The UNSC's ubiquitous Pelican dropship.

A dropship, sometimes referred to as an assault boat,[1] shuttlecraft or troop carrier, is a atmospheric and/or exoatmospheric transport aircraft of small proportions chiefly designed to ferry military assets and hardware into combat. The primary technical definition of a dropship is a military logistical support/deployment platform that can deliver (or extract) troops from space platforms to the surface of a planet (and vice versa), but dropships also serve as gunships and utility craft, providing ground operations with close air support in addition to ferrying infantry and matériel between combat zones within terrestrial environments. Occasionally, dropships are also used for boarding operations.[2] Some dropships are designed to carry specific types of cargo, such as supplies or prefabricated structures.[3]

Known dropship types

In the Covenant

In the UNSC

  • Pelican dropships - The primary series of UNSC dropship.
  • D82-EST Darter - A dropship, similar to the Albatross, used to deliver supplies directly to forward bases.
  • D96-TCE Albatross - A larger, less common dropship used to transport large quantities of matériel and large groups of personnel.
  • Pod - A very large, heavy dropship used for transporting prefabricated structures to groundside locations.
Atmospheric only
  • UH-144 Falcon - The primary air-to-ground support and troop transport aircraft of the UNSC.
