Jackals' unlimited Plasma Pistols

Revision as of 01:42, May 23, 2009 by Nicmavr (talk | contribs) (Darn broken link...)

Template:Ratings The Unlimited Plasma Pistols is a trick that can be performed in the Halo 2 Campaign level Sacred Icon.


Play the Sacred Icon level until you reach the point where your Jackal and Grunt allies are fighting Sentinels. Destroy all the ports that the Sentinels come out from so your allies are safe. Grab a Covenant Carbine, if you haven't already got one already, and trade it to a Jackal Soldier (make sure your other weapon is not a Plasma Pistol or you won't be able to trade with him).

Then charge up the Type-25 Pistol he just gave you and launch it at his shield. If this is done the first time, the soldier will freeze. This will bring the shield down temporarily and he will drop the Type-51 Carbine and pull out another Plasma Pistol. You can do this over and over and the Jackal will pull out a new pistol every time, thus giving you unlimited Plasma Pistols.

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