House of 'Sraom Banshee

I recently edited this page, which erroneously states that 'Sraom flies a T-26 Banshee, to the T-54 (with the text stating banshee to keep it ambiguous. It should be reverted back to T-54 for two reasons:

A)In the Canon Fodder it is not stated which banshee variant he flies (it could be the T-27 for all we know!) B)In warzone he flies a T-54, which is also stated on his page. While we doesn't know the type, it would make sense to say Banshee, and redirect to the one that we see him fly in the simulation. 13:29, 24 January 2016 (EST)

Agreed. The T-26 Banshee was not mentioned explicitly, so by default we should just say "Banshee" and redirect it to the only Banshee we know he has used, even if the canonicity of Warzone bosses isn't quite perfect. And the "T-54" Hesduros Banshee probably existed before '54 anyway. Imrane-117 (talk) 13:49, 24 January 2016 (EST)

Why does it say I reverted Imranes edit? I just pressed edit. Alertfiend - Warning, my comments may appear passive aggressive. (Converse) 21:54, 24 January 2016 (EST)

Ok, why should this not redirect to the Type-54 Banshee? It seems like a good idea based on the information we have. Garuda 01 (talk) 11:58, 25 January 2016 (EST)