Super jumping
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Super Jumping is the use of tricks or exploiting of glitches to help a player achieve a greater height when jumping. There are various kinds of super jumps.
Super Bouncing
Main Page Super Bouncing
Super Bouncing is a way in Halo 2 to reach higher places by crouching into some areas and jumping into places which sends you high into the air.
Partner Bouncing
There are two ways to partner jump, one way is to go on top of another player and you both jump for the player on top will reach a higher place. The second definition is going on top of another player and the player on top jumps and then the bottom player jumps touching the player on top to jump and by landing on a certain point you will be sent flying like if you were Super Bouncing.
Plasma, Frag, Rocket (aka. PFR)
Main Page PFR
PFR is a way in Halo that you stand in the Warthog turret and throwing a Plasma Grenade, a Frag Grenade, and shooting a Rocket Launcher at the front of the warthog which sends you high into the air.
Hunter Jumps
In Halo: Combat Evolved, charge at a Hunter and jump as it attempts to melee you. You will be sent flying in the direction that you jumped.
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