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ORBITAL-class Mjolnir

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Template:Article Quote The MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Orbital is a variant of the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor (GEN2).[1] The armor bears a striking resemblance to the MJOLNIR/V variant and SPI armor's helmet.

Development history

Developed by the Naphtali Contractor Corporation, the MJOLNIR/Orbital variant was field-tested during the battles in the skyhooks and space elevators on Earth and Luna during the Battle of Earth.[1] The armor includes a valence-fading blast shield, L4-0 braced generators, and tow-grip isolation packs for quick yet stable mobility in zero-g settings.[2]

Production notes

The helmet has a skull on the visor by default. There is no way to remove it. The armor has a variant called AEON, which is unlocked by mastering the Covenant Destroyer commendation.


The AEON variant's human skull painted onto the visor is similar to Emile-A239's EVA [C] helmet.


List of appearances


Template:MJOLNIR Variations