Template:Ratings Template:Ship Missionary Ships are small spacecraft built by the Covenant.
They are known to have very little, or no onboard weaponry. Crewed primarily by Unggoy and Kig Yar, they are often sent out to search and find Forerunner relics.
The only known Missionary Ship mentioned thus far was the Minor Transgression, which was captained by Shipmistress Chur'R-Yar. It was later destroyed during a battle with Sergeants Johnson and Byrne by the Ship Mistress, Chur'R-Yar, in an attempt to kill Sgt. Johnson.
The Minor Transgression was described as being shaped like a fishhook, with many segmented compartments and barbed antennae spanning from the prow to the stern engine. The ship had an umbilical that the crew used to board enemy vessels.