
Flying Half-Jaw

Revision as of 12:11, October 17, 2017 by Lejellysoup (talk | contribs)

Flying Half-Jaw is a glitch that can be performed on the Halo 2 level, The Oracle.


This glitch is seen when you first encounter Pod infectors on the level. After Rtas 'Vadum finishes talking with the Heretic Leader's hologram, Pod infectors will come from the upper levels behind the Covenant unit. Whenever a Pod infector jumps onto Rtas, he will attempt to kill it using his Energy Sword. After enough Pod infectors attack him, and after he loses his shields, he will fly through the air, seemingly floating, a bizarre response to being attacked by popping Pod infectors. This glitch works with most other AI, although they usually die before they attain much altitude. This glitch works best with Rtas because he is invincible.


  • This is possible with anyone except Brutes and the Flood; other characters will die after being propelled upwards.