Forge Labels

Revision as of 01:51, December 13, 2010 by 31stCenturyMatt (talk | contribs) (→‎Slayer: Incredible work, by the way.)

Gametype labels, also known as Forge labels, are special designations that may be applied to most Forge Objects in Halo: Reach. Each gametype label, when applied to an object, gives that object one or more special properties. For example, applying the label "KOTH_HILL" to an object will turn that object into a Hill for King of the Hill gametypes. Gametype labels, when used on an object whose "Gametype-Specific" setting is "true", can also be used to make an object only spawn when a map is played with a specific gametype. Some labels, like "INFECTION" and "CTF", exist solely for this purpose and are otherwise non-functional.[1]

To apply a gametype label to an object, open that object's properties menu (by pressing X when aiming at the object), and then open the "Advanced Options" sub-menu. Note that to apply the labels for a given gametype, you must select that gametype in the Forge lobby (in place of "Basic Editing").

List of gametype labels

The following is a list of gametype labels and their effects.[2][3]


Though these labels are not available in all gametypes, they are not Gametype-Specific.

This object will only spawn in FFA games.[1]
This object will only spawn in team games.[1]


If a team is not present during a game, its AS_BOMB and AS_GOAL objects will not be active. Neutral AS_BOMBs are only active in Neutral Bomb.

A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Assault.
A spawn point for a bomb in Assault. To fully support Assault (Assault, One Bomb, Neutral Bomb), there must be one of these per-team, and one owned by Neutral.
A drop location for a bomb in Assault. To fully support Assault (Assault, One Bomb, Neutral Bomb), there must be one of these per-team.
A Respawn Area that is active when its owner's bomb is not planted. This label only has an effect when applied to Respawn Zones; if applied to other objects, those objects become invulnerable and cannot be picked up.
A Respawn Area that is active when its owner's bomb is planted. This label only has an effect when applied to Respawn Zones; if applied to other objects, those objects become invulnerable and cannot be picked up.

Capture the Flag

A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in CTF.
A spawn and drop point for flags in CTF. To fully support CTF (CTF, One Flag), there must be one of these per-team. There must be enough clear space around the object for a flag to spawn, and the object will not spawn a flag if its owning team is not active in the game.[5]
A Respawn Area that is active when its owner's flag is at home. This label only has an effect when applied to Respawn Zones; if applied to other objects, those objects become invulnerable and cannot be picked up.
A Respawn Area that is active when its owner's flag is stolen. This label only has an effect when applied to Respawn Zones; if applied to other objects, those objects become invulnerable and cannot be picked up.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Headhunter.
A location for scoring skulls. There must be at least one on the map to support Headhunter.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Infection.
A Haven, for use in Safe Havens. To support Infection (even if Havens are disabled), there must be at least one INF_HAVEN on the map. To fully support Save Havens, there must always be at least two Havens on the map during gameplay.
A generic gametype label with no special function.


Invasion is much more complex than other gametypes, and it uses a large amount of gametype labels.[8]

A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Invasion.
An object with this label will be deleted at the end of a Phase. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting to specify which Phase this object is active in. The object must have a non-Never Respawn Time. Do not use this label on weapons, vehicles, or Armor Ability pickups.
An internally-used label that should not be applied to objects in Forge. It is used on Spire's Man Cannons.
A destination for a Phase -- that is, a Territory, or the drop point for a Bomb or Core. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting (with values of 1, 2, or 3) to set which Phase this objective is used for. Edit the object's Shape properties to define the size of the area.
A spawn point for a Bomb or Core. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting (with values of 1, 2, or 3) to set which Phase this objective is used for.
An internally-used label that should not be applied to objects in Forge.
A respawn area for Phase 1. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting (with values of 0, 1, or 2) to specify which Fireteams may spawn here. (A value of 3 or higher makes the area usable by all Fireteams on a team.) Edit the object's Shape properties to define the size of the area.
A respawn area for Phase 2. It functions identically to INV_RES_P1 objects.
A respawn area for Phase 3. It functions identically to INV_RES_P1 objects.
A backfield respawn zone, usable by all Fireteams on a team. Edit the object's Shape properties to define the size of the area.
An object with this label will spawn at the start of a Phase. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting to specify which Phase will make this object spawn. The object must have a non-Never Respawn Time.
Functions identically to INV_VEHICLE, but no waypoint is shown over the object.

Invasion Slayer

A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Invasion Slayer.
An area that can be captured to spawn weapons and vehicles. Required.
A respawn zone for a Fireteam. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting (with values of 0, 1, or 2) to specify which Fireteams may spawn here. (A value of 3 or higher makes the area usable by all Fireteams on a team.)
Do not use this label.
Do not use this label.
An internally-used gametype label used to track vehicles created by the game engine. The game engine will not spawn new vehicles at drop points (or new vehicles with this label) if more than 15 vehicles with this label are present on the map.
Objects with this label will be deleted when the map is saved.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Juggernaut.

King of the Hill

A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in KOTH.
A Hill. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting to specify the order in which Hills should activate when the gametype uses ordered Hills. (Note that that setting is currently broken.) At least one must be present on the map to support KOTH.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Oddball.
A ball spawn point. At least one must be present on the map to support Oddball.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Race.
A generic gametype label with no special function.
A checkpoint. Use the "Spawn Sequence" setting to specify the order that players must drive through them. Multiple checkpoints can share the same Spawn Sequence, in which case a driver may pass through either. Players may respawn at the nearest checkpoint upon dying. These objects are required to support Race.
Objects with this label will be deleted when the map is saved.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Rally.
A generic gametype label with no special function.
A Rally checkpoint. These objects are required to support Rally.
Objects with this label will be deleted when the map is saved.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Slayer.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Stockpile.
A spawn point for flags. Required.
A goal point for flags. At least one per-team is needed.


A generic gametype label with no special function. Use on a Gametype-Specific object to make that object only spawn in Territories.
A Territory. Territories must have a non-zero "Spawn Sequence" setting. The number of Territories to be used can be specified in the gametype settings; the Territories with the lowest Spawn Sequence values are the ones that are used first. At least one must be present on the map, and no more than five will be used.

Debug leftovers

A number of objects with invalid gametype labels exist on maps. Default Boneyard and Spire, for example, possess several objects with abnormal labels. These objects are Gametype-Specific, but because their labels do not correspond to any known or usable gametypes, they are only visible in Basic Editing.

Objects bearing the "INVASION_SLAYER" label (the correct label is "INV_SLAYER") can be found in these places:

  • Shotgun in a small room near the Core room on Boneyard[17]
  • Grenade Launcher in a small room opposite Boneyard's INVASION_SLAYER Shotgun
  • Rocket Launcher lying in a U-shaped piece on Boneyard's Junkyard
  • Plasma Launcher on Boneyard's conveyor belt
  • Rocket Launcher on Spire, near the Sniper Rifle
  • Focus Rifle on Spire, near the second Phase's objectives
  • Plasma Launcher on Spire, opposite the INVASION_SLAYER Focus Rifle

Boneyard also has two Initial Spawn Points with the "CINEMA_TEST" label, in the open expanse that Elites must cross in Phase 1.[18] Spire has two Hill Markers with the "TELEPORTER" label; one next to the Man Cannon near the Spire, and another next to that Man Cannon's destination.
