Talk:Supreme Commander

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To help with the arbiters armor, keep in mind that the people who made the halo graphic novel altered the appearences of certain characters. For example, the elites in The New Mombassa part of the Graphic novel made elites have pink skin opposed to there usual purple grey skin seen in the games. Strangely enough the Graphic novel stated that the arbiter had another flagship."Most likely an Error."Halo3 19:26, 15 January 2007 (UTC)--Halo3

Title, not Rank?

Is it possible that the Spec Ops Commander was just being respectful to his commanding officer, and not calling him by rank but rather a title, like sir or officer. --Shch 'Nodotee 17:13, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Is it possible that Fleet Master and Supreme Commander are the same thing, we've never seen a Fleet Master in gold armour, only Field Masters and Ship Masters, and the Arbiter could have been demoted to Zealot rank seen during the introduction to halo 2. User: Joshua 029

In GoO it says a golden armored elite, confirming that Voro wore the gold armor of Zealots. Voro was a Fleet Master. --Shch 'Nodotee 00:18, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

Ah yeah you're right. User:Joshua 029

Arbiter's armor?

If the arbiter was supposed to be a supreme commander, how come he wore gold armor in Halo`2 when in the comics, he wore purple armor?

The people making the comics were being creative.For exampl, eliteshad pink skin opposed to the regularpurple grey skin in the Mombassa story.Halo3 20:29, 2 February 2007 (UTC)--Halo3

I think that the soon-to-be Arbiter already was stripped from his role as Supreme Commander (as his fleet was already largely destroyed) before getting fully sentenced for his failure.

Lieutenant Alan

More than one appearance?

Is it possible that the elite in purple armour that was shot in the head by Tom's sniper rifle during Operation TORPEDO was also a supreme commander? Spartan G-23

No that was most likely a spec ops elite.Otherwise a worker class or civilian elite.Halo3 04:21, 4 March 2007 (UTC)--Halo3