Reclaimer (Halo 3 achievement)


Reclaimer is a Halo 3 Meta-Game Achievement. It is earned when the player earns 15,000 points while playing the meta-game on Halo. This Achievement gives 10 Gamerpoints to the player. Strategy for achieving this are turning on Catch, Tough Luck and Famine skull on Heroic or Legendary. It is relatively easy to earn as half the level is driving the Warthog, and the main enemy, Guilty Spark, is easy to defeat. The only thing you may have difficulties with are the massive amounts of Flood. Otherwise, you should have no problem getting this one.

The achievement is represented by a Spartan with outward-pointing spikes around his head inside a blue circle. A Reclaimer, in the Halo Universe, is supposedly a human whose duty is to activate the Halos, which the Master Chief does in this level.

The spikes can also represent light, which would mean that it symbolizes a Halo around the Spartan's head, a reference to Spartan-117 activating the Halo installation.


  • Meta in ancient Greek means 'after', so meta-game means after-game
  • The Spartan in the picture is the same as the slayer emblem

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