Rani Sobeck

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Rani Sobeck is from Kentucky, 22 years old, and living in a bad section of Boston, the city where she goes to school. She is incredibly bright and observant. Durga says she would be a good canidate for ONI, or as she calls them the brain ninjas, to use her brain as the basis for a smart AI.

One of her Professors, Professor Avi, her Cultural Anthropology professor, tries recruit her to become a spy. She applies and is accepted, but she turned it down in favor of starting a chatter-selling business with a friend. When it looked like the business would never get on its feet, she accepted the ONI job.

In candidate.wav, Professor Avi describes a potential female "candidate" that he has located for Herzog:

Avi: She's a scholarship girl from some godforsaken hick town. 
Although the only way you can tell is her haircut. She's got the 
clothes all right, she just seems to have a blind spot about the hair.
Herzog: Good, good.
Avi: She looks at the things ordinary people do like a scientist.
Herzog: Like a detective.
Avi: Also persistent as hell. 

While working for ONI she stumbles upon a number of things described in the I Love Bees storyline. Including information that almost gets her killed.

Durga later recruits her into a group of people that plan to break into Chawla Base. The group is made up of, Janissary James, Jersey Morelli, Kamal Zaman, and Rani. They plan to break into the base and deactivate the Forerunner artifact a device that they later find out would have activated all the Halo's. In deactivating the device however, the group broadcast Earth's location to the Covenant.

Of the group that breaks into the base only Rani is captured. However, after the device is activated and the Melissa (A.I.) is reformed Melissa who felt that she let Rani down uses her skills to make herself an identity as a lawyer which she used to release Rani, as well as Sophia and Aiden, from jail.

Rani is last talked about when while on a train. She was approached by an ONI agent from Section Zero who tries to recruit her. She decided she was in too far to back out, and accepted. They then heard the air-raid sirens announcing the coming Covenant invasion.