League of nations

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The League of Nations was the predessecor to the United Nations. It was one of President Woodrow Wilson's 14 points. It was meant to be for Nations of the world to join together to fight wars however during th 1930's ot was realised it was a failure.

The League in the 1920's

The 1920's was the successful decade of the League of Nations however there were faults but not that serious such as in 1920 when a private Polish army invaded and took control of Vilna which was a part of Lithuania, the League condemned Poland's actions but did not make Poland give it back. Also in 1923 there was the Corfu crisis, an Italian surveyer and his team was on the Greek side of the border when his team were murdered. Mussolini was furious and he demanded the murderers were caught and put to death. But the Greek government said they did not know the killers, this caused Mussolini to get REALLY angry and he invaded Corfu and annexed it. The Greek government appaeled to the League and the League said compensation would be given to the League to keep until the murderers were caught. Mussolini got really angry at this and did something "behind the scenes", when the League gave in to him, he pulled out of Corfu boasting of his victory.

But the League had successes such as in 1921, Finland and Sweden both claimed the Aaland Islands were theirs and were threatening war. So the League gave the Aaland Islands to Finland and war was averted.

Also in 1925, Greece attacked the Bulgarian border force and invaded Bulgaria, But had it been prior to 1919, Bulgaria would have invaded Greece quicker than you could say "Counter-attack" but know Bulgaria appaeled to the League and the League condemned Greece's actions and another war was averted.