
Fighting Retreat

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What Could Go Wrong?


Light the Fuse

Fighting Retreat
File:HW2-Fighting Retreat.png


Halo Wars 2




June 4, 2559


High Charity crash site, Installation 00


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Fighting Retreat is the sixteenth campaign level in Halo Wars 2, and the second of the Awakening the Nightmare expansion.




Mission Briefing

  • Brute: "Pavium, our troops are en route to perform salvage extraction from the nearby ships."
  • Pavium: "Good. If Voridus has listened to me, he'll be doing the same from outside of High Charity. Have you had word from him?"
  • Brute: "No, no further communications since he and his Brutes approached High Charity."
  • Pavium: "Unsurprising. No doubt he's picked a fight with some Sentinels there, but he should have reported in. No matter."

Mission Summary

Clear a path for the salvage operation

Scouting Report

Valuable resources can be found amongst the wreckage from the crash site.


Two Infantry squad are approaching the wreckage that blocks their way.

  • Pavium: "Keep moving, I want us to be ready for extraction as soon as possible. Let's get to work. We need those barriers down so i can clear a path for the salvage route."

Pavium tries to contact Voridus to see how he's doing unknowing to him that Voridus has released the Flood from High Charity.

  • Pavium: "Voridus, this is Pavium. Have you found anything outside the shell?"
  • Voridus: "...Pavium! Fall back, I warn you! We have been assaulted..."

The COMMS from Voridus are breaking up while three Grunt Infantry Squads are patrolling the area.

  • Pavium: "Voridus? Respond! Engineers, get his comms feed back, now!"

A Brute spots movement from High Charity.

  • Brute: "Pavium! Movement! From High Charity!"

Hordes of Pod Infector are approaching the salvage operation.

  • Pavium: "The rumours were true! What has that fool done?"

Three Grunt Infantry Squad is on the work of scanning the supplies however Pod Infector reaches them and one squad is running away while the other two are infected.

  • Grunt 1: "Run, run!"
  • Pavium: "Coward! We will hold the line until i hear from Voridus and his troops. I will not abandon them!"
  • Brute: "Don't let them touch you!"

As the Flood approaches them, Pavium and his unit eliminates them before they got a chance to infect one of his troops.

  • Pavium: "Destroy those who turn, they are no longer your allies!"

Some Garrisons are empty and Pavium orders them to reinforce it.

  • Pavium: "Into garrisons! Defend yourselves!"

They can heard the flood screaming and more Pod Infector coming to the west. They quickly clear it out and once clear the Flood start attacking from the east.

  • Pavium: "Flood incoming from the east!"

Pavium remind them to not touch any of them while engaging Pod infector from east.

  • Pavium: "Do not let them touch you, it is said they will consume your body and mind!"

While defending the east, the Banished are retreating from west side to Pavium once the Flood is coming in from west.

  • Pavium: "Keep them back, do not let them overrun this area!"

After defending enough, the Banished regroups near lightbridge.

  • Grunt 1: "They're coming from everywhere!"
  • Pavium: "We must retreat, the area is lost to the Flood. All units, fall back to the first position!"

The Banished retreats through the lightbridge and it shuts down, cutting off the route so the Flood can't pursue them temporarily.

  • Pavium: "Get off that bridge! We need to shut it down and get it secured!"

Reaching the first outpost, Pavium try to contact Voridus.

  • Pavium: "Voridus? Are you there? I'm holding the line as long as i can, but i won't be able to wait forever!"

Voridus has not be able to respond yet while the Banished open the case to get more supplies.

  • Pavium: "Still nothing? Damn him! See to the wounded and prepare the defenses for the next attack! They are not finished with us yet!"

The timer countdown start from 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

  • Pavium: "Break open those cases! Use everything we have to strengthen our defenses!"

The Banished open all the cases to further aid the defenses.

  • Pavium: "We must hold the line here to give Voridus and his troops time to join in! Dig in!"

If the defense turret and barricade has not yet established.

  • Pavium: "Get the defenses up! We need to stagger the Flood assault with barricades!"

When the timer reaches 30 second.

  • Pavium: "My Orbital Designator shows a massive waves of Flood coming soon, gather supplies and build defenses to be ready for them!"

When the timer reaches 0, the Flood start to commence the assault again.

  • Pavium: "The flood are as inexorable as the stories said."

Pavium request reinforcements from Colony to open a path for retreat.

  • Pavium: "Bring in the Goliaths to clear a path back to our base! We must hold the line for Voridus there, it's our best chance!"

A Spirit drops a team of Goliath and immediately goes to work.

  • Pavium: "Defend the Goliaths, they must clear both routes or we'll have nowhere to fall back to!"

The countdown start from five minutes while an infantry squad are being attacked from the west and the Squad Leader are infected.

  • Pavium: "We must have a staggered retreat. If Voridus is still alive he will need us!"

The Banished hold their line while the Flood coming from the east, defeating all Grunt Infantry Squads that are patrolling and infecting the Jiralhanae.

  • Pavium: "Flood coming from the east! Watch out!"

They continue to hold the line at the all sides.

  • Pavium: "Fight back! The Banished have not come so far to be devoured by monstrosities!"
  • Pavium: "Kill the infected where they fall, we cannot risk an acceleration in their numbers!"

The Flood start coming in from three directions.

  • Pavium: "Keep fighting, we shall not lose this place to these aberrations!"

When the timer is almost one minute remaining.

  • Pavium: "Hold the line!"

The Flood continue to attack relentlessly but the timer finally reaches 0 and the Banished start retreating when the wreckage is destroyed.

  • Pavium: "We have little time to prepare before they return! Fall back to the next line and ready the defenses!"

The Goliaths stays behind to cover the retreat.

  • Pavium: "Goliaths! Cover us as we fall back!"

Leader Power

  • Atriox's Bulwark I, II and III
  • Rain of Fire I, II and III
  • Stasis I and II
  • Burnout I and II

Unit Deployment

  • Pavium's Unit
    • Pavium
    • 10 Grunt Infantry Squads
    • 2-slot Minibase
  • Salvage Team
    • 7 Grunt Infantry Squad (2 Infected, 1 joins Pavium)



  • This mission is where you have to keep Pavium alive no matter what the cost unlike common hero unit that can be revived once downed.


  • Do not let Pavium died by any means necessary. If he dies then the mission will be failed.


Preceded by
What Could Go Wrong?
Halo Wars 2 campaign levels
Fighting Retreat
Succeeded by
Light the Fuse