Halopedia:Community Social Gaming

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Revision as of 18:40, October 14, 2012 by Killjax (talk | contribs) (→‎Spartan Ops: SIGN UP YOU FOOLS)
The Halopedian Gaming Community



In 2007 Community Social Gaming (CSG) initially started out as Halopedia Warz as a collaborative gaming effort. It was instigated and officially lead by former administrator RelentlessRecusant. At first Halopedia Warz was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing, with matches scheduled whenever Relentless was available. Later on Halopedia Warz turned into an internal gaming network where organized teams faced each other in Halo 2 & Halo 3. When RelentlessRecusant took an indefinite leave of absence in 2009, the responsibilities were taken up by CommanderTony and Spirit-of-HALO (now known as Killjax) as a way to bring the local gaming community together. Due to time constraints however, Halopedia Warz was slowly taken offline.

Now, as a way to promote Halo 4, Halopedia Warz has been revitalized and reorganized into "Community Social Gaming" as Halopedia's new social gaming effort.

You can check out older matches of CSG, as well as Halopedia Warz, here.


This small yet simple gaming community will be organized accordingly and updated frequently on this page for as long as it is allowed. Differentiating timezones and player availability will also be taken into account when scheduling occurs.'

As you probably all know, Halo 4 will be released worldwide on November 6th, 2012. I figured hosting a simple gaming event within Halo 4 would be a fantastic way to celebrate the games launch. Its a good way to socialize amongst our digital selves and have a little fun. Sounds good, right?

Now before I immediately state the intended date the event will be held at, I would like to know first the amount of players who would like to participate in order to know for certain if this will proceed or not.

Please sign your usernames below.

At the moment, please refrain from listing your gamertags

  1. Spartacus TalkContribs
  2. File:Colonel Grade One.pngCol. Snipes450File:Colonel Grade One.png 12:44, 14 October 2012 (EDT)
  3. Second Lieutenant Keith Johnson File:7thHelljumpers.jpg com link
UNSC insignia (post-war).png

The custom match will be announced a week ahead of the scheduled date, with voting occurring within the span of 5 days. CSG will only be available for Xbox 360 owners with Xbox LIVE-Gold subscriptions.

I'll reveal more information when time progresses.

Dedicated Hosts

Each match or game session will be coordinated by one or two hosts. It is the responsibility of these Hosts to establish the game and monitor the behavior of players. Volunteers and temporary hosts for less-organized games and game set ups will be requested upon on a need-for basis.


coming soon...

Upcoming Matches and Schedules

(Time, date, and game settings are subject to change)

Rules & Gaming Etiquette

  • Sportsmanship: Respect fellow Halopedians on the field of battle, regardless of if they are on your team. This is just a game, poor conduct and extremely foul language will not be tolerated.
  • Teamwork: Work as a team to achieve victory over the opposing team, not participating without prior warning will result in the exclusion of that day's events.
  • Enjoyment: Make this a fun, exciting, and enjoyable environment for everybody. Do not shun other players with profanities, racial slurs, or other hateful comments. As stated before, this is just a videogame...treat it as that.
  • Requirements: Halopedians must have a copy of Halo 4; in addition, have an up-to-date Xbox LIVE Gold subscription as well as the map packs (there will be exceptions, but it is heavily advised).
  • Participation: Matches will begin shortly after the posted time. Players who are scheduled to game and have been organized into their respective teams will need to participate.

Team Roster

coming soon...

Red Team Leaderboard

coming soon...

Blue Team Leaderboard

coming soon...

Spartan Ops

coming soon


coming soon...


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