I call the dual wield SMG and Plasma Pistol a bi*** combo on XBL when I used to play.The Consumed ,The Dead ,and Living File:ESE.JPG 22:35, 12 April 2007 (UTC)
In some people's opinions, the plasma pistol dual wielded with pretty much anything is a "newb combo" (I do not share that opinion). ElFroCampeador 03:25, 2 July 2007 (UTC)
I think the plasma rifle with the SMG is pretty good if you can't find anything else. You need to ambush them but if you wait until their shields are down just blow them away with the SMG and you should be fine...also, it's better with the brute plasma rifle because it fires faster so you take their shields down quicker and you can open up with the SMG. Try it on a dual wield only game-type and it'll give you a huge advantage. ~Fury (Tac Nuke)~
I HATE the Newb combo. I went over to my friends house, he used it on me... TWICE!!! though it is effective... AJ 16:15, 18 August 2007 (UTC)
Halo 1
I found out that the Noob Combo is actually possible on Halo PC, just overcharge the plasma pistol and fire your AR, why isn't it mentioned? ΜΆŜΤΈŖČΗέÏΣΡΈΤΤΥОΓΓïČëŗ 11:17, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
nOObCombo Ironic Ain't It
Anyone find it interesting that so many people complain about a tactically sound option in Halo and yet they do not complain about such tactical uncontroversial options as sniping or driving a tank? It seems people will complain about anything that kills them but not how they kill others. Food for thought boys.
Cmon, guys, things such as "Am I a noob if I use the noob combo" "Yes if you use it in Multiplayer" are unnecesairy. It's not a glitch and can be a viable strategy, but to each his own opinion. Just dont post it here (the article).
I thought that a Newbie Combo was a fully charged Plasma Pistol and any sort of automatic weapon, such as an asssault rifle or SMG.
Oh, and it is a tactically sound strategy that should be taken full advantage of. And I agree with the dude above me. Carbine 04:16, 10 January 2009 (UTC)