Shredder round

Revision as of 09:57, September 3, 2007 by Grizzlei (talk | contribs)

The Shredder Round is a special type of United Nations Space Command projectile rifle ammunition.


The designed to splinter on impact, tearing through light armor and making mincemeat of flesh. They are usually fired from Assault Rifles as a replacement for Armor Piercing Rounds. However, shredder rounds have a severe lack of penetration power and they are all but useless against Covenant personal shields.


This type of ammunition was often used by the Spartan-II's when they ran out of AP ammunition.

In the Lambda Serpentis System in 2535, the Spartans of Blue Team switched to using shredder rounds after exhausting all of their AP rounds when gunning down a horde of Grunts.[1] Another example, also in Fall of Reach, is when Blue Team is at Cote d'Azur.

The Spartans were in a firefight with two Hunters in a museum and when they found out that the AP rounds were not affective against the Hunter's armor, Spartan-117 ordered the team to switch to shredder rounds and shoot the floor beneath the Hunters. [2]
