Originally discovered in the Halo 3 Beta code by modders, armor permutations provide high levels of player customization and were confirmed by GamePro's June issue[1].
Bungie has confirmed that all of the armor permutations have no effect on gameplay.
Higher resolution screenshots of the armor permutations in action can be found at the Halo 3 Project's screenshots section at Bungie.net, as of July 2, 2007.
Spartan Armor Permutations
- MJOLNIR Armor - Mark VI
- EVA Armor - Extra Vehicluar Activity armor
- CQB Armor - Close Quarters Battle armor
- Unknown Armor
Bungie has hinted to more types of armor in the June 8, 2007 Weekly Update. Also in June 22, 2007 Weekly Update: "Players were using different permutations than we’ve shown"
In a new update on Bungie.com on July 4: "The EVA Armor and the CQB Armor are two of the numerous types of armor available."[2].
There were 5 permutations for Spartans discovered by modders in the Beta code; Bungie has currently showed us 3 of them. It is possible that the "numerous" permutations as mentioned above is numbered at 5. [3]
- Default
- Intruder
- Cobra
- Ninja
- Regulator
Sangheili Armor Permutations
Though unconfirmed by Bungie as of yet, Beta code modders also found the following Sangheili armor types: [4]
- Default
(assumed) Similar to normal elite armour
- Predator
(assumed) Smiliar to the Arbiter's armour
- Raptor
(assumed) Smiliar to Ranger Elites armour
Customizable portions
- Helmet
- Body
- Left Shoulder
- Right Shoulder
- ^ "Halo 3's online mode offers new armor permutations that allow players to customize their persona's from head to toe." GamePro June 2007
- ^ 'http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12616
- ^ http://flamesoffeenix.wordpress.com/2007/05/27/revealed-halo-3-new-custom-armor-types/
- ^ http://flamesoffeenix.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/customarmorelites.jpg