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Halo: Shadows of Reach

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Halo Infinite

Warship Gbraakon

House of Reckoning

Boss Fight

  • [Angry roar] "Damn you!" (taking damage)
  • [Chuckle] "Please." (taking damage)
  • [Coughing] "Demon! This day you die!"
  • [Coughing] "You...wretched...thing!"
  • [Furious roar]
  • [Menacing laughter]
  • [Sniff] "Spartan... I'm near."
  • "A human in a suit! Nothing more!"
  • "A pest to be stomped! Nothing more!"
  • "Come on! Fight harder!" (taking damage)
  • "Do not disappoint me, Spartan."
  • "Do you feel it? Darkness approaches."
  • "Dodge this, whelp!" (attacking)
  • "Fire! Blood! Glory is at hand!"
  • "For Atriox! For the Banished!"
  • "Go on! Attack! Everything you have!"
  • "Hold still!"
  • "Hold still, coward!"
  • "Humanity's last hope dies with you. Unless you act!"
  • "I am not dead yet, Spartan!"
  • "I do not need armor - I am not like YOU!"
  • "I do this for Atriox. And for his Banished."
  • "I promise you, Spartan - this device is quite functional."
  • "I survived the Covenant - I will survive YOU!"
  • "I will break you!"
  • "I will bury you alongside your pathetic friend!"
  • "I will grant you a warrior's death!"
  • "I will NOT relent!"
  • "I will see the dreams of Atriox realized!"
  • "I'll crush you flat!"
  • "I'll have your head for this!" (taking damage)
  • "In the name of Atriox!"
  • "Is this all you are capable of?" (taking damage)
  • "It will do you no good." (taking damage)
  • "Let us see what you truly are!"
  • "Let us test your legend!"
  • "Make your choice, Spartan. Victory... or your friends."
  • "My blood burns! My heart roars!"
  • "My greatest battle... [cough] My last battle..."
  • "None can stand against me! Not even YOU!"
  • "Not bad. But not good enough." (taking damage)
  • "Nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide!"
  • "One more Spartan is nothing! Now you die!"
  • "Our pack will not be stopped! Not by you!"
  • "Perhaps I underestimated you, human."
  • "Petulant Demon! You will submit to my will!"
  • "Prove your valor. Show me what you are."
  • "Ready to die, human?!"
  • "Ready yourself!"
  • "Run, demon!"
  • "Running again, eh?"
  • "Send word to the Harbinger. The Spartan is dead." (if he kills the player)
  • "Set a fire in your heart, Spartan."
  • "Show me what you can do!"
  • "Show me your courage, filth!"
  • "That's it. Cut through him. It's your only path to victory."
  • "The Banished will never yield!"
  • "The Covenant is dead. Soon humanity will join them!"
  • "The hope of humanity dies with!"
  • "The Prophets could not stop us. Cortana could not stop us. You will not stop us."
  • "The Spartans are dead! And soon you will join them!"
  • "This is no place for weakness!"
  • "This Ring belongs to the Banished!"
  • "This Ring is our home. You are an invader."
  • "What?!" (stuck by a grenade)
  • "What will you do now, Spartan?"
  • "Why do you refuse to die?!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "You are but a tool of the Forerunners!"
  • "You cannot escape!"
  • "You know what you must do. Now DO IT!"
  • "You think this will save your friend? He'll die - like you!"
  • "You were a fool to come here!"
  • "You will be broken!"
  • "You will be ground into the dust of this world!"
  • "You will not win! You cannot win!"
  • "Your armor will be my greatest trophy!"
  • "Your corpse will be my prize!"
  • "Your death approaches. Submit!"
  • "Your last breath will be drawn, pained, at my FEET!"
  • "Your legend ends today, human!"
  • "Your pack is dead! Shattered! And you are alone!"
  • "Your shell will be my trophy!"
  • "Your will falters! Your fear is palpable!"
  • "Your will is done, Atriox." (if he kills the player)

Audio Logs