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The Katana (sometimes also incorrectly called the Hayabusa sword) is a special armor permutation unlockable by earning achievements (1000 gamerscore in Halo 3 out of 1750, and at least 49 Achievements. Halo 3 has 79 Achievements in total, and all skulls (including silver skulls). The Katana closely resembles Ryu Hayabusa's Dragon Sword, and is not usable by the player. It has been observed that completing the "new" achievements, thereby boosting gamerscore above 1000, will unlock the Katana or Security helmet (I.e. 990 and then unlocking the new "Double Double" achievement for an end result of 1015 will unlock the Katana.)


The Katana consists of a normal Hayabusa body armor with a Katana sword affixed to the back with a white attachment, possibly magnetized. The sheath of the katana is grey and the handle is a reddish brown color.


  • There also seem to be some markings on the hilt of the sword resembling Japanese characters.
  • The Katana resembles the first Dragon Sword Ryu gets in Ninja Gaiden, not the True Dragon Sword.
  • The Katana and the Security armor permutations both come with getting 1000 GS/49 Achievements in Halo 3. Because of this, some fans thought that the Katana should have gone with the Security armor instead of the Hayabusa.
  • It is considered by some to be the hardest armor to unlock, along with the Security helmet, because of the difficulty of some of the game's achievements.
  • There are rumors that a player can be damaged "through" the Katana because it from the player's back; however, these rumours were proven to be incorrect.
  • The sword's color cannot be changed, so it is always gray with a red hilt, and a white armor attachment.
  • Since the Katana is already slung over the right shoulder, the player can no longer use this shoulder for weapons. Instead they use the left shoulder. It has also been observed that by slinging a sniper rifle over one's shoulder with the Katana, an X can be formed.
  • If a player has the Katana it does not necessarily mean they have much skill, seeing as the player could have had other people get the Achievements or perhaps even gotten lucky.
