091 Adjutant Veridity
Biographical information

Began service:

Before 97,445 BCE


Female personality [1]

Political and military information


Forerunner ecumene



091 Adjutant Veridity is a forerunner ancilla, a submonitor of Installation 07 tasked with caretaking the ring.


In 2558, the crew of the Ace of Spades encountered Veridity after their ship crashed into the substructure of the ring after an encounter with the tullioc. Veridity scanned the humans and asked for 343 Guilty Spark's designation and was left confused by the former Monitor's armiger body which she found to be most inappropriate. Spark revealed that Installation 04 had been destroyed and asked after 117649 Despondent Pyre, the Monitor of Installation 07. Veridity simply stated that Despondent Pyre was "everywhere and nowhere" and introduced herself. The submonitor started speaking at length about the tullioc and revealed that they had been inadvertently provoked to attack the ship by the Ace of Spades burning through the leaves under which the creatures laid their eggs. Rion Forge revealed that their intention was to find the Cartographer and, as the original one had been destroyed, Spark asked where the current one was. Veridity pointed to some nearby ominous black towers and confirmed that the Cartographer was fully operational. Spark accepted Veridity's help in finding the Cartographer and set parameters for the submonitor's help in repairing the Ace of Spades.

As they made their way towards the cluster, Spark revealed that it was Mendicant Bias' former core and, overhearing, Veridity explained that the IsoDidact had purged the rogue ancilla from it long ago. With Zeta Halo currently only a third of its former size, the ring had no need for a storage facility and power source of such magnitude, though they still made use of it. Alongside being the new Cartographer, it served as the Monument, a place that stored all of the damaged ancillas and composed humans from damaged storage devices gathered over the course of centuries and given a new home large enough for everyone. Billions of lives lost over countless millennia stored in crystal, watched over and created by the ring's ancillas on the orders of the IsoDidact and the Librarian. Due to the danger that the tullioc had posed to it, they had also purified the atmosphere and ended the shroud of mist over Zeta Halo to ensure the survival of the Monument, the tullioc and other creatures present on the installation.[2] At Spark's request, Veridity went into more detail about the Librarian's time on Zeta Halo and the purpose of Veridity and the ring's other monitors.

Finally, Veridity led the two to the new Cartographer and explained that it was also the Librarian's idea and that it served as a Silent Cartographer while there was another functional site closer to the surface half a ring away. After interfacing with the Cartographer, Spark noticed that a record was missing and the submonitor assured him that it was only the one, affronted not by Spark's statement, but by the act itself. However, Veridity didn't know who had done it, stating that it was a very old record. Deciding that it was unimportant for the moment, Spark used the Librarian's coordinate key on the console with the aid of Rion as a Reclaimer. Veridity was left stunned as the Cartographer's map of Halo changed into a star map leading to another location and the console released a second piece of the coordinate key. However, as Rion put the two pieces together, a slipspace portal opened up and dragged her in, although Spark managed to take the coordinate key from Rion first.[3]

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: Point of Light, page 105
  2. ^ Halo: Point of Light, chapter 15
  3. ^ Halo: Point of Light, chapter 16