Forum:Halo 5: Guardians (General)

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Forums: Index General Discussion Halo 5: Guardians (General)

MC Hood

Think this is necessary. So, why wear a hood if you have a energy-shielded titanium armor? Does this indicate the armor is malfunctioning and that Chief will be getting a new one, or is it simply for the reveal? Also, looks like ragged hood will be an armor permutation/skin addon... (joking of course) Finally, that E3 trailer still fails to impress me to get the always-online Xbone. — Hacame 22:43, 10 June 2013 (EDT)

Well, sand is very bad for anything with moving parts, and even worse when it's blowing (like a sand blaster), so it's protection for the suit, which is already damaged. Alex T Snow (talk) 04:04, 11 June 2013 (EDT)

Well, if he has the suit, he's probably still part of the UNSC, since I doubt they'd still let him go running around with it if he's retired. And I doubt that the UNSC would send him anywhere that required the Mjonir without having it at least repaired, if not replaced. If the suit is fully operational, the energy shielding should take care of the sand well enough. I don't know why, but it seemed to me like it was more a kind of camouflage, if not to blend in, at least to conceal the fact that he's a Spartan II. Maybe I'm just dead wrong, though. --Weeping Angel (talk) 09:08, 11 June 2013 (EDT)

I heard the whole thing with Chief in a cloak was part of an inside joke between 343 and Bungie and was done to make the game look like Destiny. Not sure if any official sources have said that though so it may just be a fan theory.--Soul reaper (talk) 09:47, 11 June 2013 (EDT)

When I fist saw that, that was the impression I got - Destiny. But still I don't see no reason for it except to hide himself. But if he really wanted to do that, he could've used active camouflage. I just think they did that to make the trailer (or MC) look more dramatic. The "background" music however is forgettable and awfully "quiet". I guess that's because Neil didn't compose it.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 15:59, 13 June 2013 (EDT)

I also found it strange, but I think it's likely just stylistic. He's mysterious; he's wandering; etc. The desert itself might be a metaphor for space, even if that's a real planet in the story. --Dragonclaws(talk) 19:07, 13 June 2013 (EDT)

Good point. I just hope they don't copy Destiny with this release.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:42, 14 June 2013 (EDT)

I'm racking my brain trying to remember where I saw the reference, but Frankie apparently stated on NeoGaf that the cloak was intended to conceal John's identity. I'll post the link when I find it again. - DJenser (talk) 12:41, 26 June 2013 (EDT)

Found it: - DJenser (talk) 12:51, 26 June 2013 (EDT)

New Machine to be revealed as the war sphinx?

when i saw the trailer, i noticed that this thing reminds a bit of a sphinx quoted in the books of greg bear, could it be that in this new halo they will show the true power of the forerunner? Also, its eyes are orange as the didact's army, could this mean that he really survived the epilogue of halo 4?—This unsigned comment was made by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

1) The prevailing theory is that it's either a War Sphinx or a Seeker, so you're probably right. 2) Orange seems to be the default highlight color for Promethean technology. While the Didact may have survived - I hope he did - we don't know for sure. --Courage never dies. (talk) 19:29, 10 June 2013 (EDT)
If I'm not mistaken, war sphinxes are also Promethean technology. --Xamikaze330 [Transmit|Files] 19:51, 10 June 2013 (EDT)Xamikaze330
They are. Whatever the machine is, it's undoubtedly Promethean. What I meant to say is that the orange "eyes" don't indicate that the Didact is alive, as the OP suggested. --Courage never dies. (talk) 20:14, 10 June 2013 (EDT)
Shite. When I saw the machine-thingy, my mind immediately went to the Forunner Ships from Halo Wars haha. Also, it's just a preview. So it doesnt even matter if he's wearing a robe. Anywho, his visor was cracked. Also am I to assume that was Cortanas Chip? Maginot Sphere (talk) 09:54, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
Would definitely love to see these things in action in the next game.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 15:59, 13 June 2013 (EDT)
Vulture vs. Lich vs. BirdShip! Alex T Snow (talk) 01:34, 16 June 2013 (EDT)

New Location?

I am fairly certain that we're back on the Ark. The sand dunes, for one (though that's very little to go off,) and the "planet" seen in the background are very reminiscent of those seen on the Ark. I don't believe we should list it before it's confirmed, but leave a discussion point open as more information flows in.Ocean Soul (talk) 22:23, 10 June 2013 (EDT)

I was thinking the same until I noticed the absence of the curved arms the original Ark has.— Hacame 22:36, 10 June 2013 (EDT)
...or Reach, post-glassing, bringing the holo chip back to Cortana's birthplace? The ragged mountains look like Reach and the land is certainly infertile. Plus Forerunner machinery was all over Reach. ScaleMaster117 (talk) 22:40, 10 June 2013 (EDT)
Oh god that would be so epic. Imagine if Master Chief found a 'final log' of sorts of Noble Six that revealed he had found some sort of 'weapon' or 'artifact' prior to his last stand. Would explain why he sort of seemed like he was content with dying, maybe he found something that made his life feel complete. Delivering Cortana was cool and all, and was pivotal to the war effort, but we don't exactly know what happened between then, and his post-credits scene at the ruins, and could be something of truly epic proportions. Maybe even a "fabrication compiler" of sorts that uploaded his consciousness into AI format (getting carried away here). Could also tie into the 14 dead Spartans lying around. Just speculation though nothing to get worked up about. --DC Ambrose (talk) 16:18, 27 September 2013 (EDT)
The Ark was the impression I got as well. The implied degree of damage it received varies each time it's mentioned, but I doubt it was actually destroyed, just very damaged, likely not able to make more rings. And it also looks like John is trying to get Cortana back, whether he knows if he can or not, or where she is at that point, we don't know, though. Since he spent half his dialogue in Halo 4 talking about it, he'll be trying to find Halsey for sure, and with what happened with her in Spartan Ops... well, John may be giving another badass "No, Sir" (or a few) to ONI in this one, and I doubt they'll take kindly to that. And whether he's on the run from ONI/UNSC, or they just won't help him, that sets the stage perfectly for Thel to come back and help his old friend out. Just some thoughts I've had so far. Alex T Snow (talk) 04:04, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
The absolute record...--Killamint [Comm|Files] 07:55, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
@ Alex T Snow: Wow. You just blew my mind. 343 would be a fool not to use that plot. --Weeping Angel (talk) 09:12, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
I also agree. Might be Reach. I'd like to see that anyway. Maginot Sphere (talk) 09:55, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
I don't think it's Reach. At 0:46 of the trailer, John looks up and you see the sky with what appears to be a reddish planet/moon. Neither of Reach's two moons are red.--Spartacus TalkContribs 11:12, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
My money's on the Ark as well... That moon is the same color as the Foundry and the geography supports the theory. DJenser (talk) 13:03, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
Maybe both moons were also glassed by the Covenant, hence why they're red. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 13:37, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
I somehow managed to completely forget about the Absolute Record. :/ The Ark would be a good place for something like that to be, and Halsey is the only person that knows about it, so yeah, that could be where he's headed. I also noticed watching it again that in addition to his visor being cracked, the armour itself is also very worn. And I'm not sure if the "Your journey begins" is a tagline for the game, or for the new console, so I'm not sure if that's something we can read into. Alex T Snow (talk) 17:59, 11 June 2013 (EDT)
That's why I said "absolute record" above. However I don't believe that the ark, reach, or any location we've already been to is the location to be in "Halo 5". I believe it's the Absolute record itself as a new location or a shield world/planet/installation as the set. Who knows. Sometimes things turn out to be different from the trailer in the actual release.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 15:59, 13 June 2013 (EDT)
Maybe it's not even Five... i'm wishing for SO Season 2, cause the first one was painfully disappointing, narrativewise and gameplaywise. k4karnage 20:39, 13 June 2013 (EDT)
The ending S1 may tie into Halo "5" since the main campaign of H4 didn't build up to another story for MC. It pretty muched ended there. Though, Halo "5" may explain what the chief was doing for the past six months before the Infinity returned to Requiem. If that's the case there will be a S2 for SO's but it'll continue to follow crimson's story and not MC's. Confusing really. We do need an explanation for why the UNSC waited 6 months before returning to Requiem. But yeah, Spartan Ops was bad both ways. The writing was terrible and someone described it as the "most mismanaged campaign" by the UNSC.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:42, 14 June 2013 (EDT)

If the trailer takes place in an established location, my guess is that it's set on Sanghelios. All the features are there: desert, rocky crags, at least one similarly barren moon, and abandoned Forerunner technology. I've been wanting to see the continuation (or aftermath) of the Sangheili civil war since it began in The Thursday War. There's been speculation that the Arbiter will be reintroduced in the second game of the trilogy, just as he was the first time around. If this really is the Elite homeworld, we might see Thel's return pretty soon. --Courage never dies. (talk) 11:02, 15 June 2013 (EDT)

Definitely looking forward to him coming back. Aside from being awesome, he's virtually the only person left John could consider a friend. Alex T Snow (talk) 01:34, 16 June 2013 (EDT)
They should have brought him back in Halo 4.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 09:52, 16 June 2013 (EDT)

It could be set on Installation 03 or a previously-unseen planet near it. The upper left part of the moon in the sky appears to have a chunk missing, just like the rocky planet that Installation 03 orbits. The planet is even the same color. We don't see a Halo's curve in the sky but that could be obscured by the clouds. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 17:31, 21 June 2013 (EDT)

Someone on youtube came up with a theory that that robot was Mendicant-Bias rising out of the desert on installation 00 where he was buried. Of course that robot's design is far from the Mendicant's description but who knows.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:59, 25 June 2013 (EDT)
On Halo Archive and here they created a very attractive theory. It links very well with prior fiction, and I would be disappointed if the sequel to Halo 4 didn't take the Ark up as the main location. The construct we see rising could be Mendicant Bias' guard or protection, if it weren't him himself. I'd love to see a continuation of MB's story, and I was a little disappointed by his lack of mention in 4. :P --TentacleTornado 13:41, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
Yeah, I also wanted Mendicant Bias to be mentioned in Halo 4, especially because of the last Terminal in H3, when he says things like he'll protect the Chief's path to the Portal, and he'd like his masters to see that he has changed, etc. I whish the Librarian had said that Mendicant Bias made sure that the Chief would reach Requiem, etc. because it's part of her plan... Too bad he's not mentioned at all. I also think that John returning to the Ark would be a good story, I hope Silentium's epilogue will be used this way. Imrane-117 (talk) 17:08, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
He wasn't the only one not mentioned. The Arbiter wasn't mentioned either.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:32, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
I was hoping that Mendy would be the Chief's new AI buddy, but I have a sinking feeling that it will more likely be Guilty Chakas...DJenser (talk) 13:13, 24 July 2013 (EDT)

Has anyone considered that this my be Kholo? Lets look at the facts. We know Kholo was glassed, which means the sand and molten metal show in the trailer could be a connection. We also know that there were Forunner ruins on Kholo, they were just buried by the glassing. Could this possibly be Kholo? We know that 343 is wanting to connect all of Halo cannon, from the books, the comics, to the games. I don't doubt the fact that it could be possibly at the Ark, but I figured I'd throw this out there for other people to consider. Siphon 117 20:42, 19 August 2013 (EDT)

Maybe but its not really a significant location for anything to happen. Of course they left some mystery as to what the humans were excavating on the planet but that's about it. Would be nice for 343i to finish that story.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:08, 12 September 2013 (EDT)

Improvements we want to see

As some of you may have noticed, I was a little disappointed with most of the things I saw that came out of Halo 4, with Spartan Ops being my overall biggest disappointment. With that in mind there are certain improvements I would like to see out of the next iteration. I would like to see the return of campaign theater & scoring. I wanna see more unique weaponry and better weapon sounds. There needs to be more variety - for example: in one of the SpOps missions, we are tasked with killing troops on the ground, yet another spartan squad gets to destroy a covie cruiser from the inside - why were they given a more fun mission? I would like all those COD features erased from the game and make way for more classic style Halo gameplay for multiplayer. I want more consistency - I didn't like the fact that the FUD, master chief, and covie species were redesigned. And finally I want better gameplay where QTE's no longer existed. There's more but I wanted to keep it brief. Anyone else have anything they want to see for the next Halo game.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:59, 25 June 2013 (EDT)

Let's also make it unhackable...—This unsigned comment was made by I Kill U (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

It's impossible to make something completely impervious to hacking.--Spartacus TalkContribs 12:07, 26 June 2013 (EDT)
What's wrong with hacking a game? It helps gamers find sweet new toys like the stasis rifle and bishop beam.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:10, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
Sangheili in multi-player. That is all I want. :D --TentacleTornado 13:41, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
I do miss this feature as it allowed for role-playing and made gameplay unique instead of the same-ole spartans vs. spartans.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:23, 29 June 2013 (EDT)

Improvements? Bring back the old multiplayer system where everything is unlocked from the very beginning. Offline players need some love too! — subtank 15:04, 29 June 2013 (EDT)

^Definitely. I almost forgot about the offline features. Halo 4 was dominated with online "only" non-sense.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:23, 29 June 2013 (EDT)

Speaking for myself, toning down the glare would be nice. Some of the Forerunner-themed missions especially got near-blinding. There's stylisation, and there's occular pain.

Other than that, I would love to see more effective non-Covenant enemies. The Prometheans were a great idea, executed with mixed results. The Covenant were fine as always. I would also love to see some human enemies for a change - rogue UNSC perhaps, or even Insurrectionists allied to a Covenant remnant faction. I've always thought that real Innies were being led up to in the first level of Reach, which would result in a fakeout revealing the Covenant, but they were cut for time. Fighting a human faction hostile to the UNSC, perhaps even teaming up with them if the Covenant turn on them, would be great! And since Forerunner enemies are a given in this post-Didact universe, expanding the number of Sentinel types would be great, filling a niche vacated by the Drones and Jetpack Troopers perhaps.

I'd also love to see a better starfighter level, if they bring that gameplay back. The Saber was fantastic, but the Broadsword left me underwhelmed. I expected dogfighting, and what I got was a Death Star trench run without Darth Vader breathing down my neck. -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 06:56, 30 June 2013 (EDT)

You read my mind. I was hoping to fight the insurrectionist for the longest time. That would present some unique gameplay. Never know, they could be included in a new game as part of this new "saga" that 343i is planning - they might as well make it happen. But yeah, the Broadsword sequence was a lil lame, whenever I play that mission I skip the trench. They definitely should try to make better use of the Broadsword than a linear obstacle course. Speaking of that, I'm still wishing to see some more human energy weapons besides the Spartan laser. That was not fulfilled in Halo 4. Maybe the next Halo?
I remember someone joking about the lens flare in Halo 4. I didn't mind it honestly but it was distracting in the star trek film (not too bad though).--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:22, 30 June 2013 (EDT)
I've got a few small, very specific, but very important improvements. Bring back the "none of the above" option and the ability to change your vote in matchmaking.
Also, they need to make weapons and bodies stick around longer in Spartan Ops. All too often I would drop a weapon, turn around for two seconds and everything was gone. This was likely a result of fact that Halo 4 pushed the hardware to its limit, so removing bodies and weapons more quickly was necessary to prevent slowdown and lag in Spartan Ops - Xbox One won't have this problem.
A critical change is to increase the amount of ammo you can carry in the campaign. They decreased the ammo capacity for a lot of the weapons to increase the incentive to use the Ammo support upgrade. But in campaign they used the default low limit, which was a huge pain in the ass. How many of us were forced to backtrack again and again for ammo because we could only carry 56 DMR rounds instead of 75? I'm not saying we need to go back up the 120 and 600 round limits of Combat Evolved, but Halo 4 showed just how easy it is to adjust those limits, so there's no reason why you couldn't carry more rounds in campaign with a smaller default threshold in multiplayer.
Final suggestion: the terminals. I get that they're trying to get people to use Waypoint, but they need to allow people to watch the terminals in-game. I also wish they would allow you to go back and find and access them again after the first time. Even now, when I play through the old games, I like to go back and re-find, re-read, and re-watch old terminals and skulls. I've even created dummy profiles on my Xbox just so I could find the ODST audio logs again. --Emblem 1.jpg Rusty-112 Admin comm 01:09, 7 July 2013 (EDT)
I second the ammo thing for sure. I never really had an issue carrying the guns I wanted through missions in previous games, but carrying the AR through all of Halo 4 is very challenging to do without running out. Alex T Snow (talk) 01:38, 8 July 2013 (EDT)
The issue with objects disappearing from a game is due to the limited memory space the Xbox 360 has. By the looks of it, Halo 4 graphics engine has pushed the console's RAM to its limit, and the only way to prevent the game from crashing is by quickly deleting/removing these objects left behind/not collected by the player. I'm sure the next Halo installment on the Xbox One wouldn't have this problem. Definitely agree about the issue of accessing additional media. — subtank 06:29, 8 July 2013 (EDT)
Agree 100% with Rusty. To be honest I don't think they should've maxed out the 360 to its limits. Takes away from gameplay/features (i.e. weapon pick-ups, campaign theater, etc...). Perhaps they should've kept the Reach graphics but improved it to get rid of the grainy texture problem that game had? IDK. 42 rounds for your DMR is just stupid - which is why I resorted to sequence breaking and skipping large chunks of the levels in order to get through them without using much ammo if any. As for the terminals, definitely should've been in-game. Seems like 343i was foricng players to have fun their way (which may explain why we still don't have a classic playlist for multiplayer).--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:09, 8 July 2013 (EDT)
Have you tried Throwdown? It's the most faithful and competetive playlist. Unfortunately, you'll have to be pretty good to hold your own in it. It's mostly played by the really competetive players. Always use the DMR. This is craZboy557, signing off. 18:33, 25 July 2013 (EDT)
I never tried it but they have legendary slayer and that was pretty good.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:08, 12 September 2013 (EDT)

My wants are the usual: No sprint as an option, descope, lowered aim assist, especially magnetism. Ok, so maybe don't always use the DMR anymore. That two shot-melee is pretty good. This is craZboy557, signing off. 18:49, 15 September 2013 (EDT)

I'd like to see a return to the health system used in Halo: Reach. I thought that Bungie actually pulled that off pretty well. It would also make available new weapons that could shred through both a small amount of shield and health like Killamint said. @Qura Morhek: Bingo! i couldn't have said it better. --Weeping Angel (talk) 12:33, 27 September 2013 (EDT)

Definitely agree with you there. I hate the health system in Halo 4, mainly because your health isn't shown on the HUD which leaves you blind as to how much health you have after your shields have dropped. Hated it in Halo 2 and 3 as well.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 10:52, 12 October 2013 (EDT)