Forum:Halo 5: Guardians (General)

Revision as of 22:53, October 26, 2015 by AlertFiend (talk | contribs) (→‎Story)
Forums: Index General Discussion Halo 5: Guardians (General)
Discuss any final final improvements you would like to see!

Spartan Companies

Don't know if everyone has seen this already, but 343 have created what is essentially an official clan system for Halo 5. See Frankie's announcement HERE and a breif overview HERE. Basically it's a service that lets you create a group through which to organise things through a group forum. Companies have a 100 person limit, and you can only be part of one at a time. Creating one or joining one will give you a free REQ pack. To become active you need to have at least four people in a Spartan company. Alongside this they have also added a Spartan customisation feature on Waypoint so you can customise your multiplayer Spartan outside of the game.--Soul reaper (talk) 02:12, 20 October 2015 (EDT)

You also get a REQ pack for the first time being in an active (+4 member) company. I created my company as soon as the feature was released and managed to snatch a valuable name. Anyway, I'm in the process of taking screenshots of every single armor, visor, and color for upload. Expect a huge dump of images in an hour or two.--File:1221751884 I-animated-this-for-you.gifEnder the XenocideFile:1221751884 I-animated-this-for-you.gif 02:19, 20 October 2015 (EDT)
The community has been asking for something like this for quite a while, so I'm glad this is finally happening. My only strike against it is that you can only be in one company at a time, but I guess they have a reason for it.--Spartacus TalkContribs 11:02, 20 October 2015 (EDT)


Do not worry, I am not going to say any spoilers, I just want to say. What. The. ****. I am just... speechless as to what just happened in the campaign, anyone else? I literally felt my heart stop for a second when I got the legendary ending.Alertfiend - Team Chief 05:20, 26 October 2015 (EDT)

Without spoiling anything, I loved the campaign. I thought it was probably the best since ODST. I have no idea what certain reviews complaining about a weak campaign are talking about, except that maybe they weren't paying attention to it. Osiris works well, and Blue Team are a thrill to see, if sparingly. The story satisfies everything I want a Halo story to be, and introduces a few new major players. There is one new character who is really cute, and I hope she returns for future games. You'll know them when you see them. I watched a playthrough, rather than playing the game, but it looks really, really fun. The Prometheans retooling seems to have worked rather well, and the Spartan Abilities are really nice new tools in the sandbox. -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 22:36, 26 October 2015 (EDT)
Yeah, I think I know who she is you are referring to, I hope for that as well. Alertfiend - Team Chief 22:53, 26 October 2015 (EDT)