Fleet Command Headquarters

Revision as of 14:54, February 26, 2010 by ShadowBroker44 (talk | contribs)

Fleet Command Headquarters, otherwise known as FLEETCOM HQ[1], was a United Nations Space Command Fleet Command complex stationed on Reach.

It was also the home to the prestigious Olympic Tower, which served as an office building to the brass of FLEETCOM.

It was the Covenant's first target when they invaded Reach, and on about 0555 hours, they overran the UNSC Marine Corps perimeter with Banshees, Wraiths, and thousands of infantry, and the attacked the armory building, effectively neutralizing effective UNSC space tactical coordination of Reach's defense.


  • Because of the success of the MJOLNIR Program, Dr. Catherine Halsey was offered a spot to work in the Olympic Tower, located in FLEETCOM HQ. She, however, declined the offer.
