Covenant cruiser at Longhorn Valley

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"It was turned into the biggest fragmentation grenade in history."
— Kelly-087

This Unnamed Covenant Cruiser, was a warship in the Covenant Navy, which took part in the Battle of Reach.


The Cruiser was a member of the Fleet of Particular Justice, it landed 10,000 ground forces on Reach in order to destroy the Orbital Defense Generator in the area. It was encountered by Red Team that splited up into four teams, to deal with separate objectives. Team Alpha (Frederic-104, Kelly-087, and Joshua-029) was tasked with destroying the Cruiser, but had to find a way to do so without damaging the ODGs, they had Fury Tactical Nukes, but the EMP from the blast would have burned out the ODGs. They realized that the Cruisers shields would probably absorb the EMP, so Red Team hijacked 3 Banshees and headed towards the ship. They were spotted by an Unggoy, Zawaz, but he figured they were Elites and didn't bother reporting the 3 Banshees. When Team Alpha was close enough, they activated and tossed the Fury Tactical Nuke into the ship's grav lift, placing the nuke inside the ship. The EMP was absorbed by the shield, but the ship was destroyed, killing the Covenant troops in the area.