
Template:Ship The Shortsword-class Bomber is a UNSC atmospheric bomber used primarily for short-range, heavy payload bombing runs against enemy ground targets, especially Covenant forces. It shares a similar "sword" codename to the Longsword-class Interceptor. The bombers were in use by the UNSC by at least 2531.


A Shortsword's payload is interchangeable, capable of delivering conventional ordnance, or less conventional munitions into theatres of combat, dropping them onto the target zone at low altitude and high velocity. These strikes are launched from an orbital support ship, indicating at least a rudimentary exoatmospheric capability.


The use of the Shortsword differs depending on which faction the player uses. Professor Anders uses it in the Cryo Bomb ability, where it is a simple point-and-click power. Sergeant Forge uses it to perform Carpet Bombing runs, where the beginning of the bombing run must be selected. An arrow appears, and can be rotated around the start point, setting the angle of the bombing run, useful for hitting a number of enemies in different formations. All UNSC leaders in Halo Wars can call on a Shortsword to deliver a Disruption Bomb.


  • Macolm Thomas-Gustave was the animator who worked on the Shortsword in the Halo Wars Announcement Trailer[1].
  • The Shortsword appears similar in appearance to the real-life B2 Stealth Bomber of the United States Air Force, with the exceptions of the large "bang" apparatus on the Shortsword and the Shortsword's "short range". Both aircraft fill a similar role, acting as bombers, although it is unknown if the Shortsword has any stealth capabilities.
  • Along with the Longsword, Cyclops and Gremlin, it is not named after an animal like other UNSC vehicles such as the Mongoose, Warthog, Scorpion, etc, though the Cyclops shares a name with a Greek mythological creature of the same name.
  • At some time during the development of Halo Wars, the Shortsword was originally to be a usable unit, docked at the Airpad. In the concept art, its tail is retracted and its wings are angled up to make it more compact and allow docking.



  1. ^ Macolm Thomas-Gustave Halo Trailer work breakdown

Template:UNSCDF Aircraft