
Main article: Unggoy

Halo: Combat Evolved

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Halo 2

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Halo 3

Note: Some of these quotes may need the IWHBYD Skull active to be heard.

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Halo Wars

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Halo 3: ODST

  • (Note that many quotes said also come from Halo 3 as well, but there are some new ones)
  • "Save yourself!" - when inches away from death.
  • "Over there!" - if player or ally is spotted.
  • "In soviet Russia, the Covenant kills you." - While fighting the enemy. Reference to the Russian Reversal jokes. -IWHBYD skull required-
  • "Fear my blue balls!" - kamikaze grunt, IWHBYD skull possibly required
  • "Not as tough as demon." - When killed by a grunt. Reference to Master Chief
  • "You killed Dabflip!" - Dabflip is said hesitatingly, as if making up a name on the spot.
  • "My spidey sense is tingling!" - If you sneak up behind a patrol in Mombasa Streets(IWHBYD may be required).
  • "I just wet my pants!...Wait, I'm not wearing pants..." When an explosive goes off nearby.
  • "I GOT THE POWER!" when going kamikaze.(Possibly a reference to He-Man)
  • "Leader Dead! Everybody! Panic!" After killing a Brute, IWHBYD skull possibly needed.
  • "Oh no, primitive flares!" Referring to frag grenades, and how they call their plasma grenades "flares".
  • "Oh God, NO!" -When stuck by a plasma/spike grenades.
  • "Help me...STICK HIM!" -Suicidal Grunt. Said in a raspy voice.
  • "Help me...STICK YOU!"
  • "Suck it Heretic!" When throwing grenade
  • "Here comes Yakya!" When going Kamikaze
  • "Does that mean I'm in charge?" After killing a Brute, IWHBYD skull possibly needed
  • "Flee, Huragok exploding!" When killing an Engineer
  • "VERY SAD FACE!" - When stuck by a grenade or when a grenade lands near him. Possibly a reference to the Machinima Arby 'n' the Chief, where Chief is always saying what he is doing (ie:sad face, happy face, etc.)
  • "Maybe they're too busy hiding in their little nip house."
  • "catch! *sticks self* "How ironic!!"
  • "Make sure he doesn't kill me." - When telling another grunt to cover him.
  • "Oh hey genius that sounds great. I'll wait to see where you die, and then I'll go somewhere else."
  • "It's safe to come out now. this is Sargent...Humanoid....Yeah..."
  • "I shat in his helmet and I peed in his mouth" - IWHBYD skull needed, heard said by grunt on crater day after being killed on heroic by kamikaze grunt.
  • "No innappropriate touching." IWHBYD skull needed. Brute on crater day on heroic.
  • "Please enjoy my BRIGHT BLUE BALLS!" When going Kamikaze - IWHBYD possibly needed.
  • "We're Leaderless! RUN!" Said when leader is dead.