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Later Ghosts have modified engines possessing a 'speed boost' feature that triples its speed allowing for periods of greater velocity but compromised maneuverability. This allows Ghost pilots to enter and leave combat zones rapidly. In this mode a Ghost can easily run down, or "splatter," enemy infantry or evade more durable foes. As a trade-off, a Ghost's energy reserves are drained rapidly in this mode, and its energy weapons are disabled.<ref>[[Halo 2]]</ref> Judicious use of the speed boost can help prevent a Ghost from flipping over after skipping over a boulder or other obstacle.
Later Ghosts have modified engines possessing a 'speed boost' feature that triples its speed allowing for periods of greater velocity but compromised maneuverability. This allows Ghost pilots to enter and leave combat zones rapidly. In this mode a Ghost can easily run down, or "splatter," enemy infantry or evade more durable foes. As a trade-off, a Ghost's energy reserves are drained rapidly in this mode, and its energy weapons are disabled.<ref>[[Halo 2]]</ref> Judicious use of the speed boost can help prevent a Ghost from flipping over after skipping over a boulder or other obstacle.

== Weapons ==
In Halo: CE the top of the ghost could hover to about 6 feet in the air and you could not jump over it, thus being a large threat
Armament on the Ghost consists of two, forward firing, 100-250 kW plasma cannons. These are standard Covenant light vehicular weapons<ref name="man"/> They are only accurate over short to moderate ranges but the Ghost's speed and maneuverability allow it to rapidly close the distance with most enemies. After taking significant punishment these weapons' accuracy is severely impaired, hampering the vehicles effectiveness as an offensive weapon. Nonetheless, the cannon are only effective against lightly protected targets, such as infantry, Warthogs, Mongooses, other Ghosts, and occasionally the less maneuverable Choppers and Prowlers.
In [[Halo: Combat Evolved]] the plasma cannons could [[stun]] enemy players in [[Multiplayer]], or even AI enemies such as [[Elites]].


Revision as of 14:05, March 12, 2008


Were you looking for the similarly named Ghosts of Halo?

Template:Ship The Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle (abbreviated Type-32 RAV) otherwise known as the Ghost or "Gee"[1], is the Covenant's standard reconnaissance and rapid attack vehicle. It is equipped with two of what are now accepted as the standard light vehicle mounted weapons: a directed energy weapon capable of projecting a bolt of super-heated plasma in the 100-250 kW range.


Ghosts are a one-seater transport and reconnaissance vehicle, dark purple in color and small in size. They feature a streamlined design to optimize speed and agility, and two wing-like structures on either side for maneuvering. They hover off the ground using Covenant anti-gravity technology, and feature an unlimited boost and two plasma cannons.


A Ghost's propulsion is provided by a form of anti-gravity engine known as a Boosted Gravity Propulsion Drive, causing the Ghost to skim about half a meter above the ground while it is activated. This drive is visible as a bright, fluorescent area of purple energy emanating from the underside of the Ghost.

Later Ghosts have modified engines possessing a 'speed boost' feature that triples its speed allowing for periods of greater velocity but compromised maneuverability. This allows Ghost pilots to enter and leave combat zones rapidly. In this mode a Ghost can easily run down, or "splatter," enemy infantry or evade more durable foes. As a trade-off, a Ghost's energy reserves are drained rapidly in this mode, and its energy weapons are disabled.[2] Judicious use of the speed boost can help prevent a Ghost from flipping over after skipping over a boulder or other obstacle.

In Halo: CE the top of the ghost could hover to about 6 feet in the air and you could not jump over it, thus being a large threat


The lightweight design of the vehicle, coupled with the boost, makes it one of the fastest and most maneuverable vehicles in the game. They can stop and accelerate quickly and feature precision steering. The boost feature allows for extremely fast escape from larger vehicles, like Choppers, if necessary, in addition to superior maneuverability for flanking and firing at the enemy drivers from behind. Boosting can allow the driver to run over, or "splatter" infantry, up to and including Brutes. The dual plasma cannons are also extremely effective against infantry, quickly draining shields and killing humans and Covenant alike.

Ghosts can be transported to and from the battlefield by a variety of craft, such as Spirits, Phantoms, and Shadows. They allow great tactical flexibility for Covenant ground force commanders as fast, hard-hitting vehicles to harass enemy infantry formations within a short time.


The boost triples speed, but causes significant decrease in turning ability. The Ghost's pilot is especially vulnerable due to the craft's open-topped design. Fire from above or behind is most effective in removing a pilot. Because of the Ghost's light weight, it is easily overturned by explosions, heavy fire, and collisions. For the same reason, armor is light and vulnerable to small arms fire. Once the vehicle has sustained sufficient damage, it will show noticeable electrical activity and eventually explode violently. Ghosts are able to be boarded and hijacked at slow speeds (by pressing RB), which usually results in the death of the pilot. Ghosts are easily flipped and/or destroyed by heavy arms fire like rockets and Fuel Rod. A Power Drain will disable a ghost.

In Halo 2, a small drum or cylinder attached to the left side of the vehicle. This is theorized to be the Fuel Cell of the Ghost, and, if one shot from a Sniper Rifle, or even a burst from the Battle Rifle hits it, it will detonate taking the vehicle and usually the occupant with it. This is not present in Halo 3.



  • It is possible to pull a wheelie with a Ghost which can be done in all three games. Simply press and hold 'A' on the Xbox version or the Space Bar in Halo PC while moving. Employing the air brake lifts up the nose. It is advised to do this while doing a jump, as you are less likely to flip.
  • The Ghost's appearance evolved noticeably between the pre-release and final versions of Halo: Combat Evolved.
  • The Ghost bears a striking resemblance to the large sea creature the manta ray. Its side wings look just like pectoral fins, while the twin plasma cannons take after the large, distinctive cephalic fins.
  • Another trick with the A button is possible only in Halo 2 and possibly in Halo 3. Holding A while using the boost feature allows the driver to turn more easily, making for speedy getaways with tight cornering. It should be noted the Ghost often flips more easily when this trick is used.
  • The view screen on the Ghost highlights terrain as blue and vehicles as red-orange, much like thermal vision.
  • The reticule resembles an Unggoy's head.
  • The Ghost (with boost) is the fastest land vehicle in the Halo franchise, with the exception of the Mongoose.
  • It is the only vehicle Marines can drive in Halo:CE, albeit very badly, and are likely to run you over if not in a vehicle.
  • Grunts can be seen driving Ghosts but it is unknown how they drive it because if you look at their feet it doesn't reach the pedals.
  • It takes about 35 melees with Small-Med size weapons in Halo 2 destroy a Ghost.
  • In the Halo 3 Beta, the Ghost did not have it's trademark symbols, but they were on it in the final version of the game.



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