Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Yoroi/Shoulder

Shoulders Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements
Icon of the Crescent Moon Left Shoulder.Icon of the Crescent Moon Right Shoulder
Crescent Moon
Manufacturer: Fractures Samurai
Worn by samurai commanders, and those who aspire to leadership.
Epic Purchase "CHONMAGE Armor Set" from the Shop for 2,000 cR
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Manufacturer: Fractures Samurai
Shoulder armor in the shape of an opened codex and a closing gate.
  • Left: Tenrai Event level 10
  • Right: Tenrai Event level 15
Icon of the Sixth Gate Left Shoulder.Icon of the Sixth Gate Right Shoulder.
Sixth Gate
Manufacturer: Fractures Samurai
Every element of the samurai's appearance has deep philosophical and practical meaning.
Rare Purchase "Sixth Gate Loyalty" from the Shop for 700 cR