MediaWiki:Monobook.js: Difference between revisions

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

(disable collapsible portlets to try out something cool(er))
(now that we just defined MonobookSidebar, we should be able to initialize it too)
Line 174: Line 174:
/* Calling this code to initialize */
jQuery( MonobookSidebar.init );

// ==================================================
// ==================================================

Revision as of 10:29, October 20, 2010

/* <pre><nowiki> */

/* tooltips and access keys */
ta = new Object();
ta['pt-userpage'] = new Array('.','My user page');
ta['pt-anonuserpage'] = new Array('.','The user page for the ip you\'re editing as');
ta['pt-mytalk'] = new Array('n','My talk page');
ta['pt-anontalk'] = new Array('n','Discussion about edits from this ip address');
ta['pt-preferences'] = new Array('','My preferences');
ta['pt-watchlist'] = new Array('l','The list of pages you\'re monitoring for changes.');
ta['pt-mycontris'] = new Array('y','List of my contributions');
ta['pt-login'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.');
ta['pt-anonlogin'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.');
ta['pt-logout'] = new Array('o','Log out');
ta['ca-talk'] = new Array('t','Discussion about the content page');
ta['ca-edit'] = new Array('e','You can edit this page. Please use the preview button before saving.');
ta['ca-addsection'] = new Array('+','Add a comment to this discussion.');
ta['ca-viewsource'] = new Array('e','This page is protected. You can view its source.');
ta['ca-history'] = new Array('h','Past versions of this page.');
ta['ca-protect'] = new Array('=','Protect this page');
ta['ca-delete'] = new Array('d','Delete this page');
ta['ca-undelete'] = new Array('d','Restore the edits done to this page before it was deleted');
ta['ca-move'] = new Array('m','Move this page');
ta['ca-watch'] = new Array('w','Add this page to your watchlist');
ta['ca-unwatch'] = new Array('w','Remove this page from your watchlist');
ta['search'] = new Array('f','Search this wiki');
ta['p-logo'] = new Array('','Main Page');
ta['n-mainpage'] = new Array('z','Visit the Main Page');
ta['n-portal'] = new Array('','About the project, what you can do, where to find things');
ta['n-currentevents'] = new Array('','Find background information on current events');
ta['n-recentchanges'] = new Array('r','The list of recent changes in the wiki.');
ta['n-randompage'] = new Array('x','Load a random page');
ta['n-help'] = new Array('','The place to find out.');
ta['n-sitesupport'] = new Array('','Support us');
ta['t-whatlinkshere'] = new Array('j','List of all wiki pages that link here');
ta['t-recentchangeslinked'] = new Array('k','Recent changes in pages linked from this page');
ta['feed-rss'] = new Array('','RSS feed for this page');
ta['feed-atom'] = new Array('','Atom feed for this page');
ta['t-contributions'] = new Array('','View the list of contributions of this user');
ta['t-emailuser'] = new Array('','Send a mail to this user');
ta['t-upload'] = new Array('u','Upload images or media files');
ta['t-specialpages'] = new Array('q','List of all special pages');
ta['ca-nstab-main'] = new Array('c','View the content page');
ta['ca-nstab-user'] = new Array('c','View the user page');
ta['ca-nstab-media'] = new Array('c','View the media page');
ta['ca-nstab-special'] = new Array('','This is a special page, you can\'t edit the page itself.');
ta['ca-nstab-project'] = new Array('a','View the project page');
ta['ca-nstab-image'] = new Array('c','View the image page');
ta['ca-nstab-mediawiki'] = new Array('c','View the system message');
ta['ca-nstab-template'] = new Array('c','View the template');
ta['ca-nstab-help'] = new Array('c','View the help page');
ta['ca-nstab-category'] = new Array('c','View the category page');

// To edit the sidebar items, edit [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js/Sidebar.js]]
window.wgSidebar = ( window.wgSidebar || {} );
importScript( 'MediaWiki:Monobook.js/Sidebar.js' );

 * MonobookSidebar: Sets sidebar submenus for elements of MonoBook, adding special
 * classes to pass the pointer over to allow the effect on all browsers.
 * Date: 15 October 2010
 * Copyright © 2010 Jesús Martínez Novo ([[User:Ciencia Al Poder]])
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version
MonobookSidebar = {
	re_s: / /g,
	re_p: /%/g,
	loadedMenus: [],
	init: function() {
		if ( !window.wgSidebar ) {
		for ( var menu in wgSidebar ) {
			var item = document.getElementById( MonobookSidebar.getId( menu ) );
			if ( !item ) {
			var menuId = jQuery( item ).parents().get( 2 ).id;
			// Check it's a valid portlet item
			if ( !menuId || menuId == '' ) {
			// Generate menu hierarchy
			MonobookSidebar.buildSubmenu( item, wgSidebar[menu] );
			// Set events
			MonobookSidebar.setEvents( menuId );
	buildSubmenu: function( el, arr ) {
		var ul = document.createElement( 'ul' );
		ul.className = 'sub-menu';
		for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
			var li = document.createElement( 'li' );
			if ( typeof arr[i] == 'string' ) {
				var a = MonobookSidebar.linkFromText( arr[i] );
				li.appendChild( a );
			} else {
				for ( var menukey in arr[i] ) {
					a = MonobookSidebar.linkFromText( menukey );
					li.appendChild( a );
					MonobookSidebar.buildSubmenu( li, arr[i][menukey] );
			ul.appendChild( li );
		el.appendChild( ul );
		el.className = 'with-sub-menu';
		var em = document.createElement( 'em' );
		em.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '\u203A' ) );
		el.firstChild.appendChild( em );
	setEvents: function( menuId ) {
		for ( var i = 0; i < MonobookSidebar.loadedMenus; i++ ) {
			if ( MonobookSidebar.loadedMenus[i] == menuId ) {
		jQuery( '#' + menuId ).children().eq( 1 ).children().eq( 0 )
			.bind( 'mouseover', MonobookSidebar.mouseover )
			.bind( 'mouseout', MonobookSidebar.mouseout );
		MonobookSidebar.loadedMenus.push( menuId );
	mouseover: function( e ) {
		var target =;
		while ( target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'div' ) {
			if ( target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a' ) {
				target = target.parentNode;
			if ( target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'li' ) {
				jQuery( target ).addClass( 'hover' );
			target = target.parentNode;
	mouseout: function( e ) {
		var target =;
		while ( target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'div' ) {
			if ( target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a' ) {
				target = target.parentNode;
			if ( target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'li' ) {
				jQuery( target ).removeClass( 'hover' );
			target = target.parentNode;
	linkFromText: function( txt ) {
		var article = '', caption = '', sepPos = txt.indexOf( '|' );
		if ( sepPos > 0 ) {
			article = txt.substr( 0, sepPos );
			caption = txt.substr( sepPos + 1 );
		} else {
			article = caption = txt;
		article = encodeURIComponent( article.replace( MonobookSidebar.re_s, '_' ) );
		var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
		if ( article.length > 7 && article.substr( 0, 7 ) == 'http://' ) {
			a.setAttribute( 'href', article );
		} else {
			article = encodeURIComponent( article.replace( MonobookSidebar.re_s, '_' ) );
			a.setAttribute( 'href', wgArticlePath.replace( '$1', article ) );
		a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( caption ) );
		return a;
	getId: function( name ) {
		return 'n-' + encodeURIComponent( name.replace( MonobookSidebar.re_s, '-' ) ).replace( MonobookSidebar.re_p, '.' );

/* Calling this code to initialize */
jQuery( MonobookSidebar.init );

// ==================================================
//	Collapsible Portlets (experimental)
// ==================================================
/* disabled for now --Jack Phoenix, October 20, 2010
function foldingPortlets() {
	var portlets = getElementsByClassName( document.getElementById( 'column-one' ), 'div', 'portlet' );
	var portskip = ['p-personal', 'p-cactions', 'p-logo', 'p-search', 'p-tbx', 'p-lang'];
	var first = true;

	for( var i = 0; i < portlets.length; i++ ) {
		if( portskip.join( ' ' ).indexOf( portlets[i].id ) == -1 ) {
			var pd = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName( 'div' )[0];
			var ph = portlets[i].getElementsByTagName( 'h5' )[0];
			ph.className = 'portletCollapsible';
			pd.setAttribute( 'id', 'pbody-' + i ); = 'none';

			var link = document.createElement( 'a' );
			var head = getAllText( ph );
			while( ph.firstChild ) {
				ph.removeChild( ph.firstChild );
			link.appendChild( document.createTextNode( head ) );
			link.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:showPortlet(\'' + i + '\');' );
			link.setAttribute( 'id', 'plink-' + i );
			link.className = 'portletClosed';
			ph.appendChild( link );

			if( first == true ) {
				first = false; 
				showPortlet( i );
if( skin == 'monobook' && !window.portletsNormal ) {
	addOnloadHook( foldingPortlets );

function getAllText( thing ) {
	if ( thing.nodeType == 3 ) {
		return thing.nodeValue;
	var text = new Array();
	var i = 0;
	while( thing.childNodes[i] ) {
		text[text.length] = getAllText( thing.childNodes[i] );
	return text.join( '' );

function showPortlet( id ) {
	var pd = document.getElementById( 'pbody-' + id );
	var pl = document.getElementById( 'plink-' + id );

	if( == 'none' ) { = 'block';
		pl.className = 'portletOpened';
	} else { = 'none';
		pl.className = 'portletClosed';
// ==================================================
//	End Collapsible Portlets
// ==================================================

/* </nowiki></pre> */