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John-117 using a UNSC shoulder-mounted laser weapon against a Covenant Plasma Turret.

A laser is a device that emits a narrow, monochromatic beam of light with a well-defined wavelength. The word laser is derived from the acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Humanity first developed laser technology in May 1960, when the first laser was built and tested by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories. In the 21st century, lasers became a multi-billion dollar industry. Civilian applications included reading digital storage disks, reading bar codes, or in handheld devices such as laser pointers. Lasers used in medicine are used for internal surgery and cosmetic applications. Lasers also saw use in manufacturing, where they were used for precision cutting and other functions. Lasers were also commonly used in various fields in science, especially spectroscopy. Lasers were also used by the military for target identification and illumination for weapons delivery. All of these uses are presumably just as widespread five centuries later.

The use of laser technology for offensive purposes was still in its infancy during the 21st century, but in recent times the UNSC has developed several laser-based weapons. The Covenant, on the other hand, has been using laser-based weaponry for far longer.

