File:Loser web hand.jpg
Vandals are...
Some loser using this IP address, Block has vandalized the [[{{{1}}}]] page by {{{2}}}. This pitiful act of vandalism occured at {{{3}}}. For more info about this vandal see the User Talk:Block page.
On one hand its nice to know that Halopedia is big enough to attract vandals, on the other hand... No, screw that. Dude, you suck!
So for this template you send three varibles:
1:The page name that was vandalized, without [[ tags ]]
2:how the page was vandalized by finishing this sentence:
Some loser using this IP address, has vandalized the Main Page page by .... (answer goes here) 3.This time the vandalism occured
When you use the template seperate the three varibles with a horizontal bar |