I have the book. This guy is Half-Jaw

Name Change

The Graphic Novel states that Half-Jaw/Spec Ops Commander are both Rtas 'Vadumee. The title should be changed.

Shorthand name

It's been established in Halo: The Flood that Elites shorten their names to the second part. If you're going to shorten his name, it will be "'Vadumee", not "Rtas". -ED 15:17, 26 August 2006 (UTC)


When is his name revealed? One of the books? Also, how is it pronounced? Salty 05:10, 4 September 2006 (UTC)

His name is apparently revealed in Halo Graphic Novel, since there's a story with him in it. I'd pronounce it with a gentle 'r' (lower case) sound at the beginning and then the rest as it's spelt. I know it could be a problem if you're not used to pronouncing funny words. J.f 4 September 10:31
I don't see how to pronounce the R without a vowel on either side, and say "er-tas" even though I know it's probably inaccurate. --Dragonclaws 10:46, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
Hah hah, I have always pronounced it with emphasis on the R. To me it sounds like AR-tas. -ED 01:28, 5 September 2006 (UTC)
To be honest sometimes i pronounce it artas because it's easier -J.f

Too many quotes!!!

So many quotes make it look to tacky-- 18:18, 22 September 2006 (UTC)

I contributed some of his quotes, but only the "quotish" sounding ones. I was not the person who included the quotes of every single thing he ever said in the "Heretic" and "Oracle" missions and I think somebody should get rid of some of them. -User:J.f
Okay, I removed some of the quotes just now but it still might need trimming a bit --.J.f