
Template:Covenant Rank Infobox

"Eye of the Prophets"
— Translated Covenant Definition of "Ossoona"

Ossoona is a Covenant Sangheili (Elite) title and rank granted to certain Elites that are given Active Camoflague and sent on espionage missions.


Unlike most other Covenant rankings, an "Ossoona" is a temporary one bestowed by the Prophets of the Covenant upon specially selected Elite warriors, making it comparable to the atypical rank of the Arbiter.

Due to a lack of intelligence on the United Nations Space Command, the Prophets have begun to pull a handful of Elites from active duty into temporary service as Ossoonas. The mission of an Ossoona is to collect information on the enemy while avoiding combat. As such, they are equipped with Active Camouflage generators. Many of these Elites feel that there is little honor in such an assignment, but they do as they are told due to their reverence of the Prophets.

The title of Ossoona is usually bestowed for a single mission, though a series of missions are sometimes given. Unlike most Elites but similar to Stealth Elites, they do not have a personal energy shield. Instead they have to rely on their Active Camouflage and stealth skills for defense, if they run into a fight and their cover is blown, they are armed with a Plasma pistol just in case. In fitting with their vulnerability, they are normally slated for non-combat intelligence gathering such as capturing high ranking enemy personnel or equipment such as AI's, weapons, etc.


During the Covenant attack on Pillar of Autumn over Installation 04 in 2552, Isna 'Nosolee (the only known Ossoona) was made an Ossoona and charged with three missions:

  • Record footage of the human ship on his helmet recorder
  • Capture the human Artificial Intelligence
  • Capture senior personnel.

Even though he was killed, the attendance of the Ossoona in the lifepod Captain Keyes had fled aboard alerted the Covenant to his importance and ensured that they captured him instead of killing him along with his party.

Known Ossoonas


  • The name is likely inspired by the Mayan Ossoona Codex, a particular method of writing that to this day is still little understood.
  • Osoona means "Eye of the Prophets" in the Covenant language. [1]


Template:Elite Ranks