List of REQ cards/Armor Mods

Armor Mods allow the player to augment their Spartan's abilities to improve various stats or skills.

Image Name Rarity Cost Description
H5G-ArmorMod-AdvancedSensor.png Advanced Sensors Common Motion tracker is now compatible with Smart-Link, and both range and sensitivity is enhanced. In addition, you are harder to detect on enemy Motion Trackers.
REQ Card - Reflex Enhancers.png Reflex Enhancers Rare Increased weapon handling speed and you can reload while sprinting.
REQ Card - Frag Grenade Expert.png Frag Grenade Expert Rare
H5G-ArmorMod-IncreasedStrength.png Increased Strength Legendary Extra melee and Spartan charge damage. Your Spartan Charge has extra range.