Hospital corpsman

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The rank insignia of a Corpsman Petty Officer 1st Class worn on dress blues.

A Hospital Corpsman is a rating of the UNSC Navy.


Hospital Corpsmen serve as enlisted medical specialists for the UNSC Navy and UNSC Marine Corps. They serve in a wide variety of capacities and locations, including shore establishments such as naval hospitals and clinics, aboard ships as the primary medical caregivers for Sailors while underway, or with Marine units as battlefield medics.

Traditionally, Hospital Corpsmen assume the duties normally assumed by Medics in an Army. Marines can still be heard calling for Medics when hit, despite the fact that the Marine Corps uses Corpsmen.


Medics do not aid the player in any way in the FPS games. In Halo Wars, however, one has the option to research Medics at the Barracks, which adds a medic to each squad of marines. He will fight alongside the others with an assault rifle, and when the squad is idle, will automatically begin healing it. While the medic is healing the squad, an Easy difficulty shield will appear over the squad with a green cross over it.

Medics make common appearance in Halo: Reach. Roughly one in every five Army troopers encountered will have a Corpsman symbol on their helmet and shoulders. These medics, however, fight exactly like normal troopers, and will not aid the player or any allies in gameplay whatsoever.

Known Corpsman

A Corpsman treats a wounded Marine.


  • It should be noted they have the exact same dress uniforms and battle uniforms as the UNSC Marine Corps, but they are distinguished by a red cross on a white background on their helmets and shoulder armor pads.
  • Hospital Corpsman have been seen in the field in the E3 Announcement Trailer for Halo 2, Sierra 117, and Crow's Nest, Tsavo Highway, and The Storm. All were perceptibly helping the wounded during gameplay or cutscenes.
  • The medic in Halo Wars although appears to be holding a battle rifle in the circle menu, they end up holding an assault rifle like a standard marine.

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