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Revision as of 21:13, October 28, 2015 by Wwwwolf (talk | contribs) (H5G)
H4 - Bulltrue.png

Bulltrue is a medal in Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Halo 4 and Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer that is awarded when a player kills another player who is in the act of an Energy Sword lunge. The lunge does not necessarily have to be directed at the player who receives the medal; the swordsman can be in the act of lunging at any player. In Halo 3 and Reach it is represented by a brown diamond with a silver outline and a bull's head in the center. In Halo 4 the bull's head is atop a blue circle and grey cross. In Halo 5: Guardians, the bull's head is on top of a brown octaagon.

The medal accompanied with the message, "Bulltrue!".


A Bulltrue is most easily achieved with dual Maulers or a Shotgun. If lucky, an Assault Rifle, dual-wielded SMG, or Magnums would work, if the enemy dies right as the lunge occurs.

It is actually a very challenging medal to attain, unless playing Grifball or against inexperienced players. This medal is slightly easier to obtain as a Juggernaut, as increased shielding and damage resistance lead to a non-one-hit-kill with the sword. A popular yet difficult way to obtain this medal is to hit the sword user with a sniper headshot at close range. Another way to receive this medal is to play Infection or Flood.


  • In the Halo 3 Beta the medal was simply a red star because the Energy Sword wasn't supposed to be found in the Beta's Custom Games and variants.
  • Earning this medal on a Halo 3 Mythic map will unlock with the ... Get the Horns achievement .
  • Earning the medal Halo: Reach unlocks the Emile's helmet avatar award.
