the tower pad?" - To Kilo Dispatch, after being acknowledge that evacuation on the Traxus Tower will be commenced.
  • "Kilo 26, this is Kilo 40. Covenant Corvette is raining hell on us! Final Protective Fire - One, danger close, on my command, over!" - Commanding batteries in the city of New Alexandria.
  • "Hold on to your helmets!" - After confirmation on firing at the Corvette mentioned above.
  • "Negative, 26! Corvette still coming!" - To Kilo 26, after an unsuccessful shot at the Corvette.
  • "Damn! How do you stop that thing?" - After second shot at the Corvette.
  • "Uh, we're evacuating a group of civilians on the floor below you. Soon as they reach the cargo port, I'll send the elevator back up." - to a UNSC Army trooper, who complains about the speed of the elevator inside Traxus Tower.
  • "If you're trying to get to the tower you're too late, Lieutenant. Corvette over the starport pounded the hell out of the place. Cargo port is impassable on foot, rooftop evacs are lost. We can use the executive landing pad, except there's no easy way to get there. A group of ODST specialists are working a plan. They might appreciate some backup." - to Noble Six, who finally enters the elevator along with the trooper mentioned above. Last scripted dialogue in Halo: Reach.

Firefight Voice

  • "Do I look like an ammo bank to you?!" - When previewing his voice in the Armory.
  • "Yes?" - When previewing his voice in the Armory.
  • "I can see myself in your visor! Pretty..." - When previewing his voice in the Armory.
  • "All those years of braces for nothing!" - when scoring a headshot.
  • "Boom, headshot." - headshot.
  • "Oooh, headshot!" - Headshot.
  • "Ohhh, Closed casket for you!" - headshot.
  • "I can see through that!" - headshot.
  • "I can drive a truck through that hole!" - headshot.
  • "Fuel Rod Cannon up." - when switching to a Fuel Rod Gun.
  • "Check out this big ol' banana slug!" - when switching to a Fuel Rod Gun.
  • "T-33 up" - when switching to a Fuel Rod Gun.
  • Rocket's up!" - When switching to the Rocket Launcher.
  • "M-41 up!" - when switching to the Rocket Launcher.
  • "We got to blow something up!" - When switching to the Rocket Launcher.
  • "I'm driving." - when getting into the drivers seat of a vehicle.
  • "Saddle up we're movin' out!" - when getting into the driver's seat of a vehicle.
  • "Ok, find me somethin' to shoot!" - When getting in the gunner's seat of a vehicle.