The Silent Cartographer (Level): Difference between revisions

/* Part 2: I've gotta come back and finish this unless someone else wants to
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==Part 2: It’s Quiet==
==Part 2: It’s Quiet==
I recommend if you still have your pistol to shoot one bullet down the hallway and the stealth elites will come so focus down the hallway(go closer if you need to).When you see a faint silhouette then try and shoot them in the head as it is a one-shot kill. Down on the beach, there’ll be a few grunts on that mesa, plus a few jackals. No elites to worry about, though. Pull the almighty [[M6D]], and snipe those grunts. Try the jackals, too, but I wouldn’t worry about them too much. You can drive off the structure, and that will save you some time, and you leave about seven jackals disappointed. Oh, well. Polish off any Covenant on the beach. Now, as powerful as the pistol is, the [[M19 SSM]] will do a much better job in half the time. Get the flipped ‘hog if your marines are dying, but don’t kill them. Chances are you’ve already killed two in that trick with the path into the middle of the island. If your marines are well and truly alive, take them and save yourself the effort.
Proceed down the hall you just came from and enter the room that previously held Hunters. You will be met by Elites with Active Camo. They are unshielded so simply find them and kill them with a flurry of bullets. If you are playing on a harder difficulty, you may wish to try and just run through the room to the ramp. They will not follow you into the room but will stand at the doorway. You can then shoot them down or stick them if you wish. If you would rather, just ignore them. Head up the ramp and to your right there will be three overshields. Pick one of these up. Now take your pistol and snipe the grunts off of the mini island on the beach. You now have two options. You can go back the way you came, kill a number of Jackals and make your way to the Warthog, (assuming you left it behind) and proceed around the island. The other option is to look two your left of the cliff you are standing on next to the overshields and find a small narrow slope. Position yourself looking at the slope with the lower part below you and the higher part in front of you. Walk onto it being careful to hug the wall. Turn around and walk down the slope and off the end and fall the remaining distance to the beach. You can kill the Jackals or ignore them. Grab the Warthog and drop your MA5B for the Rocket launcher if you choose. Drive the Warthog around the island the same way you have been for the duration of the level until you get back to the structure with the locked door. There will be a small party of Jackals waiting nearby the facility, just run them over. In front of it will be two Hunters. You can use the Rocket Launcher on them or my personal choice, the pistol. Drive the Warthog into the hallways of the facility as far as you can go and to the right down the ramp. You'll need it later. Proceed down the corridor and back to the locked door. You should see that it is now unlocked and open.  

When you reach the cartographer:
==Part 3: Shafted==
Kill those jackals that are waiting for some 50 caliber fun to lighten up their patrol, then you have two options:
1)Leave the jeep a safe distance from those [[Hunters]], their arm mounted fuel rods can tear up your jeep, so leave it a safe distance away. Crouch behind the log. The closest hunter is probably ready to tango. Hunter number two is probably relaxed, and isn't ready to fight. Aim for him, since the warm orange blood will get the second one moving, and harder to hit. Send him a 102mm surprise and move. That other Hunter will be coming for you and this is too good an opportunity to miss. Strafe sideways and get the hunter in the reticule. Time for a family reunion. Send it the full HE treatment. Then the way is clear.

2)Those Hunters will hear that annoying ranchera music coming from the Puma's radio (Red vs Blue season 1). Cavalry charge the first one, but if he jumps out of the way, follow him. Once he's roadkill, Pin the other against the wall. After that, the [[Cartographer|Silent Cartographer]] is yours...after all the Covies between you and that map, are dead.)
You can take a right and see a short movie clip or just proceed to the left and down the hall. Melee the Elite in the back who was standing with his back turned to the door. Now carefully get a idea of your surroundings. There is a Elite out of the door right next to the dead Elite with a column almost immediately. Around that is an Elite and a Grunt. There will be other grunts circling the floor and a couple on a balcony circling the top of the room. Eliminate these anyway you wish. To your left is a door that immediately on the other side of there are jackals. Kill them and proceed down the ramps. In the next room there will be Jackals on Patrol in a long U-shaped hallway. Here is also a weapon stash. In the adjoining room are a pair of Hunters and sometimes a Jackal. Kill them and proceed down the ramps just behind them. In the next room there will be a door on the floor level which you can enter and immediately turn left. Sitting there just for you will be your very own active camo. Grab it and jump off of the platform you are standing on. Melee all of the grunts and Elites and proceed down the ramps to another control room. Activate the map (the Silent Cartographer). Head back upstairs.
There are two hunters left on this level, so keep the launcher and a few rockets. You should have two in the launcher, and five in reserve. Switch to your Assault Rifle, and get the ‘hog down the ramps. Park so that your gunner can fire on the door. There are two elites and a whole lot of grunts in here. Not that any will run out the door. That LAAG will make light work of the zealot that comes along later.  

==Part 3: Shafted==
==Part 3: Shafted==
Anonymous user