Warrant Officer

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Template:Ratings Template:Rank Infobox A Warrant Officer is a military officer in the armed forces ranking above a non-commissioned officer (NCO) but below a commissioned officer. All four branches of the UNSC Defense Forces have Warrant Officers, though the old US Air Force stopped using the ranks, so whether the UNSC Air Force does or not is unknown. The WO ranks, from lowest to highest are: Warrant Officer 1, Chief Warrant Officer 2, Chief Warrant Officer 3, Chief Warrant Officer 4, and Chief Warrant Officer 5. WO1s are made officers by warrant, but CWOs are commisioned. Being promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer is considered a high honor for any NCO. In the US Military, WOs were to be called "Mister" or "Miss," though in less formal settings may have been called Chief (in the case of CWOs). Whether this has been carried over is unknown.

Warrant Officers serve as experts in a given field, and supervise and mentor enlisted servicemen and women in that field.

Notable Warrant Officers

  • Chief Warrant Officer Jorge-052: a SPARTAN-II, assigned to Noble Team as a heavy weapons specialist; better known by his "Noble Five" callsign.
  • Warrant Officer Jun-A266: a SPARTAN-III currently assigned as Noble's sniper, Jun is also known as "Noble Three."
  • Warrant OfficerEmile-A239: a former member of Alpha Company, currently serving as Noble Team's demolitions expert under the callsign "Noble Four."
  • Warrant Officer Sheila Polaski: a female Pelican pilot featured in Halo: First Strike; KIA.