Below is a collection of quotes said by UNSC Army troopers:
Halo: Reach
Note: UNSC Army Troopers and UNSC Marines share the same dialogues and AI.
- "All yours!"
- "Alright."
- "Area secured."
- "Back off!"
- "Banshees!"
- "Banshee, danger!"
- "Banshee fire on me"
- "Banshee fire on you"
- "Banshee inbound."
- "Bastard!"
- "Bet you felt that one, huh?!"
- "Can't take another shot!"
- "Careful Six."
- "Center mass!"
- "Choke on it!"
- "Clear!"
- "Clear here!"
- "Clear over here!"
- "Come get some freaks!"
- "Contact!"
- "Covering fire!"
- "Covy scum!"
- "Contact!"
- "Damn, look at him move."
- "Did you hear something?"
- "Direct hit."
- "Don't ask who told me, but i heard those Grunt things kind of taste like Lobster.
- "Don't just stand there, shoot...something."
- "Don't make me teabag you!"
- "Dropship inbound."
- "Eat lead!"
- "Enemies sighted."
- "Enemy bird on the way."
- "Enemy dropship inbound!"
- "Enemy reinforcements by air."
- "Engaging!"
- "Engaging multiple contacts."
- "Excellent work."
- "Find that damn alien!"
- "Firing."*
- "Force multiplied!"
- "Friendly fire, friendly fire!"
- "Get clear!"
- "Get me in range"
- "Get moving, we got a Phantom on the way."
- "Get ready to die you stupid covy rats."
- "Get some!"
- "Give it to 'em!"
- "Give me an angle"
- "Ghost coming after us."
- "Ghost down!"
- "Ghost is down."
- "Ghost on the move."
- "Go to hell!"
- "Got to knock out that Banshee!"
- "Got to take out that Banshee!"
- "Going loud!"
- "Good here."
- "Got him."
- "Got him in my sights."
- "Got one."
- "Got you!"
- "Great shot!"
- "Grenade out!"
- "Ha ha!"
- "Ha ha ha!"
- "Ha ha ha ha!"
- "He's all warmed up"
- "Heads-up Spartan!"
- "Heads-up, Banshee!"
- "Head-up boys, A-4-40."
- "Heard the Grafton got dust. She got in one good shot."
- "Help me out!"
- 'Hey, thanks!"
- "Hey, wow, thanks!"
- "Hey buddy, I'm on your side!"
- "Hey, why do they call this the triple kill seat?"
- "Hit 'em!"
- "Hostiles"
- "How's this feel?!"
- "I'm a need that back...eventually."
- "I'm clear."
- "I'm coming for YOU!"
- "I'm gonna mess you up!"
- "I'm on your side!"
- "I'm under fire!"
- "I'm with you, Lieutenant."
- "I'm with you, Spartan."
- "I appreciate it!"
- "I could do this all day!"
- "I could of hurt on that one"
- 'I dust guys like you for a living."
- "I grew up on this planet and you can't have it!"
- "I got another one!"
- "I got contacts."
- "I got nav."
- "I got the turret."
- "I got to depressurize so's killing me!"
- 'I hope that hurts you rat!"
- "I lost visual on the Covy!"
- "I need some backup!"
- "I'll do my best."
- "I'll do what I can!"
- "I'll navigate."
- "If you're good, I'm good!"
- "In position."
- "In your face...that is your face, right?"
- "In your face!"
- "Inbound!"
- "Incoming fire!"
- "It's fine with me."
- "It's just like shooting womp rats back home."
- "Jump in."
- "Just die already!"
- "Keep firing, ladies!"
- "Keep it coming!"
- "Keep it up."
- "Keep shooting!"
- "Keep the pressure on."
- "Kill that Banshee!"
- "Laying down fire."
- "Let's bring down that Banshee."
- "Let's do it!"
- "Let's get that Banshee."
- "Let's get this thing moving, uh?
- "Let's go for a ride."
- "Let's move!"
- "Like that?!"
- "Line them up!"
- "Lost contact."
- "Look at me! I'm a dead alien! I would like more bullets in my brain, please!"
- "Make them count."
- "Man down!"
- "More damn Covenant just showed up!"
- "More for me"
- "Multiple contacts!"
- "Multiple tangos."
- "Nailed him!"
- "Need a ride."
- "Need covering fire!"
- "Nice job, man."
- "Nice one!"
- "No time for a break!"
- "Not a tango in sight"
- "Not on Reach you don't."
- "Oh, oh oh, oh i love this game!"
- "Oh, there you are!"
- "Oh, this camo must really work."
- "Oh, yeah!"
- "Oh, you want some more!"
- "One of these days, I'm gonna get me some shiny metal pants too!"
- "Ouch!"
- "Ok?"
- "Peek-a-boo!"
- "Phantom!"
- "Phantom, dropping in."
- "Phantom on route."
- "Plasma from above!"
- "Plenty more where that came from."
- "Plenty to go around."
- "Put down!"
- "Revenant immobilized."
- "Same team!"
- "Say your prayers!"
- "Sent that one straight to hell."
- "Shifting."
- "Shotty!"
- "Sire!"
- "Six, incoming!"
- "Spitting hot lead."
- "Start firing."
- "Steady!"
- "Steady as she goes!"
- "Skies just got unfriendly."
- " So, ugh...just between you and me, what's like being a Spartan? You know, super powered suit, abilities like no other Marine. I mean, there's gotta be like a pressure to it, right, a responsibility, but tell me you don't have fun? Tell me you don't enjoy every second of smearing Covenant blood all over these planets....Oh man, to be a Spartan.
- "Soo...i just love these guns!"
- "Stay on target!"
- "Suck it down!"
- "Sure, ok."
- "Swapping out"
- "Switching target."
- "Take it!"
- "Take that Banshee!"
- "Take the heat on!"
- "Taking rounds!"
- "Targets!"
- "Thank you, sir!"
- "Thanks a lot!"
- "That Banshee ain't so friendly.
- "That Banshee has its eye on you."
- "That's the last of them."
- "That was mine."
- "That was too damn close."
- "That was very nice of you."
- "The hell's gotten into you man?!"
- "The more the merrier!"
- "The pressure is on, huh?"
- "These stingers are killing me."
- "They're all over me!"
- "They're on me!"
- "This Ghost is all over me."
- "This is...different."
- "This is the hardest!"
- "This thing got seat belts?
- "Throwing grenade!"
- "Ugh, I thought I was a goner for sure..."
- "Uha, stay down!"
- "Up and at 'em!"
- "Watch it!"
- "Watch out!"
- "Watch out for that Wraith!"
- "Watch your fire!"
- "We're about to have company."
- "We're clear."
- "We're clear, yeah!"
- "We got a Banshee inbound."
- "We got hostiles"
- "We got multiple targets!"
- "We need rounds on target!"
- "Weapons free!"
- "Welcome to my medal chest!"
- "Well, wish me luck."
- "What, are they running away?"
- "What, are you blind?!"
- "What the hell, more coming?"
- "Wow!"
- "Wraith, they got a Wraith!"
- "Yeah, I'm gonna need that back."
- "Yeah, I'm trained on that."
- "Yeah, keep the heat on!"
- "Yeah yeah yeah!"
- "Yeah, you stay right there."
- "Yeah, that's my kill."
- "YES!"
- "You...die!"
- "You're gonna go down!"
- "You're gonna pay for that!"
- "You are getting very close!"
- "You're mine!"
- "You got a death wish?!"
- "You like that?!"
- "You must have something better to do than this?"
- "You need something, Spartan?"
- "You want some too?!"
- "You want to hear my robot voice: I AM A ROBOT! Pretty good, huh?
- "Your mother dressed you funny!"