Glorious Advance

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A Covenant Special Operations contingent preparing to board the Kez'katu-pattern Phantom, Glorious Advance.
The SpecOps unit boards the dropship.

Glorious Advance is the name of a Phantom dropship used by the Covenant. [1]

In 2552, it was attached to the flagship of the Fleet of Particular Justice, the Seeker of Truth. When the Infinite Succor was attacked, it dispatched a team of Special Ops Elites, led by Rtas 'Vadumee, to the ship. It was later radioed by 'Vadumee and picked him up just before the Infinite Succor was destroyed.


  • This is one of the two known cases where the Covenant have named individual dropships.


  1. ^ Halo Graphic Novel, Last Voyage of the Infinite Succor