List of REQ cards/Power Ups

Single use power-ups grant players certain abilities for a short duration of time, presumably dependent on the tier of the card.

Image Name Rarity Sale Price Energy Cost Description
REQ Card - Active Camo I.png Active Camo I Uncommon 75 RP 3
Activecamo2.png Active Camo II Rare 100 RP
Activecamo3.png Active Camo III Ultra Rare 150 RP 5
REQ Card - Overshield.png Overshield I Uncommon 75 RP 3 Overshield adds an extra layer of shields that do not regenerate. This extra layer is displayed in green on the HUD's shield indicator. Short duration.
Overshield2.png Overshield II Rare 100 RP Overshield adds an extra layer of shields that do not regenerate. This extra layer is displayed in green on the HUD's shield indicator. Medium duration.
Overshield3.png Overshield III Ultra Rare 150 RP Overshield adds an extra layer of shields that do not regenerate. This extra layer is displayed in green on the HUD's shield indicator. Long duration.
Speedboost1.png Speed Boost I Common 50 RP 2 Speed Boost temporarily increases movement, reloading, assassination and weapon switch speed. Short duration.
Speedboost2.png Speed Boost II Uncommon 75 RP 2 Speed Boost temporarily increases movement, reloading, assassination and weapon switch speed. Medium duration.
Speedboost3.png Speed Boost III Rare 100 RP 3 Speed Boost temporarily increases movement, reloading, assassination and weapon switch speed. Long duration.
Damageboost1.png Damage Boost I Rare 100 RP 4
Damageboost2.png Damage Boost II Ultra Rare 150 RP 5
Damageboost3.png Damage Boost III Legendary 200 RP 6