Combat skin

Revision as of 08:25, October 28, 2014 by WargMarg (talk | contribs)


Pokémon Trainer - - 000


Pokemon: 0


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 001


Pokemon: 1 Treecko (Lv. 5) (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Pound/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 002


Pokemon: 1 Torchic (Lv. 5) (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Scratch/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 003


Pokemon: 1 Mudkip (Lv. 5) (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer May - 004


Pokemon: 2 Raichu (Lv. 36) (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 0 Swellow (Lv. 36) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer May - 005


Pokemon: 1 Torchic (Lv. 5) (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Scratch/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer May - 006


Pokemon: 1 Mudkip (Lv. 5) (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Youngster Calvin - 007


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 4) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher Rick - 008


Pokemon: 1 Wurmple (Lv. 4) (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher Lyle - 009


Pokemon: 3 Wurmple (Lv. 5) (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0 Wurmple (Lv. 5) (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0 Wurmple (Lv. 5) (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Lass Tiana - 010


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Aroma Lady Daisy - 011


Pokemon: 1 Tropius (Lv. 29) (Moves: Gust/Magical Leaf/Stomp/Sweet Scent) IVs: All 0


Twins Amy & Liv - 012


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 16) (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 16) (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Andrew - 013


Pokemon: 2 Magikarp (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Magikarp (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Ivan - 014


Pokemon: 3 Magikarp (Lv. 7) IVs: All 0 Magikarp (Lv. 7) IVs: All 0 Magikarp (Lv. 7) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Claude - 015


Pokemon: 2 Corphish (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0


Youngster Billy - 016


Pokemon: 2 Seedot (Lv. 4) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 6) IVs: All 0


Lass Haley - 017


Pokemon: 2 Lotad (Lv. 6) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 8) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0


Schoolkid Jerry - 018


Pokemon: 1 Ralts (Lv. 10) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Karen - 019


Pokemon: 2 Shroomish (Lv. 8) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5 Whismur (Lv. 8) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Team Aqua Grunt - 020


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 9) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 021


Pokemon: 2 Muk (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Carvanha (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Youngster Tommy - 022


Pokemon: 1 Geodude (Lv. 10) (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5


Youngster Joey - 023


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 7) IVs: All 0 Machop (Lv. 9) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher Jose - 024


Pokemon: 3 Wurmple (Lv. 7) IVs: All 0 Silcoon (Lv. 7) IVs: All 0 Nincada (Lv. 7) IVs: All 0


Lass Janice - 025


Pokemon: 1 Marill (Lv. 10) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Luis - 026


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Austin - 027


Pokemon: 2 Wingull (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Beverly - 028


Pokemon: 2 Wailmer (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0 Azumarill (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Dawn - 029


Pokemon: 1 Azumarill (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Douglas - 030


Pokemon: 1 Gyarados (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Nicole - 031


Pokemon: 1 Goldeen (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Elliot - 032


Pokemon: 2 Magikarp (Lv. 10) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Tentacool (Lv. 12) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Ned - 033


Pokemon: 1 Tentacool (Lv. 13) IVs: All 0


Guitarist Kirk - 034


Pokemon: 2 Magnemite (Lv. 16) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Volt Switch/Tackle/―――――) IVs: All 5 Electrike (Lv. 16) (Moves: Volt Switch/Quick Attack/Odor Sleuth/―――――) IVs: All 5


Guitarist Shawn - 035


Pokemon: 2 Voltorb (Lv. 15) IVs: All 5 Voltorb (Lv. 17) IVs: All 5


Swimmer ♂ Darrin - 036


Pokemon: 1 Barboach (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Tony - 037


Pokemon: 1 Tentacool (Lv. 27) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Denise - 038


Pokemon: 2 Goldeen (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Beth - 039


Pokemon: 1 Pelipper (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Jerome - 040


Pokemon: 2 Tentacool (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Matthew - 041


Pokemon: 1 Lombre (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Tara - 042


Pokemon: 1 Wailmer (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Missy - 043


Pokemon: 3 Wingull (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0 Barboach (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ David - 044


Pokemon: 2 Corphish (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0 Carvanha (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Alice - 045


Pokemon: 2 Goldeen (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0


Sailor Huey - 046


Pokemon: 1 Pelipper (Lv. 30) (Moves: Payback/Roost/Brine/Wing Attack) IVs: All 0


Sailor Edmond - 047


Pokemon: 1 Pelipper (Lv. 30) (Moves: Payback/Roost/Brine/Wing Attack) IVs: All 0


Tuber Lola - 048


Pokemon: 1 Azurill (Lv. 14) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Jacob - 049


Pokemon: 2 Voltorb (Lv. 14) IVs: All 10 Magnemite (Lv. 16) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Anthony - 050


Pokemon: 1 Magnemite (Lv. 17) IVs: All 10


[~ 144] [~ 51] - 051


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 144] [~ 52] - 052


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Collector Edwin - 053


Pokemon: 2 Lombre (Lv. 15) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Nuzleaf (Lv. 15) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Dale - 054


Pokemon: 2 Tentacool (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0


Twins Amy & Liv - 055


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 26) (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 26) (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Black Belt Hideki - 056


Pokemon: 1 Machop (Lv. 13) IVs: All 15


Black Belt Hitoshi - 057


Pokemon: 2 Machoke (Lv. 37) IVs: All 15 Heracross (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15


Black Belt Kiyo - 058


Pokemon: 1 Machamp (Lv. 40) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Tessa - 059


Pokemon: 1 Hariyama (Lv. 30) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Laura - 060


Pokemon: 1 Hariyama (Lv. 30) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 15


Youngster [~ 61] - 061


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Youngster [~ 62] - 062


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 9) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Randall - 063


Pokemon: 1 Delcatty (Lv. 28) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Parker - 064


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 28) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer George - 065


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 28) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Berke - 066


Pokemon: 1 Zangoose (Lv. 28) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Mary - 067


Pokemon: 1 Absol (Lv. 30) (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Bite/Taunt) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Lori - 068


Pokemon: 1 Absol (Lv. 30) (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Bite/Taunt) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Jody - 069


Pokemon: 1 Loudred (Lv. 30) (Moves: Screech/Stomp/Bite/Uproar) IVs: All 15


Lady [~ 70] - 070


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy [~ 71] - 071


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder [~ 72] - 072


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder [~ 73] - 073


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Beauty Melissa - 074


Pokemon: 1 Goldeen (Lv. 17) IVs: All 0


Beauty [~ 75] - 075


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


The Winstrates’ Vivi - 076


Pokemon: 3 Goldeen (Lv. 16) IVs: All 10 Shroomish (Lv. 16) IVs: All 10 Numel (Lv. 16) IVs: All 10


Hiker Brice - 077


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Machop (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0


Hiker Trent - 078


Pokemon: 3 Geodude (Lv. 17) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0 Geodude (Lv. 17) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Geodude (Lv. 17) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0


Camper Larry - 079


Pokemon: 1 Swellow (Lv. 30) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Quick Guard) IVs: All 0


Picnicker Carol - 080


Pokemon: 1 Gulpin (Lv. 19) IVs: All 0


Kindler Cole - 081


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 23) IVs: All 10 Slugma (Lv. 23) IVs: All 10


Kindler [~ 82] - 082


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Kindler Axle - 083


Pokemon: 1 Slugma (Lv. 25) IVs: All 10


Kindler [~ 84] - 084


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Kindler Andy - 085


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 25) (Moves: Overheat/Earth Power/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 10


Youngster Neal - 086


Pokemon: 2 Trapinch (Lv. 19) IVs: All 0 Electrike (Lv. 19) IVs: All 0


Youngster Dillion - 087


Pokemon: 1 Aron (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder [~ 88] - 088


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 089


Pokemon: 6 Wingull (Lv. 17) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 17) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0 Azurill (Lv. 17) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0 Budew (Lv. 17) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 17) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 17) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Hiker Lenny - 090


Pokemon: 1 Machop (Lv. 23) IVs: All 0


Hiker Lucas - 091


Pokemon: 2 Geodude (Lv. 22) IVs: All 0 Geodude (Lv. 20) IVs: All 0


Camper Shane - 092


Pokemon: 1 Swellow (Lv. 30) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Quick Guard) IVs: All 0


Picnicker [~ 93] - 093


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac Steve - 094


Pokemon: 1 Aron (Lv. 23) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0


Expert Timothy - 095


Pokemon: 3 Hariyama (Lv. 36) (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Whirlwind/Vital Throw) IVs: All 20 Swellow (Lv. 36) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Agility) IVs: All 20 Absol (Lv. 37) (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Night Slash/Taunt) IVs: All 20


Black Belt Koichi - 096


Pokemon: 2 Machop (Lv. 25) IVs: All 15 Machop (Lv. 27) IVs: All 15


Black Belt Nob - 097


Pokemon: 1 Machop (Lv. 25) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Cyndy - 098


Pokemon: 1 Meditite (Lv. 25) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15


Collector Hector - 099


Pokemon: 1 Zangoose (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0


Aroma Lady Rose - 100


Pokemon: 1 Tropius (Lv. 29) (Moves: Gust/Magical Leaf/Stomp/Sweet Scent) IVs: All 0


Aroma Lady [~ 101] - 101


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper Perry - 102


Pokemon: 1 Pelipper (Lv. 29) IVs: All 10


Bug Maniac Brent - 103


Pokemon: 2 Masquerain (Lv. 28) IVs: All 10 Ninjask (Lv. 28) IVs: All 10


Bug Maniac Donald - 104


Pokemon: 1 Beautifly (Lv. 30) IVs: All 12


Bug Maniac Taylor - 105


Pokemon: 1 Dustox (Lv. 30) IVs: All 12


Bug Catcher Doug - 106


Pokemon: 2 Volbeat (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0 Illumise (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher Greg - 107


Pokemon: 1 Beautifly (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher Kent - 108


Pokemon: 1 Dustox (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 109


Pokemon: 2 Seviper (Lv. 29) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15 Vigoroth (Lv. 29) (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 110


Pokemon: 1 Breloom (Lv. 31) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15


Bird Keeper Hugh - 111


Pokemon: 1 Swellow (Lv. 30) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper Phil - 112


Pokemon: 1 Doduo (Lv. 30) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Yasu - 113


Pokemon: 1 Ninjask (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Takashi - 114


Pokemon: 1 Koffing (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper Jared - 115


Pokemon: 2 Swellow (Lv. 30) IVs: All 10 Skarmory (Lv. 30) IVs: All 10


Bird Keeper [~ 116] - 116


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper [~ 117] - 117


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper Will - 118


Pokemon: 1 Dodrio (Lv. 32) IVs: All 10


Bird Keeper Colin - 119


Pokemon: 2 Swellow (Lv. 32) IVs: All 10 Xatu (Lv. 32) IVs: All 10


Bird Keeper Robert - 120


Pokemon: 1 Swablu (Lv. 34) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10


Ninja Boy [~ 121] - 121


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy [~ 122] - 122


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Ranger Carlos - 123


Pokemon: 2 Nuzleaf (Lv. 33) IVs: All 10 Manectric (Lv. 33) IVs: All 10


Pokémon Ranger Jenna - 124


Pokemon: 2 Lombre (Lv. 33) IVs: All 10 Grumpig (Lv. 33) IVs: All 10


Bug Maniac Brandon - 125


Pokemon: 1 Masquerain (Lv. 34) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 126


Pokemon: 6 Whismur (Lv. 17) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Aron (Lv. 17) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 17) (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 17) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 17) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder [~ 127] - 127


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac [~ 128] - 128


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Dragon Tamer Nicolas - 129


Pokemon: 1 Flygon (Lv. 47) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 20


Swimmer ♂ Spencer - 130


Pokemon: 2 Staryu (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Tentacruel (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Roland - 131


Pokemon: 1 Sealeo (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Cody - 132


Pokemon: 2 Staryu (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Staryu (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Stan - 133


Pokemon: 1 Seadra (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Barry - 134


Pokemon: 1 Gyarados (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Dean - 135


Pokemon: 3 Wailmer (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0 Staryu (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Golduck (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Rodney - 136


Pokemon: 1 Crawdaunt (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Richard - 137


Pokemon: 1 Wailmer (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Herman - 138


Pokemon: 2 Seadra (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Gilbert - 139


Pokemon: 2 Tentacruel (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Sharpedo (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Franklin - 140


Pokemon: 2 Whiscash (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Seadra (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Jack - 141


Pokemon: 2 Staryu (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Sharpedo (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Thorn - 142


Pokemon: 1 Tentacruel (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 143


Pokemon: 1 Luvdisc (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Grace - 144


Pokemon: 2 Wailmer (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Azumarill (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Tanya - 145


Pokemon: 1 Luvdisc (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Sharon - 146


Pokemon: 2 Clamperl (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Seaking (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Nikki - 147


Pokemon: 2 Luvdisc (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Tentacruel (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Brenda - 148


Pokemon: 1 Ludicolo (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Katie - 149


Pokemon: 2 Golduck (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Seaking (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Susie - 150


Pokemon: 1 Starmie (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Kara - 151


Pokemon: 1 Clamperl (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Sheryl - 152


Pokemon: 2 Luvdisc (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Debra - 153


Pokemon: 1 Corsola (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Linda - 154


Pokemon: 2 Pelipper (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Seaking (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Lynn - 155


Pokemon: 1 Lanturn (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Laurel - 156


Pokemon: 3 Luvdisc (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Luvdisc (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Luvdisc (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Psychic Preston - 157


Pokemon: 1 Kadabra (Lv. 42) (Moves: Calm Mind/Psychic/Role Play/―――――) IVs: All 15


Psychic Virgil - 158


Pokemon: 2 Kadabra (Lv. 40) IVs: All 15 Girafarig (Lv. 40) IVs: All 15


Psychic Fritz - 159


Pokemon: 2 Claydol (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15 Starmie (Lv. 41) IVs: All 15


Psychic [~ 160] - 160


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Psychic [~ 161] - 161


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Psychic [~ 162] - 162


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Caleb - 163


Pokemon: 1 Wailmer (Lv. 27) IVs: All 10


Triathlete [~ 164] - 164


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Isaiah - 165


Pokemon: 1 Starmie (Lv. 36) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10


Triathlete [~ 166] - 166


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Chase - 167


Pokemon: 1 Seadra (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 168] - 168


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 169] - 169


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 170] - 170


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 171] - 171


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 172] - 172


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 173


Pokemon: 2 Magnemite (Lv. 20) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5 Whismur (Lv. 20) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 174


Pokemon: 2 Magneton (Lv. 29) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5 Loudred (Lv. 29) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 175


Pokemon: 2 Magneton (Lv. 34) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5 Loudred (Lv. 34) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 176


Pokemon: 2 Magneton (Lv. 41) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5 Loudred (Lv. 41) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 177


Pokemon: 2 Magneton (Lv. 45) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5 Exploud (Lv. 45) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Aqua Leader Archie - 178


Pokemon: 4 Mightyena (Lv. 41) IVs: All 20 Muk (Lv. 41) IVs: All 20 Crobat (Lv. 41) IVs: All 20 Sharpedo (Lv. 43) @[~ 759] IVs: All 20


Team Aqua Grunt - 179


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 180


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Assurance/Scary Face) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 181


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 182


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0


Aqua Admin [~ 183] - 183


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 184


Pokemon: 1 Mightyena (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 185


Pokemon: 2 Carvanha (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 186


Pokemon: 1 Golbat (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 187


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Muk (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua [~ 188] - 188


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Psychic William - 189


Pokemon: 2 Staryu (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0 Grumpig (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0


Psychic Kayla - 190


Pokemon: 1 Kadabra (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac Mark - 191


Pokemon: 1 Lairon (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac [~ 192] - 192


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Chad - 193


Pokemon: 1 Golduck (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Sailor Ernest - 194


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 29) (Moves: Ice Fang/Screech/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0


Youngster Calvin - 195


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 12) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Youngster Calvin - 196


Pokemon: 2 Taillow (Lv. 13) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 15) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Youngster Calvin - 197


Pokemon: 2 Swellow (Lv. 25) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Linoone (Lv. 27) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Youngster Calvin - 198


Pokemon: 3 Swellow (Lv. 47) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Linoone (Lv. 47) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Lickilicky (Lv. 47) (Ability: Own Tempo) IVs: All 0


Lass Haley - 199


Pokemon: 2 Lotad (Lv. 9) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 11) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0


Lass Haley - 200


Pokemon: 2 Lombre (Lv. 14) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 15) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0


Lass Haley - 201


Pokemon: 2 Lombre (Lv. 23) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Breloom (Lv. 25) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0


Lass Haley - 202


Pokemon: 3 Whimsicott (Lv. 47) (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 0 Breloom (Lv. 47) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0 Ludicolo (Lv. 47) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Black Belt Nob - 203


Pokemon: 1 Machoke (Lv. 30) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Black Belt Nob - 204


Pokemon: 1 Machoke (Lv. 35) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Black Belt Nob - 205


Pokemon: 1 Machamp (Lv. 46) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 16


Team Aqua Grunt - 206


Pokemon: 1 Golbat (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 207


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 48) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 50) IVs: All 0


Sailor Dwayne - 208


Pokemon: 2 Tentacool (Lv. 13) IVs: All 0 Machop (Lv. 13) IVs: All 0


Tuber Simon - 209


Pokemon: 1 Azurill (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Youngster Eddie - 210


Pokemon: 2 Nincada (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Geodude (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Lass Sally - 211


Pokemon: 1 Gulpin (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0


Lass Robin - 212


Pokemon: 2 Oddish (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0


Battle Girl Cora - 213


Pokemon: 1 Meditite (Lv. 29) (Moves: High Jump Kick/Mind Reader/Calm Mind/Hidden Power) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl [~ 214] - 214


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Schoolkid Ted - 215


Pokemon: 1 Ralts (Lv. 19) IVs: All 1


Schoolkid [~ 216] - 216


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Schoolkid Georgie - 217


Pokemon: 2 Shroomish (Lv. 16) IVs: All 1 Beautifly (Lv. 16) IVs: All 1


Camper [~ 218] - 218


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Picnicker Martha - 219


Pokemon: 2 Illumise (Lv. 33) IVs: All 0 Wigglytuff (Lv. 33) IVs: All 0


Hiker [~ 220] - 220


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Black Belt Yuji - 221


Pokemon: 2 Makuhita (Lv. 16) IVs: All 12 Machop (Lv. 18) IVs: All 12


Pokémon Ranger Sebastian - 222


Pokemon: 2 Cacnea (Lv. 16) IVs: All 6 Aron (Lv. 18) IVs: All 6


Pokémon Ranger Sophia - 223


Pokemon: 2 Swablu (Lv. 17) IVs: All 6 Roselia (Lv. 17) IVs: All 6


Bird Keeper [~ 224] - 224


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac Patricia - 225


Pokemon: 1 Chimecho (Lv. 41) IVs: All 5


Psychic Joshua - 226


Pokemon: 2 Kadabra (Lv. 40) IVs: All 15 Medicham (Lv. 40) IVs: All 15


Psychic Alexis - 227


Pokemon: 3 Kirlia (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0 Xatu (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0 Kadabra (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Elaine - 228


Pokemon: 2 Lairon (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15 Tropius (Lv. 40) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer [~ 229] - 229


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer [~ 230] - 230


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Aqua Leader Archie - 231


Pokemon: 3 Mightyena (Lv. 25) IVs: All 20 Golbat (Lv. 25) IVs: All 20 Sharpedo (Lv. 27) IVs: All 20


Team Aqua Grunt - 232


Pokemon: 1 Zubat (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 233


Pokemon: 2 Poochyena (Lv. 22) IVs: All 0 Grimer (Lv. 22) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 234


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Magma Leader Maxie - 235


Pokemon: 4 Mightyena (Lv. 41) IVs: All 20 Weezing (Lv. 41) IVs: All 20 Crobat (Lv. 41) IVs: All 20 Camerupt (Lv. 43) @[~ 767] IVs: All 20


Magma Leader Maxie - 236


Pokemon: 3 Mightyena (Lv. 25) IVs: All 20 Golbat (Lv. 25) IVs: All 20 Camerupt (Lv. 27) IVs: All 20


Team Magma Grunt - 237


Pokemon: 1 Zubat (Lv. 30) (Moves: Mean Look/Swift/Leech Life/Astonish) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 238


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Assurance/Scary Face) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 239


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 240


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 31) (Moves: Amnesia/Ember/Magnitude/Flame Burst) IVs: All 0 Zubat (Lv. 30) (Moves: Bite/Leech Life/Supersonic/Air Cutter) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 241


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 242


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 243


Pokemon: 1 Golbat (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 244


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Weezing (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0


Team Magma [~ 245] - 245


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Magma Admin [~ 246] - 246


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 247


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 9) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 248


Pokemon: 2 Weezing (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Numel (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 249


Pokemon: 1 Golbat (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 250


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 48) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 50) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 251


Pokemon: 1 Zubat (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 252


Pokemon: 2 Poochyena (Lv. 22) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 22) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 253


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 254


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 13) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 255


Pokemon: 1 Poochyena (Lv. 13) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 256


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 257


Pokemon: 1 Grimer (Lv. 30) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 258


Pokemon: 2 Carvanha (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 259


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 30) (Moves: Bite/Screech/Scary Face/Focus Energy) IVs: All 0


Magma Admin [~ 260] - 260


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 261


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 262


Pokemon: 1 Koffing (Lv. 30) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 263


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 264


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 30) (Moves: Amnesia/Focus Energy/Tackle/Curse) IVs: All 0


Magma Admin [~ 265] - 265


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Aqua Leader Archie - 266


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 267


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 268


Pokemon: 2 Zubat (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Carvanha (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 269


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 270


Pokemon: 2 Zubat (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Numel (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Magma Leader Maxie - 271


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Nolan - 272


Pokemon: 1 Gyarados (Lv. 23) IVs: All 0


Hiker Clark - 273


Pokemon: 2 Geodude (Lv. 8) IVs: All 0 Geodude (Lv. 10) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Benjamin - 274


Pokemon: 1 Voltorb (Lv. 17) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10


Twins Gina & Mia - 275


Pokemon: 2 Lotad (Lv. 9) IVs: All 0 Seedot (Lv. 9) IVs: All 0


Twins Miu & Yuki - 276


Pokemon: 2 Beautifly (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0 Dustox (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua [~ 277] - 277


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Magma [~ 278] - 278


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Hiker Eric - 279


Pokemon: 1 Graveler (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0


Camper Ethan - 280


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 29) (Moves: Take Down/Curse/Magnitude/Ember) IVs: All 0


Picnicker Diana - 281


Pokemon: 2 Gloom (Lv. 22) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Swablu (Lv. 22) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0


Twins [~ 282] - 282


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 283


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 284


Pokemon: 2 Carvanha (Lv. 33) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 285


Pokemon: 1 Grimer (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 286


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 287


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 33) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 288


Pokemon: 1 Koffing (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 289


Pokemon: 3 Slugma (Lv. 18) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15 Wailmer (Lv. 18) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Grovyle (Lv. 20) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 290


Pokemon: 3 Wailmer (Lv. 18) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Shroomish (Lv. 18) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Combusken (Lv. 20) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 291


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 18) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Slugma (Lv. 18) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15 Marshtomp (Lv. 20) (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 292


Pokemon: 3 Slugma (Lv. 31) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Wailmer (Lv. 31) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Grovyle (Lv. 33) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 293


Pokemon: 3 Wailmer (Lv. 31) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Shroomish (Lv. 31) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Combusken (Lv. 33) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 294


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 31) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Slugma (Lv. 31) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15 Marshtomp (Lv. 33) (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer May - 295


Pokemon: 3 Slugma (Lv. 18) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15 Wailmer (Lv. 18) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Grovyle (Lv. 20) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer May - 296


Pokemon: 3 Wailmer (Lv. 18) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Shroomish (Lv. 18) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Combusken (Lv. 20) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer May - 297


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 18) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Slugma (Lv. 18) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15 Marshtomp (Lv. 20) (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer May - 298


Pokemon: 3 Slugma (Lv. 31) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Wailmer (Lv. 31) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Grovyle (Lv. 33) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 299


Pokemon: 3 Wailmer (Lv. 31) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Shroomish (Lv. 31) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Combusken (Lv. 33) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 300


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 31) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Slugma (Lv. 31) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Marshtomp (Lv. 33) (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20


Youngster Allen - 301


Pokemon: 2 Poochyena (Lv. 4) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 2) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher James - 302


Pokemon: 1 Nincada (Lv. 8) (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0


Camper [~ 303] - 303


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Picnicker [~ 304] - 304


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Youngster Timmy - 305


Pokemon: 3 Poochyena (Lv. 12) IVs: All 0 Aron (Lv. 13) IVs: All 0 Electrike (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Bug Maniac Derek - 306


Pokemon: 3 Nincada (Lv. 15) IVs: All 0 Dustox (Lv. 15) IVs: All 0 Beautifly (Lv. 15) IVs: All 0


Hiker Mike - 307


Pokemon: 2 Geodude (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0 Machop (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0


Picnicker Irene - 308


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 16) IVs: All 0 Illumise (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0


Camper Travis - 309


Pokemon: 1 Sandshrew (Lv. 19) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Wilton - 310


Pokemon: 3 Electrike (Lv. 20) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15 Makuhita (Lv. 20) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15 Bagon (Lv. 20) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Brooke - 311


Pokemon: 3 Wingull (Lv. 20) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15 Numel (Lv. 20) (Ability: Simple) IVs: All 15 Roselia (Lv. 20) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15


Black Belt Daisuke - 312


Pokemon: 1 Machoke (Lv. 28) IVs: All 15


Beauty [~ 313] - 313


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Lung - 314


Pokemon: 2 Nincada (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Ninjask (Lv. 20) IVs: All 0


Collector Hector - 315


Pokemon: 1 Seviper (Lv. 24) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Barny - 316


Pokemon: 2 Carvanha (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Wade - 317


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 17) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper Chester - 318


Pokemon: 2 Swablu (Lv. 26) IVs: All 10 Swellow (Lv. 28) IVs: All 10


Aroma Lady Violet - 319


Pokemon: 1 Shroomish (Lv. 30) (Moves: Giga Drain/Worry Seed/Headbutt/Growth) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac Kindra - 320


Pokemon: 2 Kirlia (Lv. 39) IVs: All 5 Grumpig (Lv. 39) IVs: All 5


Psychic Cameron - 321


Pokemon: 2 Kadabra (Lv. 34) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15 Solrock (Lv. 36) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15


Psychic Jacki - 322


Pokemon: 2 Kadabra (Lv. 34) IVs: All 15 Lunatone (Lv. 36) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Jennifer - 323


Pokemon: 1 Milotic (Lv. 36) (Moves: Refresh/Twister/Recover/Water Pulse) IVs: All 15


Parasol Lady Clarissa - 324


Pokemon: 2 Goldeen (Lv. 31) IVs: All 0 Seaking (Lv. 33) IVs: All 0


Parasol Lady Angelica - 325


Pokemon: 1 Castform (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac Tammy - 326


Pokemon: 2 Duskull (Lv. 33) IVs: All 0 Sableye (Lv. 33) IVs: All 0


Gentleman Walter - 327


Pokemon: 1 Manectric (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 328


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 30) (Moves: Ice Fang/Screech/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 329


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 30) (Moves: Take Down/Curse/Magnitude/Ember) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac Valerie - 330


Pokemon: 1 Sableye (Lv. 36) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac Tasha - 331


Pokemon: 2 Shuppet (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0 Xatu (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Dez & Luke - 332


Pokemon: 2 Delcatty (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Manectric (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Black Belt Atsushi - 333


Pokemon: 1 Machoke (Lv. 37) IVs: All 15


Team Aqua Grunt - 334


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 30) (Moves: Ice Fang/Focus Energy/Screech/Aqua Jet) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 335


Pokemon: 2 Carvanha (Lv. 31) (Moves: Scary Face/Screech/Swagger/Ice Fang) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 30) (Moves: Bite/Scary Face/Assurance/Swagger) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 336


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 30) (Moves: Amnesia/Flame Burst/Take Down/Magnitude) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 337


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 31) (Moves: Amnesia/Lava Plume/Earth Power/Flame Burst) IVs: All 0 Zubat (Lv. 30) (Moves: Bite/Leech Life/Supersonic/Air Cutter) IVs: All 0


Beauty Connie - 338


Pokemon: 1 Huntail (Lv. 43) (Moves: Iron Defense/Crunch/Waterfall/Ice Fang) IVs: All 5


Beauty Bridget - 339


Pokemon: 1 Gorebyss (Lv. 43) IVs: All 5


Beauty Tiffany - 340


Pokemon: 2 Golduck (Lv. 41) IVs: All 5 Wailord (Lv. 41) IVs: All 5


Lass Andrea - 341


Pokemon: 1 Ludicolo (Lv. 42) (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Waterfall/Mega Drain/Rain Dance/Fake Out) IVs: All 5


Lass Crissy - 342


Pokemon: 2 Luvdisc (Lv. 39) IVs: All 5 Seadra (Lv. 41) IVs: All 5


Ace Trainer Edgar - 343


Pokemon: 1 Mawile (Lv. 47) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Albert - 344


Pokemon: 2 Sigilyph (Lv. 45) IVs: All 15 Rhyperior (Lv. 45) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer [~ 345] - 345


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Vito - 346


Pokemon: 3 Electrode (Lv. 44) IVs: All 15 Swalot (Lv. 44) IVs: All 15 Darmanitan (Lv. 44) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer [~ 347] - 347


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Hope - 348


Pokemon: 1 Froslass (Lv. 47) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer [~ 349] - 349


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer [~ 350] - 350


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer [~ 351] - 351


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Julie - 352


Pokemon: 2 Ninetales (Lv. 35) IVs: All 15 Bellossom (Lv. 37) IVs: All 15


Team Aqua Grunt - 353


Pokemon: 1 Muk (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Gentleman Tucker - 354


Pokemon: 2 Rapidash (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Zebstrika (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Gentleman Thomas - 355


Pokemon: 1 Braviary (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Lea & Jed - 356


Pokemon: 2 Miltank (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0 Tauros (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Sailor Phillip - 357


Pokemon: 2 Qwilfish (Lv. 48) IVs: All 0 Machamp (Lv. 50) IVs: All 0


Sailor Leonard - 358


Pokemon: 2 Floatzel (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Tuber Gwen - 359


Pokemon: 1 Azumarill (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Carter - 360


Pokemon: 1 Tentacool (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Tuber Carmen - 361


Pokemon: 1 Azumarill (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0


Tuber Charlie - 362


Pokemon: 1 Corphish (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0


Sailor Duncan - 363


Pokemon: 2 Wailmer (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0 Machoke (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Lois & Hal - 364


Pokemon: 2 Illumise (Lv. 29) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Volbeat (Lv. 29) (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0


Expert Shelby - 365


Pokemon: 2 Meditite (Lv. 24) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 26) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Kindler Bernie - 366


Pokemon: 2 Slugma (Lv. 20) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0 Wingull (Lv. 22) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0


Guitarist Dalton - 367


Pokemon: 2 Magnemite (Lv. 16) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0 Whismur (Lv. 16) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0


Twins Amy & Liv - 368


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 33) (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 33) (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Elliot - 369


Pokemon: 2 Magikarp (Lv. 12) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Tentacool (Lv. 14) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Elliot - 370


Pokemon: 2 Tentacool (Lv. 26) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 28) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Elliot - 371


Pokemon: 3 Tentacruel (Lv. 37) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 38) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 39) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Elliot - 372


Pokemon: 4 Tentacruel (Lv. 46) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0 Octillery (Lv. 47) (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 47) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 48) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0


Tuber Lola - 373


Pokemon: 1 Marill (Lv. 26) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Tuber Lola - 374


Pokemon: 1 Marill (Lv. 33) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Tuber Lola - 375


Pokemon: 1 Marill (Lv. 40) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Tuber Lola - 376


Pokemon: 1 Azumarill (Lv. 50) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Benjamin - 377


Pokemon: 1 Voltorb (Lv. 27) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Benjamin - 378


Pokemon: 1 Electrode (Lv. 34) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Benjamin - 379


Pokemon: 2 Electrode (Lv. 42) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10 Klang (Lv. 42) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Benjamin - 380


Pokemon: 2 Electrode (Lv. 49) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10 Klinklang (Lv. 49) (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 10


[~ 144] [~ 381] - 381


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 144] [~ 382] - 382


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 144] [~ 383] - 383


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 144] [~ 384] - 384


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Collector Edwin - 385


Pokemon: 2 Lombre (Lv. 25) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Nuzleaf (Lv. 25) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0


Collector Edwin - 386


Pokemon: 2 Ludicolo (Lv. 39) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Shiftry (Lv. 39) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0


Collector Edwin - 387


Pokemon: 2 Ludicolo (Lv. 43) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Shiftry (Lv. 43) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0


Collector Edwin - 388


Pokemon: 2 Ludicolo (Lv. 49) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Shiftry (Lv. 49) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Wilton - 389


Pokemon: 3 Manectric (Lv. 26) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15 Wailmer (Lv. 26) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Hariyama (Lv. 26) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Wilton - 390


Pokemon: 3 Manectric (Lv. 33) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15 Wailmer (Lv. 33) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Hariyama (Lv. 33) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Wilton - 391


Pokemon: 4 Manectric (Lv. 43) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15 Fraxure (Lv. 43) (Ability: Mold Breaker) IVs: All 15 Hariyama (Lv. 43) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15 Wailord (Lv. 43) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Wilton - 392


Pokemon: 5 Talonflame (Lv. 50) (Ability: Flame Body) IVs: All 15 Manectric (Lv. 51) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15 Wailord (Lv. 51) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15 Hariyama (Lv. 51) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15 Haxorus (Lv. 52) (Ability: Mold Breaker) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Brooke - 393


Pokemon: 3 Pelipper (Lv. 26) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15 Numel (Lv. 26) (Ability: Simple) IVs: All 15 Roselia (Lv. 26) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Brooke - 394


Pokemon: 3 Pelipper (Lv. 33) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15 Camerupt (Lv. 33) (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15 Roselia (Lv. 33) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Brooke - 395


Pokemon: 3 Pelipper (Lv. 44) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15 Camerupt (Lv. 44) (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15 Roserade (Lv. 44) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Brooke - 396


Pokemon: 5 Purugly (Lv. 50) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15 Pelipper (Lv. 51) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15 Camerupt (Lv. 51) (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15 Roserade (Lv. 51) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15 Lapras (Lv. 52) (Ability: Water Absorb) IVs: All 15


Hiker Trent - 397


Pokemon: 3 Geodude (Lv. 24) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0 Geodude (Lv. 24) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Geodude (Lv. 24) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0


Hiker Trent - 398


Pokemon: 3 Graveler (Lv. 31) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0 Graveler (Lv. 31) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Graveler (Lv. 31) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0


Hiker Trent - 399


Pokemon: 3 Graveler (Lv. 42) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0 Graveler (Lv. 42) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Golem (Lv. 42) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0


Hiker Trent - 400


Pokemon: 3 Golem (Lv. 48) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0 Golem (Lv. 48) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Golem (Lv. 48) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac Steve - 401


Pokemon: 2 Lairon (Lv. 32) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Rhyhorn (Lv. 32) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac Steve - 402


Pokemon: 2 Rhyhorn (Lv. 39) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0 Lairon (Lv. 39) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac Steve - 403


Pokemon: 2 Rhydon (Lv. 43) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0 Aggron (Lv. 43) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac Steve - 404


Pokemon: 4 Ampharos (Lv. 47) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0 Slowbro (Lv. 47) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Aggron (Lv. 47) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Rhyperior (Lv. 47) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0


Kindler Bernie - 405


Pokemon: 2 Slugma (Lv. 24) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 26) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0


Kindler Bernie - 406


Pokemon: 2 Slugma (Lv. 31) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 33) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0


Kindler Bernie - 407


Pokemon: 2 Magcargo (Lv. 38) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 40) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0


Kindler Bernie - 408


Pokemon: 2 Magcargo (Lv. 48) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0 Pelipper (Lv. 50) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0


Battle Girl Cyndy - 409


Pokemon: 1 Meditite (Lv. 30) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Cyndy - 410


Pokemon: 1 Medicham (Lv. 42) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Cyndy - 411


Pokemon: 1 Medicham (Lv. 46) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Cyndy - 412


Pokemon: 2 Hitmonchan (Lv. 50) (Ability: Iron Fist) IVs: All 15 Medicham (Lv. 52) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15


Schoolkid Jerry - 413


Pokemon: 1 Ralts (Lv. 14) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Jerry - 414


Pokemon: 1 Kirlia (Lv. 26) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Jerry - 415


Pokemon: 2 Kirlia (Lv. 32) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5 Meditite (Lv. 30) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Jerry - 416


Pokemon: 3 Gardevoir (Lv. 48) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5 Medicham (Lv. 47) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 5 Bisharp (Lv. 46) (Ability: Defiant) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Karen - 417


Pokemon: 2 Shroomish (Lv. 12) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5 Whismur (Lv. 12) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Karen - 418


Pokemon: 2 Breloom (Lv. 24) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5 Loudred (Lv. 24) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Karen - 419


Pokemon: 2 Breloom (Lv. 31) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5 Loudred (Lv. 31) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Schoolkid Karen - 420


Pokemon: 3 Breloom (Lv. 47) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5 Dewgong (Lv. 47) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 5 Exploud (Lv. 47) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Aroma Lady Rose - 421


Pokemon: 2 Gloom (Lv. 25) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Roselia (Lv. 25) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0


Aroma Lady Rose - 422


Pokemon: 2 Gloom (Lv. 32) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Roselia (Lv. 32) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0


Aroma Lady Rose - 423


Pokemon: 3 Sunkern (Lv. 42) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Roselia (Lv. 42) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0 Bellossom (Lv. 42) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0


Aroma Lady Rose - 424


Pokemon: 3 Bellossom (Lv. 48) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Sunflora (Lv. 48) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Roserade (Lv. 48) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0


Guitarist Dalton - 425


Pokemon: 2 Magnemite (Lv. 25) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0 Loudred (Lv. 25) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0


Guitarist Dalton - 426


Pokemon: 2 Magneton (Lv. 32) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0 Loudred (Lv. 32) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0


Guitarist Dalton - 427


Pokemon: 2 Magneton (Lv. 43) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0 Exploud (Lv. 43) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0


Guitarist Dalton - 428


Pokemon: 3 Chatot (Lv. 48) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Exploud (Lv. 48) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0 Magnezone (Lv. 48) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 429


Pokemon: 2 Seviper (Lv. 33) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15 Vigoroth (Lv. 33) (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 430


Pokemon: 2 Seviper (Lv. 40) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15 Slaking (Lv. 40) (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 431


Pokemon: 2 Seviper (Lv. 44) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15 Slaking (Lv. 44) (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 432


Pokemon: 3 Seviper (Lv. 49) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15 Unfezant (Lv. 49) (Ability: Big Pecks) IVs: All 15 Slaking (Lv. 49) (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 433


Pokemon: 1 Breloom (Lv. 35) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 434


Pokemon: 2 Pikachu (Lv. 40) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15 Breloom (Lv. 40) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 435


Pokemon: 2 Breloom (Lv. 44) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Raichu (Lv. 44) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 436


Pokemon: 3 Breloom (Lv. 49) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Raichu (Lv. 49) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15 Excadrill (Lv. 49) (Ability: Sand Rush) IVs: All 15


Bird Keeper Robert - 437


Pokemon: 1 Altaria (Lv. 41) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10


Bird Keeper Robert - 438


Pokemon: 2 Fearow (Lv. 43) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 10 Altaria (Lv. 43) IVs: All 10


Bird Keeper Robert - 439


Pokemon: 3 Fearow (Lv. 47) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 10 Altaria (Lv. 48) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10 Staraptor (Lv. 49) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 10


Bird Keeper [~ 440] - 440


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Bug Maniac Brandon - 441


Pokemon: 2 Masquerain (Lv. 39) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0 Pinsir (Lv. 39) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0


Bug Maniac Brandon - 442


Pokemon: 2 Masquerain (Lv. 43) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0 Pinsir (Lv. 43) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0


Bug Maniac Brandon - 443


Pokemon: 4 Masquerain (Lv. 47) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0 Kricketune (Lv. 47) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0 Pinsir (Lv. 47) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0 Vespiquen (Lv. 47) (Ability: Pressure) IVs: All 0


Gentleman Walter - 444


Pokemon: 1 Manectric (Lv. 41) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0


Psychic Cameron - 445


Pokemon: 2 Solrock (Lv. 40) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15 Alakazam (Lv. 42) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15


Psychic Cameron - 446


Pokemon: 3 Exeggcute (Lv. 42) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 15 Solrock (Lv. 43) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15 Alakazam (Lv. 44) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15


Psychic Cameron - 447


Pokemon: 3 Solrock (Lv. 49) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15 Exeggutor (Lv. 50) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 15 Alakazam (Lv. 51) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15


Psychic [~ 448] - 448


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Psychic [~ 449] - 449


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Psychic [~ 450] - 450


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Psychic [~ 451] - 451


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Psychic [~ 452] - 452


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Sailor Ernest - 453


Pokemon: 3 Tentacruel (Lv. 42) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0 Machoke (Lv. 42) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Wailord (Lv. 42) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 0


Sailor Ernest - 454


Pokemon: 3 Tentacruel (Lv. 48) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0 Wailord (Lv. 48) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 0 Machamp (Lv. 48) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0


Sailor [~ 455] - 455


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Sailor [~ 456] - 456


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Expert Shelby - 457


Pokemon: 2 Meditite (Lv. 33) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 35) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Expert Shelby - 458


Pokemon: 2 Medicham (Lv. 40) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 42) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Expert Shelby - 459


Pokemon: 3 Riolu (Lv. 44) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 20 Medicham (Lv. 44) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 44) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Expert Shelby - 460


Pokemon: 3 Medicham (Lv. 54) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 55) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20 Lucario (Lv. 56) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 20


Hex Maniac Valerie - 461


Pokemon: 1 Sableye (Lv. 41) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac Valerie - 462


Pokemon: 3 Sableye (Lv. 41) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Banette (Lv. 42) (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0 Misdreavus (Lv. 43) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac Valerie - 463


Pokemon: 3 Sableye (Lv. 47) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Banette (Lv. 48) (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0 Mismagius (Lv. 49) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0


Hex Maniac [~ 464] - 464


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Lois & Hal - 465


Pokemon: 2 Illumise (Lv. 34) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Volbeat (Lv. 34) (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Lois & Hal - 466


Pokemon: 2 Illumise (Lv. 41) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Volbeat (Lv. 41) (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Lois & Hal - 467


Pokemon: 2 Illumise (Lv. 45) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Volbeat (Lv. 45) (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Lois & Hal - 468


Pokemon: 2 Illumise (Lv. 51) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0 Volbeat (Lv. 51) (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0


Camper Ethan - 469


Pokemon: 1 Swalot (Lv. 28) (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5


Camper Ethan - 470


Pokemon: 2 Swalot (Lv. 31) (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5 Golbat (Lv. 31) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5


Camper Ethan - 471


Pokemon: 2 Swalot (Lv. 38) (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5 Golbat (Lv. 38) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5


Camper Ethan - 472


Pokemon: 3 Swalot (Lv. 47) (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5 Skuntank (Lv. 47) (Ability: Aftermath) IVs: All 5 Crobat (Lv. 47) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5


Picnicker Diana - 473


Pokemon: 2 Gloom (Lv. 26) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Swablu (Lv. 26) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0


Picnicker Diana - 474


Pokemon: 2 Gloom (Lv. 31) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Swablu (Lv. 31) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0


Picnicker Diana - 475


Pokemon: 2 Gloom (Lv. 38) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Altaria (Lv. 38) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0


Picnicker Diana - 476


Pokemon: 2 Vileplume (Lv. 48) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0 Altaria (Lv. 48) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher James - 477


Pokemon: 2 Surskit (Lv. 10) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Nincada (Lv. 10) (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher James - 478


Pokemon: 2 Surskit (Lv. 12) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Nincada (Lv. 12) (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher James - 479


Pokemon: 2 Surskit (Lv. 24) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Ninjask (Lv. 24) (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 0


Bug Catcher James - 480


Pokemon: 4 Masquerain (Lv. 46) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0 Ariados (Lv. 46) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0 Ninjask (Lv. 46) (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 0 Ledian (Lv. 46) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0


Dragon Tamer Nicolas - 481


Pokemon: 3 Noivern (Lv. 50) (Ability: Infiltrator) IVs: All 20 Druddigon (Lv. 50) (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 20 Flygon (Lv. 50) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 20


Dragon Tamer [~ 482] - 482


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Dragon Tamer [~ 483] - 483


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Isaiah - 484


Pokemon: 1 Starmie (Lv. 41) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Isaiah - 485


Pokemon: 1 Starmie (Lv. 45) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Isaiah - 486


Pokemon: 2 Floatzel (Lv. 49) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 10 Starmie (Lv. 49) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10


Triathlete [~ 487] - 487


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 488] - 488


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 489] - 489


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 490] - 490


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 172] [~ 491] - 491


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Dylan - 492


Pokemon: 1 Doduo (Lv. 18) (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10


[~ 191] [~ 493] - 493


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Triathlete Dylan - 494


Pokemon: 1 Doduo (Lv. 27) (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Dylan - 495


Pokemon: 1 Dodrio (Lv. 34) (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Dylan - 496


Pokemon: 1 Dodrio (Lv. 41) (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Dylan - 497


Pokemon: 2 Dodrio (Lv. 48) (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10 Arcanine (Lv. 50) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 10


[~ 191] [~ 498] - 498


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 191] [~ 499] - 499


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 191] [~ 500] - 500


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


[~ 191] [~ 501] - 501


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Ronald - 502


Pokemon: 3 Gyarados (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Warren - 503


Pokemon: 3 Lairon (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15 Manectric (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15 Alakazam (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15


Bird Keeper Alex - 504


Pokemon: 2 Swellow (Lv. 37) IVs: All 10 Altaria (Lv. 37) IVs: All 10


Dragon Tamer Aaron - 505


Pokemon: 2 Shelgon (Lv. 39) IVs: All 20 Kingdra (Lv. 39) IVs: All 20


Bird Keeper Beck - 506


Pokemon: 1 Skarmory (Lv. 39) IVs: All 10


Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 507


Pokemon: 1 Luvdisc (Lv. 45) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 508


Pokemon: 2 Luvdisc (Lv. 49) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Alomomola (Lv. 49) (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ [~ 509] - 509


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ [~ 510] - 510


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Tony - 511


Pokemon: 1 Tentacruel (Lv. 34) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Tony - 512


Pokemon: 1 Tentacruel (Lv. 41) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Tony - 513


Pokemon: 1 Tentacruel (Lv. 45) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♂ Tony - 514


Pokemon: 2 Tentacruel (Lv. 49) (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 5 Jellicent (Lv. 49) (Ability: Water Absorb) IVs: All 5


Beauty Johanna - 515


Pokemon: 1 Goldeen (Lv. 15) IVs: All 0


Camper Terrell - 516


Pokemon: 2 Doduo (Lv. 28) IVs: All 5 Pelipper (Lv. 30) IVs: All 5


Picnicker Kylee - 517


Pokemon: 1 Swablu (Lv. 31) (Moves: Disarming Voice/Roost/Take Down/Sing) IVs: All 5


Pokémon Trainer Wally - 518


Pokemon: 1 Ralts (Lv. 17) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 519


Pokemon: 6 Wingull (Lv. 26) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 26) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0 Azurill (Lv. 26) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0 Budew (Lv. 26) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 26) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 26) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 520


Pokemon: 6 Wingull (Lv. 28) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 28) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0 Azurill (Lv. 28) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0 Budew (Lv. 28) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 28) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 28) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 521


Pokemon: 6 Wingull (Lv. 40) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 40) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0 Azurill (Lv. 40) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0 Budew (Lv. 40) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 40) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 40) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 522


Pokemon: 6 Wingull (Lv. 50) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 50) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0 Azurill (Lv. 50) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0 Budew (Lv. 50) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 50) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 50) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 523


Pokemon: 6 Whismur (Lv. 26) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 26) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Aron (Lv. 26) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 26) (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 26) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 26) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 524


Pokemon: 6 Whismur (Lv. 29) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 29) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Aron (Lv. 29) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 29) (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 29) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 29) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 525


Pokemon: 6 Whismur (Lv. 40) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 40) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Aron (Lv. 40) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 40) (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 40) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 40) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 526


Pokemon: 6 Whismur (Lv. 50) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 50) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Aron (Lv. 50) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 50) (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 50) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 50) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 527


Pokemon: 4 Swellow (Lv. 37) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 37) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 37) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Sceptile (Lv. 39) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 528


Pokemon: 4 Swellow (Lv. 37) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 37) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 37) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Blaziken (Lv. 39) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 529


Pokemon: 4 Swellow (Lv. 37) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 37) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 37) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Swampert (Lv. 39) (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 530


Pokemon: 4 Swellow (Lv. 37) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 37) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 37) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Sceptile (Lv. 39) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 531


Pokemon: 4 Swellow (Lv. 37) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 37) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 37) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Blaziken (Lv. 39) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 532


Pokemon: 4 Swellow (Lv. 37) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 37) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 37) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Swampert (Lv. 39) IVs: All 20


Fisherman Jonah - 533


Pokemon: 2 Luvdisc (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Relicanth (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Henry - 534


Pokemon: 1 Tentacruel (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Roger - 535


Pokemon: 2 Wailmer (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Sharpedo (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer [~ 536] - 536


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer [~ 537] - 537


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Black Belt Koji - 538


Pokemon: 2 Machoke (Lv. 37) IVs: All 15 Hariyama (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15


Fisherman Wayne - 539


Pokemon: 2 Wailmer (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Seadra (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper Byron - 540


Pokemon: 2 Dodrio (Lv. 38) IVs: All 10 Xatu (Lv. 38) IVs: All 10


Swimmer ♂ Reed - 541


Pokemon: 2 Pelipper (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Seadra (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ Tisha - 542


Pokemon: 3 Luvdisc (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Corsola (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Azumarill (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Twins [~ 543] - 543


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Sis & Bro Rell & Ian - 544


Pokemon: 2 Azumarill (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0 Sealeo (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0


Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 545


Pokemon: 2 Pelipper (Lv. 39) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 38) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0


Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 546


Pokemon: 2 Pelipper (Lv. 41) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 39) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0


Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 547


Pokemon: 2 Pelipper (Lv. 45) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 44) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0


Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 548


Pokemon: 2 Pelipper (Lv. 51) (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 50) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0


Sis & Bro [~ 549] - 549


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Sis & Bro Lisa & Ray - 550


Pokemon: 2 Goldeen (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0 Corphish (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Eugene - 551


Pokemon: 3 Carvanha (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0 Carvanha (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0 Feebas (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Leaders Liza & Tate - 552


Pokemon: 2 Lunatone (Lv. 45) (Moves: Light Screen/Psychic/Hypnosis/Calm Mind) IVs: All 30 Solrock (Lv. 45) (Moves: Sunny Day/Rock Slide/Psychic/Solar Beam) IVs: All 30


Elite Four Sidney - 553


Pokemon: 5 Mightyena (Lv. 50) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Swagger/Take Down/Sucker Punch/Crunch) IVs: All 25 Shiftry (Lv. 50) (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Fake Out/Feint Attack/Extrasensory/Leaf Blade) IVs: All 25 Cacturne (Lv. 50) (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Leech Seed/Payback/Needle Arm/Spiky Shield) IVs: All 25 Sharpedo (Lv. 50) (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Aqua Jet/Slash) IVs: All 25 Absol (Lv. 52) (Ability: Super Luck) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Psycho Cut/Slash) IVs: All 25


Elite Four Phoebe - 554


Pokemon: 5 Dusclops (Lv. 51) (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Shadow Punch/Confuse Ray/Curse/Future Sight) IVs: All 25 Banette (Lv. 51) (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Spite/Will-O-Wisp/Feint Attack) IVs: All 25 Sableye (Lv. 51) (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Shadow Claw/Foul Play/Power Gem/Fake Out) IVs: All 25 Banette (Lv. 51) (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Grudge/Toxic/Psychic) IVs: All 25 Dusknoir (Lv. 53) (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Hex/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch) IVs: All 25


Elite Four Glacia - 555


Pokemon: 5 Glalie (Lv. 52) (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Light Screen/Ice Shard/Hail/Crunch) IVs: All 25 Froslass (Lv. 52) (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Confuse Ray/Blizzard/Hail/Ominous Wind) IVs: All 25 Glalie (Lv. 52) (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Protect/Ice Shard/Hail/Freeze-Dry) IVs: All 25 Froslass (Lv. 52) (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Draining Kiss/Blizzard/Hail/Shadow Ball) IVs: All 25 Walrein (Lv. 54) (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Surf/Body Slam/Blizzard/Sheer Cold) IVs: All 25


Elite Four Drake - 556


Pokemon: 5 Altaria (Lv. 53) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Cotton Guard/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast) IVs: All 25 Flygon (Lv. 53) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Earthquake/Dragon Claw/Rock Slide/Supersonic) IVs: All 25 Kingdra (Lv. 53) (Ability: Sniper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Surf/Yawn/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25 Flygon (Lv. 53) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Flamethrower/Boomburst/Dragon Pulse/Screech) IVs: All 25 Salamence (Lv. 55) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Rush/Zen Headbutt/Crunch/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25


Champion Steven - 557


Pokemon: 6 Skarmory (Lv. 57) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30 Claydol (Lv. 57) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30 Aggron (Lv. 57) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30 Cradily (Lv. 57) (Ability: Suction Cups) (Moves: Giga Drain/Ancient Power/Sludge Bomb/Confuse Ray) IVs: All 30 Armaldo (Lv. 57) (Ability: Battle Armor) (Moves: X-Scissor/Rock Blast/Metal Claw/Crush Claw) IVs: All 30 Metagross (Lv. 59) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30


Poké Fan Colton - 558


Pokemon: 3 Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Fake Out/Assist/Charm/Wake-Up Slap) IVs: All 0 Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Feint Attack/Retaliate/Charm) IVs: All 0 Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Return/Play Rough/Attract) IVs: All 0


Lady Cindy - 559


Pokemon: 2 Linoone (Lv. 49) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Pyroar (Lv. 49) (Ability: Rivalry) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy Winston - 560


Pokemon: 2 Linoone (Lv. 49) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Pyroar (Lv. 49) (Ability: Rivalry) IVs: All 0


Leader Roxanne - 561


Pokemon: 2 Geodude (Lv. 12) (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/Rock Tomb/―――――) IVs: All 20 Nosepass (Lv. 14) (Moves: Tackle/Harden/Rock Tomb/―――――) IVs: All 20


Youngster Josh - 562


Pokemon: 2 Geodude (Lv. 7) (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5 Geodude (Lv. 9) (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5


Leader Brawly - 563


Pokemon: 2 Machop (Lv. 14) (Moves: Leer/Karate Chop/Seismic Toss/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20 Makuhita (Lv. 16) (Moves: Arm Thrust/Knock Off/Sand Attack/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20


Tuber Ricky - 564


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 14) (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Headbutt/Baby-Doll Eyes/Surf) IVs: All 0


Psychic Edward - 565


Pokemon: 1 Abra (Lv. 17) (Moves: Hidden Power/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Psychic [~ 566] - 566


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Leader Wattson - 567


Pokemon: 3 Magnemite (Lv. 19) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Tackle/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20 Voltorb (Lv. 19) (Moves: Rollout/Charge/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20 Magneton (Lv. 21) (Moves: Supersonic/Magnet Bomb/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20


Youngster Ben - 568


Pokemon: 1 Electrike (Lv. 17) (Moves: Odor Sleuth/Spark/Tackle/―――――) IVs: All 5


Leader Flannery - 569


Pokemon: 3 Slugma (Lv. 26) (Moves: Overheat/Rock Throw/Light Screen/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20 Numel (Lv. 26) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Amnesia/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20 Torkoal (Lv. 28) (Moves: Overheat/Body Slam/Curse/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20


Leader Norman - 570


Pokemon: 3 Slaking (Lv. 28) (Moves: Encore/Retaliate/Yawn/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20 Vigoroth (Lv. 28) (Moves: Fury Swipes/Feint Attack/Retaliate/Encore) IVs: All 20 Slaking (Lv. 30) (Moves: Chip Away/Swagger/Retaliate/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20


Leader Winona - 571


Pokemon: 4 Swellow (Lv. 33) (Moves: Quick Attack/Aerial Ace/Double Team/Endeavor) IVs: All 20 Pelipper (Lv. 33) (Moves: Water Pulse/Roost/Protect/Aerial Ace) IVs: All 20 Skarmory (Lv. 33) (Moves: Sand Attack/Air Cutter/Steel Wing/Aerial Ace) IVs: All 20 Altaria (Lv. 35) (Moves: Earthquake/Dragon Breath/Cotton Guard/Roost) IVs: All 20


Leader Wallace - 572


Pokemon: 5 Luvdisc (Lv. 44) (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Water Pulse/Attract/Sweet Kiss/Draining Kiss) IVs: All 20 Whiscash (Lv. 44) (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Mud Sport/Waterfall/Zen Headbutt/Earthquake) IVs: All 20 Sealeo (Lv. 44) (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Encore/Body Slam/Aurora Beam/Waterfall) IVs: All 20 Seaking (Lv. 44) (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Aqua Ring/Rain Dance/Waterfall/Horn Drill) IVs: All 20 Milotic (Lv. 46) (Ability: Marvel Scale) (Moves: Hydro Pump/Disarming Voice/Recover/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20


Camper Drew - 573


Pokemon: 1 Graveler (Lv. 26) IVs: All 5


Picnicker Heidi - 574


Pokemon: 1 Sandslash (Lv. 26) (Moves: Dig/Fury Cutter/Fury Swipes/Sand Tomb) IVs: All 5


Camper Cliff - 575


Pokemon: 1 Sandslash (Lv. 26) (Moves: Dig/Fury Cutter/Fury Swipes/Sand Tomb) IVs: All 5


Picnicker Becky - 576


Pokemon: 1 Cacnea (Lv. 26) IVs: All 5


Ruin Maniac Dusty - 577


Pokemon: 2 Baltoy (Lv. 24) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10 Sandslash (Lv. 26) (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10


The Winstrates’ Vicky - 578


Pokemon: 1 Meditite (Lv. 22) (Moves: Force Palm/Meditate/Confusion/Feint) IVs: All 15


Parasol Lady Madeline - 579


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 22) (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Wendy - 580


Pokemon: 2 Rhyhorn (Lv. 36) IVs: All 15 Tropius (Lv. 36) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Clyde - 581


Pokemon: 2 Vibrava (Lv. 35) IVs: All 15 Skarmory (Lv. 37) IVs: All 15


Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 582


Pokemon: 2 Magnezone (Lv. 51) (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5 Exploud (Lv. 51) (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5


Pokémon Trainer Wally - 583


Pokemon: 5 Altaria (Lv. 46) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Safeguard/Dragon Pulse/Cotton Guard) IVs: All 20 Delcatty (Lv. 46) (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Disarming Voice/Charm/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20 Roselia (Lv. 46) (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Synthesis/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Toxic) IVs: All 20 Magneton (Lv. 46) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Screech/Discharge/Tri Attack/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20 Gallade (Lv. 48) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Slash/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20


Teammates Kate & Joy - 584


Pokemon: 2 Spinda (Lv. 34) (Moves: Hypnosis/Psybeam/Dizzy Punch/Teeter Dance) IVs: All 0 Slaking (Lv. 35) (Moves: Chip Away/Yawn/Slack Off/Feint Attack) IVs: All 0


Teammates Anna & Meg - 585


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 18) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Twins [~ 586] - 586


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Lady [~ 587] - 587


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Lady [~ 588] - 588


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Hiker [~ 589] - 589


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Hiker [~ 590] - 590


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Lao - 591


Pokemon: 3 Koffing (Lv. 16) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 17) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 18) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0


Ruin Maniac Chip - 592


Pokemon: 2 Baltoy (Lv. 32) IVs: All 10 Nosepass (Lv. 32) IVs: All 10


Beauty Jessica - 593


Pokemon: 2 Kecleon (Lv. 32) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0 Seviper (Lv. 34) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0


Beauty Olivia - 594


Pokemon: 1 Starmie (Lv. 43) IVs: All 5


Ruin Maniac Foster - 595


Pokemon: 1 Nosepass (Lv. 27) IVs: All 10


Twins Amy & Liv - 596


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 40) (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 40) (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Twins Amy & Liv - 597


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 50) (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 50) (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Tuber Ricky - 598


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 26) (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Headbutt/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0


Tuber Ricky - 599


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 33) (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0


Tuber Ricky - 600


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 40) (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0


Tuber Ricky - 601


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 50) (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Play Rough/Surf) IVs: All 0


Ruin Maniac Dusty - 602


Pokemon: 2 Baltoy (Lv. 27) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10 Sandslash (Lv. 27) (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10


Ruin Maniac Dusty - 603


Pokemon: 2 Baltoy (Lv. 32) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10 Sandslash (Lv. 32) (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10


Ruin Maniac Dusty - 604


Pokemon: 2 Sandslash (Lv. 39) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 10 Claydol (Lv. 39) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 10


Ruin Maniac Dusty - 605


Pokemon: 5 Sandslash (Lv. 46) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 10 Tyrantrum (Lv. 46) (Ability: Strong Jaw) IVs: All 10 Aurorus (Lv. 46) (Ability: Refrigerate) IVs: All 10 Claydol (Lv. 46) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 10 Aerodactyl (Lv. 46) (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 10


Expert Timothy - 606


Pokemon: 1 Hariyama (Lv. 31) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Expert Timothy - 607


Pokemon: 1 Hariyama (Lv. 43) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Expert Timothy - 608


Pokemon: 2 Gurdurr (Lv. 45) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 45) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Expert Timothy - 609


Pokemon: 3 Hawlucha (Lv. 54) (Ability: Limber) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 55) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20 Conkeldurr (Lv. 56) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20


Gentleman Walter - 610


Pokemon: 1 Manectric (Lv. 45) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0


Gentleman Walter - 611


Pokemon: 2 Manectric (Lv. 48) (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0 Stoutland (Lv. 50) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0


Gentleman [~ 612] - 612


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Zane - 613


Pokemon: 2 Slugma (Lv. 24) (Moves: Overheat/Ancient Power/Clear Smog/―――――) IVs: All 15 Kecleon (Lv. 26) (Moves: Fire Punch/Slash/Shadow Sneak/Psybeam) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Vivian - 614


Pokemon: 1 Meditite (Lv. 19) (Moves: Bide/Confusion/Thunder Punch/―――――) IVs: All 15


Battle Girl Sadie - 615


Pokemon: 1 Meditite (Lv. 26) (Moves: Fire Punch/Bide/Meditate/―――――) IVs: All 15


Ninja Boy Hideo - 616


Pokemon: 2 Koffing (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Keigo - 617


Pokemon: 2 Ninjask (Lv. 32) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 30) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Tsunao - 618


Pokemon: 3 Koffing (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 30) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 31) IVs: All 0


Parasol Lady Madeline - 619


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 27) (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0


Parasol Lady Madeline - 620


Pokemon: 3 Staryu (Lv. 31) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Minimize/Bubble Beam/Psywave/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0 Spheal (Lv. 31) (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Body Slam/Brine/Ice Ball/Hail) IVs: All 0 Numel (Lv. 31) (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0


Parasol Lady Madeline - 621


Pokemon: 3 Starmie (Lv. 42) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Psychic/Surf/Confuse Ray/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0 Sealeo (Lv. 42) (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Blizzard/Body Slam/Brine/Hail) IVs: All 0 Camerupt (Lv. 42) (Ability: Solid Rock) (Moves: Lava Plume/Take Down/Earthquake/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0


Parasol Lady Madeline - 622


Pokemon: 3 Starmie (Lv. 48) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Psychic/Surf/Confuse Ray/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0 Walrein (Lv. 48) (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Blizzard/Body Slam/Brine/Hail) IVs: All 0 Camerupt (Lv. 48) (Ability: Solid Rock) (Moves: Lava Plume/Solar Beam/Earthquake/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0


Teammates Anna & Meg - 623


Pokemon: 2 Linoone (Lv. 26) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Hariyama (Lv. 27) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Teammates Anna & Meg - 624


Pokemon: 2 Linoone (Lv. 28) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Hariyama (Lv. 29) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Teammates Anna & Meg - 625


Pokemon: 2 Linoone (Lv. 40) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Hariyama (Lv. 41) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Teammates Anna & Meg - 626


Pokemon: 2 Linoone (Lv. 50) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0 Hariyama (Lv. 51) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0


Beauty Jessica - 627


Pokemon: 2 Kecleon (Lv. 38) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0 Seviper (Lv. 40) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0


Beauty Jessica - 628


Pokemon: 2 Kecleon (Lv. 42) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0 Seviper (Lv. 44) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0


Beauty Jessica - 629


Pokemon: 3 Kecleon (Lv. 47) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0 Seviper (Lv. 48) (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0 Krookodile (Lv. 49) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0


Beauty [~ 630] - 630


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Teammates Kim & Iris - 631


Pokemon: 2 Altaria (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Camerupt (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Teammates Tyra & Ivy - 632


Pokemon: 2 Roselia (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0 Azumarill (Lv. 23) IVs: All 0


Young Couple Mel & Paul - 633


Pokemon: 2 Beautifly (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0 Dustox (Lv. 27) IVs: All 0


Old Couple John & Jay - 634


Pokemon: 2 Medicham (Lv. 47) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 47) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Old Couple John & Jay - 635


Pokemon: 2 Medicham (Lv. 58) (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 58) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Old Couple [~ 636] - 636


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Old Couple [~ 637] - 637


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Old Couple [~ 638] - 638


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy Winston - 639


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 30) (Moves: Headbutt/Odor Sleuth/Fury Swipes/Tail Whip) IVs: All 0


Lady Cindy - 640


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 10) (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Tackle/Growl/Tail Whip/―――――) IVs: All 0


The Winstrates’ Victor - 641


Pokemon: 2 Taillow (Lv. 17) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 19) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0


The Winstrates’ Victoria - 642


Pokemon: 1 Roselia (Lv. 20) @Oran Berry IVs: All 5


Black Belt Nob - 643


Pokemon: 3 Primeape (Lv. 50) (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15 Hitmonlee (Lv. 50) (Ability: Limber) IVs: All 15 Machamp (Lv. 50) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Poké Fan Miguel - 644


Pokemon: 1 Skitty (Lv. 17) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Vanessa - 645


Pokemon: 1 Pikachu (Lv. 35) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0


Lady Brianna - 646


Pokemon: 2 Clamperl (Lv. 41) IVs: All 5 Corsola (Lv. 41) IVs: All 5


Poké Fan Marissa - 647


Pokemon: 1 Azumarill (Lv. 43) @Oran Berry (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Waterfall/Play Rough/Superpower/Rollout) IVs: All 5


Lady Anette - 648


Pokemon: 1 Persian (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy Garret - 649


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 30) (Moves: Headbutt/Odor Sleuth/Fury Swipes/Tail Whip) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Isabel - 650


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 15) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 15) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Miguel - 651


Pokemon: 1 Skitty (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Miguel - 652


Pokemon: 1 Skitty (Lv. 29) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Miguel - 653


Pokemon: 1 Skitty (Lv. 34) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Miguel - 654


Pokemon: 1 Delcatty (Lv. 51) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Lady Cindy - 655


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 13) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Lady Cindy - 656


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Lady Cindy - 657


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 29) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy Winston - 658


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 13) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy Winston - 659


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy Winston - 660


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 29) (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Isabel - 661


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 25) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 25) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Isabel - 662


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Isabel - 663


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 32) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 32) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Poké Fan Isabel - 664


Pokemon: 2 Plusle (Lv. 49) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 49) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0


Bug Maniac [~ 665] - 665


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Dragon Tamer [~ 666] - 666


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Schoolkid Georgia - 667


Pokemon: 1 Geodude (Lv. 10) (Moves: Tackle/Rock Throw/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5


Team Magma Grunts - 668


Pokemon: 5 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunts - 669


Pokemon: 5 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunts - 670


Pokemon: 5 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunts - 671


Pokemon: 5 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunts - 672


Pokemon: 5 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0 Poochyena (Lv. 18) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunts - 673


Pokemon: 5 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 25) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 674


Pokemon: 3 Slugma (Lv. 24) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Wailmer (Lv. 24) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Grovyle (Lv. 26) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 675


Pokemon: 3 Wailmer (Lv. 24) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Shroomish (Lv. 24) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Combusken (Lv. 26) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 676


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 24) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Slugma (Lv. 24) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Marshtomp (Lv. 26) (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 677


Pokemon: 3 Slugma (Lv. 24) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Wailmer (Lv. 24) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Grovyle (Lv. 26) (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 678


Pokemon: 3 Wailmer (Lv. 24) (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20 Shroomish (Lv. 24) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Combusken (Lv. 26) (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 679


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 24) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20 Slugma (Lv. 24) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20 Marshtomp (Lv. 26) (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Steven - 680


Pokemon: 1 Metagross (Lv. 45) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Zen Headbutt/Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30


Proprietor Inver - 681


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Rotation Girl Circie - 682


Pokemon: 3 Simisage (Lv. 42) (Moves: Crunch/Energy Ball/Payback/Brick Break) IVs: All 20 Simisear (Lv. 42) (Moves: Crunch/Flamethrower/Endeavor/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20 Simipour (Lv. 42) (Moves: Crunch/Surf/Facade/Ice Punch) IVs: All 20


Aqua Admin Matt - 683


Pokemon: 1 Sharpedo (Lv. 32) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Slash/Scary Face) IVs: All 15


Aqua Admin Matt - 684


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 32) (Ability: Quick Feet) (Moves: Assurance/Snarl/Scary Face/Roar) IVs: All 15 Sharpedo (Lv. 34) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Slash/Scary Face) IVs: All 15


Aqua Admin Matt - 685


Pokemon: 1 Sharpedo (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15


Aqua Admin Matt - 686


Pokemon: 1 Sharpedo (Lv. 53) IVs: All 15


Aqua Admin Matt - 687


Pokemon: 1 Sharpedo (Lv. 55) @[~ 759] IVs: All 15


Aqua Admin Shelly - 688


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 23) IVs: All 15 Carvanha (Lv. 23) IVs: All 15


Aqua Admin Shelly - 689


Pokemon: 2 Grimer (Lv. 24) IVs: All 15 Carvanha (Lv. 24) IVs: All 15


Aqua Admin Shelly - 690


Pokemon: 1 Sharpedo (Lv. 32) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Tabitha - 691


Pokemon: 1 Camerupt (Lv. 32) (Moves: Curse/Take Down/Rock Slide/Yawn) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Tabitha - 692


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 32) (Ability: Quick Feet) (Moves: Assurance/Snarl/Scary Face/Roar) IVs: All 15 Camerupt (Lv. 34) (Moves: Curse/Take Down/Rock Slide/Yawn) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Tabitha - 693


Pokemon: 1 Camerupt (Lv. 32) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Courtney - 694


Pokemon: 1 Camerupt (Lv. 31) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Courtney - 695


Pokemon: 1 Camerupt (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Courtney - 696


Pokemon: 1 Camerupt (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Courtney - 697


Pokemon: 1 Camerupt (Lv. 53) IVs: All 15


Magma Admin Courtney - 698


Pokemon: 1 Camerupt (Lv. 55) @[~ 767] IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 699


Pokemon: 5 Swellow (Lv. 48) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20 Raichu (Lv. 48) (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 48) (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 48) (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20 Sceptile (Lv. 50) @Sceptilite (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Dual Chop/Night Slash) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 700


Pokemon: 5 Swellow (Lv. 48) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20 Raichu (Lv. 48) (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 48) (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 48) (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20 Blaziken (Lv. 50) @Blazikenite (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Blaze Kick/Brick Break/Quick Attack/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 701


Pokemon: 5 Swellow (Lv. 48) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20 Raichu (Lv. 48) (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 48) (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 48) (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20 Swampert (Lv. 50) @Swampertite (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Slide/Brick Break) IVs: All 20


Rich Boy Antoin - 702


Pokemon: 1 Slakoth (Lv. 29) (Moves: Feint Attack/Amnesia/Covet/Chip Away) IVs: All 0


Rich Boy Antoin - 703


Pokemon: 4 Scolipede (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Muk (Lv. 60) (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15 Drapion (Lv. 60) (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15 Crobat (Lv. 60) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15


Rich Boy Antoin - 704


Pokemon: 4 Muk (Lv. 60) (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15 Scolipede (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Toxicroak (Lv. 60) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15 Drapion (Lv. 60) (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15


Rich Boy Antoin - 705


Pokemon: 4 Drapion (Lv. 60) (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15 Toxicroak (Lv. 60) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15 Dragalge (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Scolipede (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15


Rich Boy Antoin - 706


Pokemon: 4 Toxicroak (Lv. 60) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15 Weezing (Lv. 60) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15 Scolipede (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Dragalge (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15


Rich Boy Antoin - 707


Pokemon: 4 Weezing (Lv. 60) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15 Dragalge (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Crobat (Lv. 60) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15 Toxicroak (Lv. 60) (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15


Rich Boy Antoin - 708


Pokemon: 4 Dragalge (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Crobat (Lv. 60) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15 Muk (Lv. 60) (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15 Weezing (Lv. 60) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15


Poké Maniac Kelvin - 709


Pokemon: 4 Rhyperior (Lv. 60) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15 Nidoking (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Mamoswine (Lv. 60) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15 Hippowdon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15


Bug Maniac Felix - 710


Pokemon: 4 Scizor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Galvantula (Lv. 60) (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15 Heracross (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Pinsir (Lv. 60) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15


Aroma Lady Carnation - 711


Pokemon: 4 Tangrowth (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Jumpluff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Ludicolo (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20 Victreebel (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 712


Pokemon: 4 Whimsicott (Lv. 60) (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20 Wigglytuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20 Slurpuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20 Granbull (Lv. 60) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20


Lorekeeper Zinnia - 713


Pokemon: 5 Goodra (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Muddy Water/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25 Noivern (Lv. 60) (Ability: Infiltrator) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Air Slash/Shadow Ball/Super Fang) IVs: All 25 Altaria (Lv. 60) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Flamethrower/Hyper Voice) IVs: All 25 Tyrantrum (Lv. 60) (Ability: Strong Jaw) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 25 Salamence (Lv. 62) @[~ 769] (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25


Triathlete Sloan - 714


Pokemon: 1 Plusle (Lv. 17) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Dolph - 715


Pokemon: 1 Minun (Lv. 17) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Vin - 716


Pokemon: 2 Wailmer (Lv. 25) IVs: All 10 Spheal (Lv. 25) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Jaylon - 717


Pokemon: 1 Tentacruel (Lv. 39) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Denzel - 718


Pokemon: 1 Azumarill (Lv. 39) IVs: All 10


Triathlete Karsen - 719


Pokemon: 2 Golduck (Lv. 37) IVs: All 10 Tentacruel (Lv. 37) IVs: All 10


Backpacker Graeme - 720


Pokemon: 1 Slakoth (Lv. 13) (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Emory - 721


Pokemon: 1 Taillow (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Deon - 722


Pokemon: 1 Linoone (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Darnell - 723


Pokemon: 1 Kecleon (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Grayson - 724


Pokemon: 1 Girafarig (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Graeme - 725


Pokemon: 1 Slakoth (Lv. 17) (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Graeme - 726


Pokemon: 1 Vigoroth (Lv. 27) (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Graeme - 727


Pokemon: 1 Vigoroth (Lv. 34) (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 0


Backpacker Graeme - 728


Pokemon: 1 Slaking (Lv. 51) (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0


Battle Girl Tess - 729


Pokemon: 1 Mienshao (Lv. 46) IVs: All 0


Bird Keeper Bran - 730


Pokemon: 1 Pelipper (Lv. 32) IVs: All 10


Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 731


Pokemon: 2 Kadabra (Lv. 31) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15 Machoke (Lv. 31) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Brains & Brawn Aden & Finn - 732


Pokemon: 2 Musharna (Lv. 47) IVs: All 15 Primeape (Lv. 47) IVs: All 15


Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 733


Pokemon: 2 Kadabra (Lv. 35) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15 Machoke (Lv. 35) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 734


Pokemon: 2 Kadabra (Lv. 42) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15 Machoke (Lv. 42) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 735


Pokemon: 2 Alakazam (Lv. 46) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15 Machamp (Lv. 46) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 736


Pokemon: 2 Alakazam (Lv. 53) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15 Machamp (Lv. 53) (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15


Scuba Diver Kylan - 737


Pokemon: 1 Seadra (Lv. 41) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Dmitry - 738


Pokemon: 1 Starmie (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Keaton - 739


Pokemon: 2 Wailmer (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Wailord (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Yutaka - 740


Pokemon: 2 Pelipper (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0 Lanturn (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Tristan - 741


Pokemon: 1 Wailord (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Silas - 742


Pokemon: 2 Sealeo (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Jason - 743


Pokemon: 1 Lanturn (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Colten - 744


Pokemon: 2 Golduck (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Javier - 745


Pokemon: 1 Relicanth (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Kylan - 746


Pokemon: 1 Seadra (Lv. 45) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver Kylan - 747


Pokemon: 2 Kingler (Lv. 49) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0 Kingdra (Lv. 49) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver [~ 748] - 748


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Scuba Diver [~ 749] - 749


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Arzu - 750


Pokemon: 2 Clamperl (Lv. 39) (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0 Clamperl (Lv. 39) (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Rischel - 751


Pokemon: 1 Seaking (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Hollie - 752


Pokemon: 1 Lanturn (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Jillian - 753


Pokemon: 1 Azumarill (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Mayu - 754


Pokemon: 2 Luvdisc (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0 Luvdisc (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Cordura - 755


Pokemon: 1 Corsola (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Coral - 756


Pokemon: 2 Clamperl (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0 Tentacruel (Lv. 40) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Kailyn - 757


Pokemon: 1 Starmie (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Aileen - 758


Pokemon: 1 Sealeo (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Arzu - 759


Pokemon: 2 Huntail (Lv. 43) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Gorebyss (Lv. 43) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0


Free Diver Arzu - 760


Pokemon: 3 Huntail (Lv. 48) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Gorebyss (Lv. 48) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0 Cloyster (Lv. 48) (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0


Free Diver [~ 761] - 761


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Free Diver [~ 762] - 762


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Dragon Tamer Dray - 763


Pokemon: 1 Altaria (Lv. 47) IVs: All 20


Dragon Tamer Egon - 764


Pokemon: 1 Kingdra (Lv. 47) IVs: All 20


Expert Theodore - 765


Pokemon: 4 Blaziken (Lv. 40) (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Flamethrower/Double Kick/Slash/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20 Sceptile (Lv. 40) (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/Aerial Ace/Slam/Agility) IVs: All 20 Swampert (Lv. 40) (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Waterfall/Mud Bomb/Rock Slide/Protect) IVs: All 20 Hariyama (Lv. 42) (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Cece - 766


Pokemon: 2 Spoink (Lv. 19) IVs: All 0 Mawile (Lv. 19) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl Franny - 767


Pokemon: 1 Kirlia (Lv. 22) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 768


Pokemon: 1 Jigglypuff (Lv. 35) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl Nellie - 769


Pokemon: 2 Skitty (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0 Jigglypuff (Lv. 23) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 770


Pokemon: 1 Wigglytuff (Lv. 40) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 771


Pokemon: 2 Wigglytuff (Lv. 42) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0 Clefairy (Lv. 42) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 772


Pokemon: 2 Wigglytuff (Lv. 48) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0 Clefable (Lv. 48) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl [~ 773] - 773


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Timin - 774


Pokemon: 1 Seaking (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Finley - 775


Pokemon: 2 Crawdaunt (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0 Gyarados (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Fisher - 776


Pokemon: 1 Whiscash (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Sheaffer - 777


Pokemon: 2 Sharpedo (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0 Whiscash (Lv. 37) IVs: All 0


Fisherman Fisk - 778


Pokemon: 1 Lanturn (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Fisherman River - 779


Pokemon: 1 Seadra (Lv. 39) IVs: All 0


Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 780


Pokemon: 2 Chingling (Lv. 29) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0 Kirlia (Lv. 28) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0


Mysterious Sisters Elle & Aya - 781


Pokemon: 2 Girafarig (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0 Mawile (Lv. 35) IVs: All 0


Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 782


Pokemon: 2 Chingling (Lv. 34) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0 Gardevoir (Lv. 33) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0


Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 783


Pokemon: 2 Chimecho (Lv. 41) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0 Gardevoir (Lv. 40) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0


Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 784


Pokemon: 2 Chimecho (Lv. 45) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0 Gardevoir (Lv. 44) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0


Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 785


Pokemon: 2 Chimecho (Lv. 51) (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0 Gardevoir (Lv. 50) (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0


Ruin Maniac Hayes - 786


Pokemon: 2 Sandslash (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0 Sandslash (Lv. 25) IVs: All 0


Ruin Maniac Omari - 787


Pokemon: 1 Sandshrew (Lv. 15) IVs: All 0


Hiker Davian - 788


Pokemon: 1 Geodude (Lv. 15) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Blair - 789


Pokemon: 2 Poochyena (Lv. 12) IVs: All 0 Carvanha (Lv. 14) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Jaylin - 790


Pokemon: 1 Mightyena (Lv. 21) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Gomez - 791


Pokemon: 1 Cacturne (Lv. 34) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Hannibal - 792


Pokemon: 1 Crawdaunt (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Regan - 793


Pokemon: 2 Houndoom (Lv. 43) IVs: All 0 Shiftry (Lv. 43) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Gomez - 794


Pokemon: 1 Cacturne (Lv. 41) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Gomez - 795


Pokemon: 2 Murkrow (Lv. 43) (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0 Cacturne (Lv. 43) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0


Street Thug Gomez - 796


Pokemon: 3 Houndoom (Lv. 48) (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 0 Cacturne (Lv. 48) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0 Honchkrow (Lv. 48) (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0


Street Thug [~ 797] - 797


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Delinquent Destinee - 798


Pokemon: 1 Sableye (Lv. 15) IVs: All 0


Delinquent Miley - 799


Pokemon: 2 Cacnea (Lv. 26) IVs: All 0 Mightyena (Lv. 28) IVs: All 0


Delinquent Sharlene - 800


Pokemon: 1 Sharpedo (Lv. 34) IVs: All 0


Delinquent Kylie - 801


Pokemon: 1 Mightyena (Lv. 36) IVs: All 0


Delinquent Sharlene - 802


Pokemon: 1 Sharpedo (Lv. 41) (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0


Delinquent Sharlene - 803


Pokemon: 2 Sharpedo (Lv. 43) (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0 Sneasel (Lv. 43) (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 0


Delinquent Sharlene - 804


Pokemon: 2 Sharpedo (Lv. 49) (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0 Weavile (Lv. 49) (Ability: Pressure) IVs: All 0


Delinquent [~ 805] - 805


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Trainer Neville - 806


Pokemon: 2 Zangoose (Lv. 26) (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15 Breloom (Lv. 28) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Hisato - 807


Pokemon: 1 Pinsir (Lv. 41) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Cornelius - 808


Pokemon: 2 Golem (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15 Raichu (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Leopold - 809


Pokemon: 2 Vibrava (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15 Rhydon (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Neville - 810


Pokemon: 2 Zangoose (Lv. 34) (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15 Breloom (Lv. 36) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Neville - 811


Pokemon: 2 Zangoose (Lv. 40) (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15 Breloom (Lv. 42) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Neville - 812


Pokemon: 2 Zangoose (Lv. 45) (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15 Breloom (Lv. 47) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Neville - 813


Pokemon: 3 Zangoose (Lv. 52) (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15 Breloom (Lv. 53) (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15 Chandelure (Lv. 54) (Ability: Flash Fire) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Constance - 814


Pokemon: 2 Seviper (Lv. 26) IVs: All 15 Swellow (Lv. 28) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Portia - 815


Pokemon: 2 Kecleon (Lv. 26) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15 Magcargo (Lv. 28) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Claudia - 816


Pokemon: 3 Snorunt (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15 Masquerain (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15 Dusclops (Lv. 38) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Harriet - 817


Pokemon: 1 Crobat (Lv. 41) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Honor - 818


Pokemon: 2 Torkoal (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15 Medicham (Lv. 39) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Portia - 819


Pokemon: 2 Kecleon (Lv. 33) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15 Magcargo (Lv. 35) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Portia - 820


Pokemon: 2 Kecleon (Lv. 40) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15 Magcargo (Lv. 42) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Portia - 821


Pokemon: 3 Kecleon (Lv. 44) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15 Vanillish (Lv. 46) (Ability: Ice Body) IVs: All 15 Magcargo (Lv. 44) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Portia - 822


Pokemon: 3 Kecleon (Lv. 52) (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15 Magcargo (Lv. 53) (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15 Vanilluxe (Lv. 54) (Ability: Ice Body) IVs: All 15


Ninja Boy Shoji - 823


Pokemon: 1 Koffing (Lv. 24) (Moves: Flamethrower/Assurance/Clear Smog/Sludge) IVs: All 5


Ninja Boy Hiromichi - 824


Pokemon: 1 Koffing (Lv. 24) (Moves: Flamethrower/Assurance/Clear Smog/Sludge) IVs: All 5


Swimmer ♂ [~ 825] - 825


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Swimmer ♀ [~ 826] - 826


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Tuber Delmar - 827


Pokemon: 1 Luvdisc (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0


Tuber Marlene - 828


Pokemon: 1 Luvdisc (Lv. 38) IVs: All 0


Ace Duo Pike & Shiel - 829


Pokemon: 2 Carvanha (Lv. 21) IVs: All 15 Numel (Lv. 21) IVs: All 15


Ace Duo Jude & Rory - 830


Pokemon: 2 Armaldo (Lv. 47) (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15 Cradily (Lv. 47) (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 15


Ace Duo Jude & Rory - 831


Pokemon: 2 Armaldo (Lv. 56) (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 0 Cradily (Lv. 56) (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 0


Ace Duo [~ 832] - 832


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Duo [~ 833] - 833


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Ace Duo [~ 834] - 834


Pokemon: 2 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Expert Bryn - 835


Pokemon: 2 Hitmontop (Lv. 45) IVs: All 20 Throh (Lv. 45) IVs: All 20


Youngster Cutler - 836


Pokemon: 1 Slugma (Lv. 17) (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Incinerate/Harden/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Youngster Ham - 837


Pokemon: 1 Taillow (Lv. 17) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Wing Attack/Growl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Schoolkid Nitzel - 838


Pokemon: 1 Oddish (Lv. 17) (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Mega Drain/Sweet Scent/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Schoolkid Meena - 839


Pokemon: 1 Goldeen (Lv. 17) (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Water Pulse/Tail Whip/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Fairy Tale Girl Meggi - 840


Pokemon: 1 Jigglypuff (Lv. 17) (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Disarming Voice/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0


Lass Suzette - 841


Pokemon: 2 Maractus (Lv. 55) (Ability: Storm Drain) (Moves: Needle Arm/Poison Jab/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15 Vaporeon (Lv. 55) (Ability: Water Absorb) (Moves: Aurora Beam/Scald/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15


Aroma Lady Thyme - 842


Pokemon: 2 Gogoat (Lv. 55) (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Horn Leech/Wild Charge/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15 Goodra (Lv. 55) (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Aqua Tail/Dragon Pulse/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Benedict - 843


Pokemon: 2 Flareon (Lv. 55) (Ability: Flash Fire) (Moves: Fire Fang/Quick Attack/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15 Heatmor (Lv. 55) (Ability: Flash Fire) (Moves: Flamethrower/Power-Up Punch/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15


Ace Trainer Melba - 844


Pokemon: 2 Shedinja (Lv. 55) (Ability: Wonder Guard) (Moves: Shadow Claw/X-Scissor/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15 Shedinja (Lv. 55) (Ability: Wonder Guard) (Moves: Shadow Claw/X-Scissor/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15


Street Thug Alfredo - 845


Pokemon: 3 Lickilicky (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Rollout/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Lilligant (Lv. 65) @Choice Scarf (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Teeter Dance/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Lickilicky (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Rollout/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20


Street Thug Rice - 846


Pokemon: 3 Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30 Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30 Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30


Street Thug Barley - 847


Pokemon: 3 Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20


Street Thug Soyer - 848


Pokemon: 3 Altaria (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Tropius (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Aerodactyl (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Rock Head) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20


Street Thug Pitaha - 849


Pokemon: 3 Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20


Street Thug Bass - 850


Pokemon: 3 Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20


Street Thug Wellington - 851


Pokemon: 3 Krookodile (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Arcanine (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Scrafty (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20


Black Belt Banting - 852


Pokemon: 3 Nidoking (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Rivalry) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Aggron (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Rock Head) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20 Rampardos (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Mold Breaker) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20


Rich Boy Filbert - 853


Pokemon: 2 Lanturn (Lv. 55) (Ability: Illuminate) (Moves: Thunderbolt/Waterfall/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15 Jolteon (Lv. 55) (Ability: Volt Absorb) (Moves: Thunderbolt/Pin Missile/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15


Lady Dulcie - 854


Pokemon: 2 Carnivine (Lv. 55) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Power Whip/Crunch/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15 Mismagius (Lv. 55) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Power Gem/Shadow Ball/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15


Fare Prince Trencherman - 855


Pokemon: 3 Lucario (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Extreme Speed/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30 Togekiss (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Serene Grace) (Moves: Air Slash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30 Lucario (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Extreme Speed/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30


Secret Base Expert Aarune - 856


Pokemon: 1 Flygon (Lv. 23) @Normal Gem (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Secret Power/Fly/Earth Power/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 20


Secret Base Expert Aarune - 857


Pokemon: 1 Flygon (Lv. 53) @Normal Gem (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Secret Power/Fly/Earthquake/Dragon Rush) IVs: All 20


Team Magma Grunt - 858


Pokemon: 1 Numel (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 859


Pokemon: 2 Numel (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Weezing (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 860


Pokemon: 1 Carvanha (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 861


Pokemon: 2 Carvanha (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Muk (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 862


Pokemon: 1 Weezing (Lv. 41) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 863


Pokemon: 3 Geodude (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Aron (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Nosepass (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 864


Pokemon: 3 Ralts (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Magnemite (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Volbeat (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 865


Pokemon: 3 Ralts (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Magnemite (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Illumise (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 866


Pokemon: 3 Makuhita (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Meditite (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Machop (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 867


Pokemon: 3 Aron (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Lileep (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Anorith (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 868


Pokemon: 3 Budew (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Igglybuff (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Pichu (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 869


Pokemon: 3 Budew (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Igglybuff (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Pichu (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 870


Pokemon: 3 Seedot (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Electrike (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 871


Pokemon: 3 Lotad (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Electrike (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Taillow (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 872


Pokemon: 3 Corphish (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Barboach (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 873


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Slugma (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 874


Pokemon: 3 Shroomish (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Slugma (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 875


Pokemon: 3 Poochyena (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Cacnea (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Carvanha (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 876


Pokemon: 3 Poochyena (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Cacnea (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Carvanha (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 877


Pokemon: 3 Machop (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Meditite (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 878


Pokemon: 3 Machop (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Meditite (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 879


Pokemon: 3 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Electrike (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 880


Pokemon: 3 Gulpin (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Grimer (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 881


Pokemon: 3 Voltorb (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Pichu (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Magnemite (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 882


Pokemon: 3 Igglybuff (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Budew (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Azurill (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 883


Pokemon: 3 Igglybuff (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Budew (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Azurill (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 884


Pokemon: 3 Wurmple (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Plusle (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 885


Pokemon: 3 Budew (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Shroomish (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Oddish (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 886


Pokemon: 3 Meditite (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Makuhita (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Machop (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 887


Pokemon: 3 Azurill (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Ralts (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 888


Pokemon: 3 Shuppet (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Duskull (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Sableye (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 889


Pokemon: 3 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Electrike (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 890


Pokemon: 3 Whismur (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Skitty (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Spinda (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 891


Pokemon: 3 Oddish (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Goldeen (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Swablu (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 892


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 48) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 50) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 893


Pokemon: 1 Weezing (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 894


Pokemon: 2 Golbat (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Camerupt (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 895


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 48) IVs: All 0 Golbat (Lv. 50) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 896


Pokemon: 1 Muk (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 897


Pokemon: 2 Golbat (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0 Sharpedo (Lv. 49) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer Zinnia - 898


Pokemon: 3 Tyrantrum (Lv. 55) (Ability: Strong Jaw) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 25 Altaria (Lv. 55) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Flamethrower/Hyper Voice) IVs: All 25 Salamence (Lv. 57) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25


Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 899


Pokemon: 3 Wurmple (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Minun (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0 Wailmer (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 900


Pokemon: 1 Koffing (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 901


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0 Weezing (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 902


Pokemon: 1 Koffing (Lv. 23) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 903


Pokemon: 1 Grimer (Lv. 23) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 904


Pokemon: 1 Grimer (Lv. 29) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 905


Pokemon: 2 Mightyena (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0 Muk (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer May - 906


Pokemon: 5 Swellow (Lv. 48) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20 Raichu (Lv. 48) (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 48) (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 48) (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20 Sceptile (Lv. 50) @Sceptilite (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Dual Chop/Night Slash) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 907


Pokemon: 5 Swellow (Lv. 48) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20 Raichu (Lv. 48) (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20 Wailord (Lv. 48) (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 48) (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20 Blaziken (Lv. 50) @Blazikenite (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Blaze Kick/Brick Break/Quick Attack/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer May - 908


Pokemon: 5 Swellow (Lv. 48) (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20 Raichu (Lv. 48) (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20 Breloom (Lv. 48) (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20 Magcargo (Lv. 48) (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20 Swampert (Lv. 50) @Swampertite (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Slide/Brick Break) IVs: All 20


Elite Four Sidney - 909


Pokemon: 6 Scrafty (Lv. 70) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Crunch/Brick Break/Poison Jab/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 25 Shiftry (Lv. 70) (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Fake Out/Feint Attack/Extrasensory/Leaf Blade) IVs: All 25 Sharpedo (Lv. 70) (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Aqua Jet/Slash) IVs: All 25 Zoroark (Lv. 70) (Ability: Illusion) (Moves: Night Slash/Shadow Claw/Dark Pulse/Flamethrower) IVs: All 25 Mandibuzz (Lv. 70) (Ability: Overcoat) (Moves: Brave Bird/Bone Rush/Feint Attack/Tailwind) IVs: All 25 Absol (Lv. 72) @Absolite (Ability: Super Luck) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Psycho Cut/Slash) IVs: All 25


Elite Four Phoebe - 910


Pokemon: 6 Banette (Lv. 71) (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Grudge/Toxic/Psychic) IVs: All 25 Mismagius (Lv. 71) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Power Gem/Thunderbolt/Pain Split) IVs: All 25 Drifblim (Lv. 71) (Ability: Aftermath) (Moves: Phantom Force/Psychic/Icy Wind/Acrobatics) IVs: All 25 Chandelure (Lv. 71) (Ability: Flame Body) (Moves: Hex/Flamethrower/Energy Ball/Dark Pulse) IVs: All 25 Dusknoir (Lv. 71) (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Hex/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch) IVs: All 25 Sableye (Lv. 73) @[~ 754] (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Shadow Claw/Foul Play/Power Gem/Fake Out) IVs: All 25


Elite Four Glacia - 911


Pokemon: 6 Abomasnow (Lv. 72) (Ability: Snow Warning) (Moves: Blizzard/Wood Hammer/Ice Shard/Earthquake) IVs: All 25 Beartic (Lv. 72) (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Icicle Crash/Slash/Shadow Claw/Brick Break) IVs: All 25 Froslass (Lv. 72) (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Draining Kiss/Blizzard/Hail/Shadow Ball) IVs: All 25 Vanilluxe (Lv. 72) (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Ice Beam/Mirror Coat/Freeze-Dry/Signal Beam) IVs: All 25 Walrein (Lv. 72) (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Surf/Body Slam/Blizzard/Sheer Cold) IVs: All 25 Glalie (Lv. 74) @Glalitite (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Protect/Ice Shard/Hail/Freeze-Dry) IVs: All 25


Elite Four Drake - 912


Pokemon: 6 Altaria (Lv. 73) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Cotton Guard/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast) IVs: All 25 Dragalge (Lv. 73) (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Hydro Pump/Sludge Wave/Thunderbolt) IVs: All 25 Kingdra (Lv. 73) (Ability: Sniper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Surf/Yawn/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25 Flygon (Lv. 73) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Flamethrower/Boomburst/Dragon Pulse/Screech) IVs: All 25 Haxorus (Lv. 73) (Ability: Mold Breaker) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Earthquake/X-Scissor/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 25 Salamence (Lv. 75) @[~ 769] (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Rush/Zen Headbutt/Crunch/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25


Champion Steven - 913


Pokemon: 6 Skarmory (Lv. 77) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30 Claydol (Lv. 77) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30 Carbink (Lv. 77) (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Moonblast/Power Gem/Psychic/Earth Power) IVs: All 30 Aerodactyl (Lv. 77) (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Rock Slide/Ice Fang/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang) IVs: All 30 Aggron (Lv. 77) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30 Metagross (Lv. 79) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30


Ninja Boy Lao - 914


Pokemon: 3 Koffing (Lv. 22) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 23) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 24) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Lao - 915


Pokemon: 3 Koffing (Lv. 29) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 30) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0 Koffing (Lv. 31) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Lao - 916


Pokemon: 3 Weezing (Lv. 40) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0 Weezing (Lv. 41) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0 Weezing (Lv. 42) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0


Ninja Boy Lao - 917


Pokemon: 3 Weezing (Lv. 46) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0 Weezing (Lv. 47) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0 Weezing (Lv. 48) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0


Poké Maniac Kelvin - 918


Pokemon: 4 Mamoswine (Lv. 60) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15 Nidoqueen (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Rhyperior (Lv. 60) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15 Hippowdon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15


Poké Maniac Kelvin - 919


Pokemon: 4 Gastrodon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15 Mamoswine (Lv. 60) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15 Rhyperior (Lv. 60) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15 Nidoqueen (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15


Poké Maniac Kelvin - 920


Pokemon: 4 Nidoqueen (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Gastrodon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15 Garchomp (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15 Rhyperior (Lv. 60) (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15


Poké Maniac Kelvin - 921


Pokemon: 4 Nidoking (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Nidoqueen (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Gastrodon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15 Garchomp (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15


Poké Maniac Kelvin - 922


Pokemon: 4 Hippowdon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15 Gastrodon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15 Garchomp (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15 Nidoking (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15


Poké Maniac Kelvin - 923


Pokemon: 4 Garchomp (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15 Hippowdon (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15 Nidoking (Lv. 60) (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15 Mamoswine (Lv. 60) (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15


Aroma Lady Carnation - 924


Pokemon: 4 Ferrothorn (Lv. 60) (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20 Ludicolo (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20 Victreebel (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Tangrowth (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20


Aroma Lady Carnation - 925


Pokemon: 4 Exeggutor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Victreebel (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Tangrowth (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Ferrothorn (Lv. 60) (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20


Aroma Lady Carnation - 926


Pokemon: 4 Roserade (Lv. 60) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20 Tangrowth (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Ferrothorn (Lv. 60) (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20 Exeggutor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20


Aroma Lady Carnation - 927


Pokemon: 4 Jumpluff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Ferrothorn (Lv. 60) (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20 Exeggutor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Roserade (Lv. 60) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20


Aroma Lady Carnation - 928


Pokemon: 4 Ludicolo (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20 Exeggutor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Roserade (Lv. 60) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20 Jumpluff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20


Aroma Lady Carnation - 929


Pokemon: 4 Victreebel (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Roserade (Lv. 60) (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20 Jumpluff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20 Ludicolo (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 930


Pokemon: 4 Slurpuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20 Aromatisse (Lv. 60) (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20 Azumarill (Lv. 60) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20 Wigglytuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 931


Pokemon: 4 Azumarill (Lv. 60) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20 Whimsicott (Lv. 60) (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20 Florges (Lv. 60) (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20 Aromatisse (Lv. 60) (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 932


Pokemon: 4 Florges (Lv. 60) (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20 Slurpuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20 Granbull (Lv. 60) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20 Whimsicott (Lv. 60) (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 933


Pokemon: 4 Granbull (Lv. 60) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20 Azumarill (Lv. 60) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20 Wigglytuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20 Slurpuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 934


Pokemon: 4 Wigglytuff (Lv. 60) (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20 Florges (Lv. 60) (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20 Aromatisse (Lv. 60) (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20 Azumarill (Lv. 60) (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20


Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 935


Pokemon: 4 Aromatisse (Lv. 60) (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20 Granbull (Lv. 60) (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20 Whimsicott (Lv. 60) (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20 Florges (Lv. 60) (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20


Bug Maniac Felix - 936


Pokemon: 4 Ninjask (Lv. 60) (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15 Heracross (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Pinsir (Lv. 60) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15 Scizor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15


Bug Maniac Felix - 937


Pokemon: 4 Leavanny (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Pinsir (Lv. 60) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15 Scizor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Ninjask (Lv. 60) (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15


Bug Maniac Felix - 938


Pokemon: 4 Crustle (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15 Scizor (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Ninjask (Lv. 60) (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15 Leavanny (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15


Bug Maniac Felix - 939


Pokemon: 4 Galvantula (Lv. 60) (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15 Ninjask (Lv. 60) (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15 Leavanny (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Crustle (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15


Bug Maniac Felix - 940


Pokemon: 4 Heracross (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Leavanny (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15 Crustle (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15 Galvantula (Lv. 60) (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15


Bug Maniac Felix - 941


Pokemon: 4 Pinsir (Lv. 60) (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15 Crustle (Lv. 60) (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15 Galvantula (Lv. 60) (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15 Heracross (Lv. 60) (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15


Pokémon Trainer Steven - 942


Pokemon: 6 Skarmory (Lv. 57) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30 Claydol (Lv. 57) (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30 Aggron (Lv. 57) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30 Cradily (Lv. 57) (Ability: Suction Cups) (Moves: Giga Drain/Ancient Power/Sludge Bomb/Confuse Ray) IVs: All 30 Armaldo (Lv. 57) (Ability: Battle Armor) (Moves: X-Scissor/Rock Blast/Metal Claw/Crush Claw) IVs: All 30 Metagross (Lv. 59) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30


Sootopolitan Wallace - 943


Pokemon: 6 Wailord (Lv. 55) (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Water Spout/Heavy Slam/Earthquake/Blizzard) IVs: All 20 Tentacruel (Lv. 55) (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Sludge Wave/Brine/Rain Dance/Dazzling Gleam) IVs: All 20 Ludicolo (Lv. 55) (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Fake Out/Scald/Energy Ball/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20 Whiscash (Lv. 55) (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Tomb/Rain Dance) IVs: All 20 Gyarados (Lv. 55) (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Waterfall/Crunch/Ice Fang/Stone Edge) IVs: All 20 Milotic (Lv. 57) (Ability: Marvel Scale) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Blizzard/Recover/Hydro Pump) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Wally - 944


Pokemon: 5 Altaria (Lv. 64) (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Safeguard/Dragon Pulse/Cotton Guard) IVs: All 20 Delcatty (Lv. 64) (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Disarming Voice/Charm/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20 Roserade (Lv. 64) (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Synthesis/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Toxic) IVs: All 20 Magnezone (Lv. 64) (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Screech/Discharge/Tri Attack/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20 Gallade (Lv. 66) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Slash/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Wally - 945


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Pokémon Trainer Wally - 946


Pokemon: 6 Roserade (Lv. 79) @Bright Powder (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Poison Jab) IVs: All 20 Talonflame (Lv. 79) @Life Orb (Ability: Gale Wings) (Moves: Brave Bird/Flare Blitz/Steel Wing/Tailwind) IVs: All 20 Azumarill (Lv. 79) @Assault Vest (Ability: Huge Power) (Moves: Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Aqua Tail/Iron Tail) IVs: All 20 Magnezone (Lv. 79) @Air Balloon (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Discharge/Reflect/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20 Garchomp (Lv. 79) @Rocky Helmet (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 20 Gallade (Lv. 81) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Leaf Blade/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20


Pokémon Trainer Wally - 947


Pokemon: 1 Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) IVs: All 0


Team Aqua Grunt - 948


Pokemon: 1 Mightyena (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0


Team Magma Grunt - 949


Pokemon: 1 Mightyena (Lv. 51) IVs: All 0