Twin Plasma Cannons are standard weapons mounted on many Covenant vehicles, like the Ghost, Banshee and the Seraph.
The Twin Plasma Cannons are directed energy weapons capable of firing automatic bursts of superheated plasma (in the 100-250 kW range). They are very powerful weapons against energy shields, but aren't as effective against flesh.
Its major advantage is its rapid rate of fire: 450 to 600 projectiles per minute, making this powerful against light vehicles and infantry, but not so good against heavy armored vehicles (such as tanks).
It uses energy from the power core of the vehicle where it is mounted, but one disadvantage is that it cannot be fired while the vehicle's boost is engaged.
In addition, the bolts have a stun effect, allowing it to destroy "stronger" weapons, such as tanks, as they cannot turn fast enough to face the attacker. This, paired with the Ghost's evasive prowess, makes it a common maneuver against all vehicles (including other Ghosts).
- You will need to lead targets, because the bolts travel at a relative slow speed.
- Also, you will need a lot of space to maneuver your vehicle, because you must turn the whole vehicle to aim, as they are mounted on it.
- When you are hit by a plasma bolt fired from this weapon, you run slower.
- While boosting, you cannot fire the Plasma Cannons because the energy used to fire them is being channeled to the boosters.
- In Halo: Combat Evolved, the Twin Plasma Cannons fired simultaneously, while in Halo 2 and Halo 3, they fire alternatively.
- In Halo 2, the cannons of a Ghost look like miniature Weapon/Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle .