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Were you looking for Two Betrayals, the eighth level in Halo: Combat Evolved?

In Halo multiplayer terminology, a betrayal occurred when a player killed their teammate during a team match. The act of deliberately betraying one or more teammates is referred to as teamkilling.



In Halo: Combat Evolved

In Halo: Combat Evolved, there were four kinds of settings for Friendly Fire in a team game. The usual settings, "on" and "off", were available, and had the expected effects: enabling and disabling all betrayals. There were also two other settings, called "shields only", and "explosives only", which are quite self explanatory.

Note: shields only means shields only. However, the following two rules hold true:

  • If you are splattered by a teammate in a vehicle, interestingly enough, you will only lose your shields.
  • If you lose your shields by your teammate and you then get killed by an enemy, the result may be classified as a betrayal.
  • If you stick/shoot teammate with a Needler (enough to cause an explosion) and stay in a casualty radius, resulting in your death, your teammate will be marked as having betrayed you.