Talk:Covenant separatists

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Revision as of 05:45, March 27, 2019 by Tacitus (talk | contribs)


As per past discussions here, I am still reluctant to have a Covenant separatists article as I believe the information can be effectively summarized elsewhere. The terminology indicates that the Sangheili were a unified faction following the Great Schism, when they never were, nor are they now. I'd personally think it is better to focus on confirmed factions of Sangheili following the Schism, rather than thinking that they were a united force. --NightHammer(talk)(contribs) 03:30, March 27, 2019 (EDT)

I'm much of the same opinion. The time between the changing of the guard and the end of the Covenant empire as an entity is so short and confusing that I'm not a fan of just labelling every sangheili faction a separatist, especially when they never intended to leave the Covenant and some groups wished to continue the Prophets' work once the minor issue with the brutes was dealt with. I think the existing Covenant remnants page is a much better resource for cataloguing groups seen here + others like the Banished. BaconShelf (talk) 05:34, March 27, 2019 (EDT)
Agreed. The whole notion that the Sangheili were ever a united front was always a fan assumption, which has been more or less disproven by canon ever since Ghosts of Onyx gave us Xytan and his attempts to revive the Covenant. I also echo the sentiment that the label "separatist" is misleading considering most Sangheili had no intention of leaving, merely reforming the Covenant under Sangheili leadership (even the Arbiter spoke of restoring honor to the Covenant during Halo 3) - which also creates a more natural continuity to the various self-entitled "Covenants" post-war than pretending like all Sangheili were ever part of a unified "separatist" movement and then some of them becoming bad guys again. The Covenant remnants page is a better place for all these factions than artificially separating the imaginary "The Good Aliens™ during the Schism" group from everybody else. The Great Schism was a complicated situation, and most parties involved probably didn't even have a full picture of what was going on, so it's much better to leave the categorization more broad and high-level. --Tacitus (talk) 05:45, March 27, 2019 (EDT)