Pre-Xbox Halo

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Revision as of 03:43, February 25, 2007 by halowikia>Esemono

Before X-Box, before Halo:CE there was a Halo game that was orginally announced for the Mac as aMyth-style strategy game[1]. The development time was from around 1998 to the release of Halo: CE. AS the game evolved along the way some vehicles and weapons were cut and others had complete overhauls. Below are some examples of lost or heavily modified game play items:

Gattling Gun

File:Halo original 4.jpg
Pre-Xbox render

The Gattling Gun was a weapon originally designed for the Pre-Xbox Halo Combat Evolved. It seemed to be a hand-held version of the M41 LAAG, but, as it was not put into the game, it's characteristics are unknown.

There have been several mods, using Halo Custom Edition that have integrated the Gattling Gun into the game, using the handle and base of the Flamethrower, but replacing the adhesive projector with the barrel of an M41 LAAG.


File:Machette vs EnergySword .jpg
Machette vs EnergySword

A Machette was at one point part of the Halo game play

<gaLlERY> Image:Halo_072199.jpg|The Gattling Gun, in the hands of an early design for Master Chief Image:Halo chief 1099.jpg <Gallery>